Initial diagnosis to active surveillance in 5 min flat.

LanceHeal Member Posts: 57

Ok. here Goes.

-42 yo.Male, smoker (Until last week), slightly over weight, Apnea. No other major health issues  

-2.5 cm mass on Left kidney. found Last week during an appendicitis CT scan In a city that was not my home. 

-Surgeon recommended seeing Urologist and said they would probably opt for a biopsy. Sent me home with imagery disc.

-Urologist had trouble opening the imagery (I had to show him how).  Apparently the software that hospital used was not intuitive. He said that he had been in contact with initial radiologist form hospital and had his notes though.

-After looking at imagery for 2-3 min (only 1 of the 4 angle series because we couldn’t get the others open), he points out mass, says he’s 90% sure it’s malignant based on reflective signature matching rest of kidney structure.

-He then says he recommends Active Surveilance starting with a follow up Ultrasound in 3 months.

-I questioned metastasis risk during that period.  Doc says it is certainly possible but a low chance  

-No orders for additional baseline imagery or blood work 



So may questions. Luckily meeting with my PCP tomorrow but:

-How would he know it hasn’t already reached metastasis without further imagery and study of such imagery such as lungs?

-Should I do second opinion?

-What type of doc should I get it from?

-Does any of this even sound right? Active Surveillance on a 42 yo?  No further imagery or blood work?

-Am I missing anything else here?

Last Question:  i live about an hour from the Cleveland Clinic  I hear they have an incredible Kidney Cancer reputation.  Have any of you heard this?  Or should I go to my local hospital cancer center (about 15 min from home)?

Thanks all for any info you can send my way.




  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Get the second opinion fromm CC Urology




    First and foremost if it is Cancer which it sounds like, it rarely spreads when taken out before 4 cm, You just had surgery which may be one of the reasons for delay. Usually when they tell you 90% that means the scans are indicative of Cancer, but sometimes what looks like Cancer is not and that is not known until post op biopsy. Usually active surveilance is for smaller masses, but again may be because of your prior surgery. Discuss all this with your PCP as well as seeking that second  opinion.






  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member
    welcome Lance-

    This is a great forum and it really helped me out when I was first diagnosed. Let us know if you questions or concerns - we're here for ya.

    Everything icemantoo said above is spot on. While the appendicitis was unfortunate, it was fortunate that it enabled you to find the kidney tumor so early. Second opinions are never a bad idea. 

    You've got this! 


  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    I had a 1.5 cm or so lesion

    I had a 1.5 cm or so lesion that was found in late 2013.  I got a referral to Stanford Hospital and clinics and saw a orologic oncologist.  He suggested active surveillance and I also questioned the chance of spread.  He said RCC typically grows slowly and doesn’t often spread.  I opted for the active surveillance based on that.  He did, however, say that if I was uncomfortable with the chance it was malignant, he could get it out, but said that often tumors/lesions that small are not malignant and he didn’t want to reduce my kidney function unneccisarily.

    To answer some of the questions:

    Active surveillance for me meant six month checkups with either CT or ultrasound to determine if it grew at all.

    I’d suggest a second opinion from a top notch urologic oncologist, not just a urologist.

    Cleveland Clinic for sure.  If you can get a referral to one of the premier cancer centers in the world, go for it.

    Even if it’s malignant, surgery should result in a complete cure.


  • en8236
    en8236 Member Posts: 30 Member
    compare opinions

    get a second opinion... if it varies significantly with the first, get a third if needed. This is better than trying to find an answer solely on internet research. Best of luck with your journey ahead.

  • LanceHeal
    LanceHeal Member Posts: 57


    Thank you for your support and stories.


    i met my new PCP today. He is Fantastic and spent over an hour with me today talking through a laundry list of issues. He personally favors Biopsy but is working to set me up with the Cleveland Clinic for Chest CT and a second opinion. This could be really good as I am hearing more and more great things about them. 

    A bit of bad news though. It’s funny how your ears and recollection play tricks on you. I got my session notes from my urologist today. In those was a copy of the original radiologist report From the first CT. As I thought I had heard 2.5 cm, it’s acrually 2.9 x 2.7 x 2.6. A little closer to 4 than I had thought. 

    The good news is that the Adrenal glands appear unremarkable and the renal vein is patent.  Guess there is a bit of a silver lining today. 

    Really excited to be working with this new Doc. He is fantastic and helped put many fears at ease today. 

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Still small.

    -but time to get rid of it in the short rather than long term.




  • LanceHeal
    LanceHeal Member Posts: 57
    icemantoo said:

    Still small.

    -but time to get rid of it in the short rather than long term.




    Agreed!  Here’s to hoping for

    Agreed!  Here’s to hoping for a call from the Cleveland Clinic soon. 

  • TeamCastiel
    TeamCastiel Member Posts: 3
    Looking for any and all advise on a rare Granular cell tumours.

    Hello I’m very depert for any and all information on granular cell Tumours. My great niece discovered a Knott after she fell last Christmas 2017. It was on her butt cheak right. After it kept getting bigger she went to the doctor. They did biopsy and said it was in fact a tumour. They needed to take it out. They did along with multiple layers of muscle. They told her we didn’t get a very small pc due to destroying what was left of her muscles. That it probably would grow back in time. It did rapidly. They monitored it and with in a few months back again and now on the other side. They have done more biopsy because it is growing so fast they were certain it was malignant this time. Test come back and they were fast growing but still was not showing cancer. They did genetic testing to see what would would react to it and basically it come back that only one or two have had this happen,they grow so fast and a very strong chemo can only sow it down. This was the surgeon who said this. He gave her phone numbers for doctors. He basically can do anything more. They do t really know anything about it. She has called all hospitals and most say she has to see them and most of any like z20000. To even talk to her. I’m hoping someone somewhere has been through this and can offer information as i fear time is running out.She is 19 and so brave.Please any information on trials or anything is better than we have. 

    Thank you so much

  • LanceHeal
    LanceHeal Member Posts: 57

    Looking for any and all advise on a rare Granular cell tumours.

    Hello I’m very depert for any and all information on granular cell Tumours. My great niece discovered a Knott after she fell last Christmas 2017. It was on her butt cheak right. After it kept getting bigger she went to the doctor. They did biopsy and said it was in fact a tumour. They needed to take it out. They did along with multiple layers of muscle. They told her we didn’t get a very small pc due to destroying what was left of her muscles. That it probably would grow back in time. It did rapidly. They monitored it and with in a few months back again and now on the other side. They have done more biopsy because it is growing so fast they were certain it was malignant this time. Test come back and they were fast growing but still was not showing cancer. They did genetic testing to see what would would react to it and basically it come back that only one or two have had this happen,they grow so fast and a very strong chemo can only sow it down. This was the surgeon who said this. He gave her phone numbers for doctors. He basically can do anything more. They do t really know anything about it. She has called all hospitals and most say she has to see them and most of any like z20000. To even talk to her. I’m hoping someone somewhere has been through this and can offer information as i fear time is running out.She is 19 and so brave.Please any information on trials or anything is better than we have. 

    Thank you so much

    So sorry to hear what your

    So sorry to hear what your family is going through. Praying for you. Unfortunately I don’t have any advice as this is all new to me as well. 

  • LanceHeal
    LanceHeal Member Posts: 57

    Am scheduled with a new Urologist for a 2nd opinion.  This new one is from the Cleveland Clinic. its in 2 was. Nervous but ready to move ahead. 

  • jroby55
    jroby55 Member Posts: 40
    LanceHeal said:


    Am scheduled with a new Urologist for a 2nd opinion.  This new one is from the Cleveland Clinic. its in 2 was. Nervous but ready to move ahead. 


    Who is your Doc? I went to CC and have nothing to say but great things!

  • LanceHeal
    LanceHeal Member Posts: 57
    edited March 2019 #13
    Dr Isac. 

    Dr Isac. 

  • TeamCastiel
    TeamCastiel Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2019 #14
    Lance heal

    Thank you. I have a video on my face book asking people to share and it’s got amost 8k and so far only one other person has this and have had nothing done but surgery. It’s a tricky one. I pray you will be healed. 

    Thank you for replying

  • TeamCastiel
    TeamCastiel Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2019 #15
    Doug Coffman

    everyone should go on his you tube you can find him under his name. He studies fungal infections and how the similarities are so close to cancers. 

    He makes perfect so ce to me and I definitely think it is worth checking into. Please watch him Lance Hill. 

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hi Lance, glad you found this

    Hi Lance, glad you found this forum~ 

    I have a question you should ask. Does a biopsy risk spreading the cancer cells around?

    And ask if they do laporoscopic/robatic surgery. To me, it helps heal and less painful. BUT

    whatever they recommend you do, do it!

    Keep us posted. We're here for you ALL the WAY!

    And Halleluia if you really quit smoking! THATs a rough one too. Maybe RX Chantex can help?

    Sending you CALM, HOPE and healing!
