Speaking at a Relay for Life kickoff - would love your input
OK, my fellow warriors - tomorrow night I will speak at the kick-off event for our 2012 Relay for Life. In my mind, this is a chance to share OUR story and educate a few folks about kidney cancer. Anything you want me to share? I'm definitely going to encourage people to push for an ultrasound or CT if they have ongoing,…
can happen to anyone
I have been a Miami Dolphins fan all my life, this guy was great during his time with the team. He now faces the same opponent as we do. http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/01/25/2606165/miami-dolphins-great-mark-duper.html
Labs and Bone Scans
Hello my new friends. What can anyone tell me about their labs and scans? My chest x-ray was clear, but I am going to push for a bone scan. It looks like my renal artery is also clear, but the tumor itself has some necrosis and some calcifications, and "fingers" (YUCK). It is also touching the base of my spleen, and that…
Any thoughts on Doctor advising Sutent with NED. The tumor has been removed and there are no other tumors, there is swelling in the lymph system, never biopsied. Is Sutent effective as a preventative of recurrence? Jeanne
wedge resection
In Feb. 2010 I saw a doctor for a dry cough. No relief. Two doctors later I finally had a chest x-ray. My right lung was half filled with fluid. Two days later I had my lung tapped and drained. An hour later I was in triage at my local hospital coughing up copius amounts of blood. A c-scan was taken of the lungs and cought…
Hello everyone I am learning a lot by reading your Stories and hope we all remain cancer free. I am now 8 weeks since prostate removal. I am now waiting to schedule partial kidney. Seems like its been forever I was dx in Oct. with an enlarged prostate. Testing showed I had a spot on left kidney and my doctor says its 99%…
A request - for any spare prayers
We're naturally, and sensibly, focused on our own predicament and this often precludes us from being able to express a broader solidarity with other sufferers. The liver cancer forum, as Jamie has testified, is a gloomier place than here and, as she shrewdly observed, is populated predominantly by caregivers. Some of them…
Incidential Finding on CT Scan - 8.4 cm Left Kidney Tumor
I was admitted through the ER for pancreatitis (thought it was the stomach flu), and the CT scan showed a baseball-sized left kidney tumor, which they say looks like cancer (99%). The plan is to have my left kidney removed via laparoscopy in a few weeks. My concern is the wait. It is right up to the spleen. Any similar…
Page slow to load? Sometimes never does.
Is it just me or is anybody else experiencing times when you just can't get to this site? Nothing happening when you enter the http address or use your bookmark? I've noticed this problem for months and months now. It doesn't happen to any other site I visit. I've sent a couple of notes to CSN feedback but never received a…
Is it the size that maters more or the grade
I see a lot or at least I think a lot of emphases being put on the stage of our disease or the size of our tumors.I admit while those two factors do have a direct impact on all of our long term survivals there is another aspect of our disease which can also have an affect on our long term survival and that would be what is…
Confused and Need Help
Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with kidney cancer Apr 2011 and finding it hard to make up my mind to get the surgery. I went to the doctor complaining of cramping, stomach bloating, nausea, etc.. A CT scan was done with and without contrast and they found a 3 cm solid mass in the center of my right kidney and a 6 cm…
Is it safe to wait
I am a 27 year survivor of Hodgkin's lymphoma. I have just been diagnosed with renal cell cancer, that they found by mistake on a cat scan. They told me the lesion is 2cm in size. I can not get in to see the urologist until March 8th. The nurse told me I was safe to wait that this cancer was slow growing. Has anyone on…
post surgery side effects
Hi all, I am 4 days post for hand assist left neph and the last 2 nights, one in hospital and one at home, I get chilled, then a few minutes later sweating. My temp was checked often and was normal. It was so bad last night I had to change my shirt. Could this be side effects from the anesthesia, morphine, etc., or just…
A little confused on the RMI report before the surgery on Jan 24
This is the followup on my original post http://csn.cancer.org/node/232384 I just had the MRI done before the scheduled surgery on Jan 24. The report is somehow confused. I have fixed the report to my urologist, but am wondering anyone has similar experiences. I included partial report here: "There is again identified to…
transpotation after the surgery
I am going to have the laparoscopic nephrectomy next week. The doctor said that I only need to stay in hospital for two days. I am wondering how painful the trip would be for about one hour highway. Do I need arrange a special patient transportation or a family vehicle is just fine? Car or SUV? Do I need special assistance…
-- http://www.kidneycancer.org/download-we-have
Emotional time of year to begin with
So I am used to being strong and helping people do things when they are in a crisis. I have been protector, mechanic, care giver and counselor. Now i just Got a phone call that word is out I have cancer. All of the sudden I have people going to collect toys for my kids and someone is going to put a new alternator in my…
Bone and Kidney cancer
My father died a year and a half ago of bone and kidney cancer. He was in Vietnam July 68 to August 69. Didn't occur to us that his cancers could be agent orange related how do we get more information.
My day has finally arrived
Well I am off to the hospital for my surgery. Right now I am more calm than I expected to be. I owe much of that to everyone here and the information and positive energy everyone has provided. I just want this over with and get on with life. Thanks to all and I hope to check in here in a few days. God Bless, Wayne
To the New year!!!!
Just wanted to take a few moments to wish everyone a Happy and Healthier new year!!!! and to say Thank you for all the love, faith and support and friendship you have given me over the past year. In Hindsight, this devil entered my life at a time when I found myself suffering from an overall lack of appreciation for the…
6 month scan, small fluid density collection noted
Hello everyone, I had my 6 month CT scan yesterday with and without contrast, results today. I had a partial nephrectomy (3.9 x 2.5 cm, chromophobe grade 2) 6 months ago. The scan results indicate "small fluid density collection is noted with no residual enhancing mass, or evidence of metastatic disease." My urologist…
18 month checkup
Today I had my 18 month scans and I am very happy to say I am still cancer free!!!
Weight loss
Well, I'm about 18 days post surgery and the thing I'm concerned about is weight loss. I went in at 168, left at 162... Now I'm down to 155. My appetite is pretty good and I've been eating 3 meals a day. I just can't figure out why I'm losing weight! Rick
Sleeping after opp,
I posted yesterday under (surgery tomorrow)kidney section,I was told 5 days ago I have a problem,Im going in Saturday 7th , for key hole removel of a tumor and my left kidney, Im just getting over the shock at the moment, am I wrong in thinking I will be out in 2 days?,also how did most of you sleep after the opperation…
10 days post-surgery
So I had surgery to remove a 3.5cm mass on my left kidney on 29 Dec... It's been 10 days and I feel pretty good. I see the surgeon this Thur (day 14). I was wondering about post-op kidney pain. I went cold turkey on the percocet on day 6, but by day 8 I was feeling sore (Around the kidney area). I suppose this is normal,…
First follow-up results
Had my first follow-up ct scan since my rcc kidney surgery last June. Haven't spoken to the dr yet, but I got the radiologist's report. No sign of any more rcc. Now have a "new normal" for my kidney, which we'll use as baseline from now on. Do have a kidney stone in left kidney, so that will be something to look forward…
I had a friend tell me that having al the dental work done the over the last few years might have exposed me to certain toxic metals when removing my old amalgam fillings to replace with crowns and new fillings,anybody have any thoughts on this subject.
First follow-up scans today, results on Monday
I really appreciate all the support here, so I'm going to ask for a few prayers over the weekend. I went today for my first three month scan. We'll meet with the doctor Monday to get the results. I KNOW the results should be fine, but I bet you can understand that I'm anxious anyway. Thanks, in advance, for sending good…
You'll Like This Video
Hi guys- Jerry Kill is the head coach of the University of Minnesota football team. He is an unbelievable guy--very genuine and caring. And....he's an RCC survivor. Here's a video you might find interesting and inspiring. He's be an survivor for 6+ years. Anyway, I am a HUGE Wisconsin Badger fan and have always disliked…
"Listen to your body" can be dangerous advice.
It's almost always very good advice when your body tells you to back off and, if you're smart, you will. It's NOT good advice though, sometimes, when it tells you you're invulnerable and on top of the world. That's when the comment by ibinmsp on the "Getting tired" thread comes into play: "Congratulations! BUT - remember…