1st follow up appt, best news ever!
Today I had my first follow up post surgery. The grade of the RCC was one and two. Clear margins, all of the tumor was removed from the kidney. The kidney is functioning better then it was before surgery! Before the cretin? not sure if that is the right term he used, was .60, day after surgery .69, now it is .55. We caught…
Abdominal Bloating and Gas
David is now 5 weeks Post Op from a radical Nephrectomy, removed a 10 .5 cm clear cell rcc tumor and adrenal gland. He is still having major issues with gas and bloating. Our Urologist told him that it will be a while before his digestive tract gets back into rythm. He's been taking Ultra Gas X, He is still taking Vicodin…
new member/open radical nephrectomy/chromophobe
Hi and happy to join this group,I am Chinese from Malaysia,40 got lovely wife and 6 year child,my story is at 19/12/2011 company call me to hospital doing a full medical checkup and incidently find out got tumour at left side kidney,I didt have any symton, go back to my history is at 30 year old my is 110kg and I starts…
another Newbie" with incidental discovery
Hi Everyone, Wow what a wonderful source of info you all are!! Im sorry to say I am now part of the exclusive RCC group.. A little background on me... Im a 54 yrs old Registered Nurse & have had chronic back pains for years & years. Have done all the treatments in the past from chiropractors, acupuncture & epidural…
Post surgery weirdness
Hey all, I'm at the 5 week post surgery point... Feeling pretty good, but my left insides kinda feel like a brick (heavy/weird) every now and then throughout the day. I assume this is just the healing process??? (The doc removed a 3.5 cm mass from my left kidney). I feel pretty good otherwise. The doc has cleared me to…
Changes to diet after surgery
The doc got all the cancer out and at the follow up said live life like it never happened. He said I was doing great and since I was so young had only about a 6% chance of it coming back. I asked if advil was okay, wine, all of it and said yes. Said I didnt need to make any changes. Does everyone get this response? What…
First follow-up - checklist of questions
Big day for me tomorrow. I've been trying to prepare my Wife for the possibility of a sobering pathology report and the ramifications therefrom. At the same time she has been trying to alert me to the probable exiguousness of information that our esteemed National Health Service is likely to vouchsafe to us. She has a…
Big time error in my post
OOps - I dropped a decade!! In my recent newcomers post I referred to my being cancer free since 2006. No one should know better than I that the "miracle" occurred back in 1996. I am happy to say that this was the only lie I told that day and I shall endeavor to pay a bit better attention when chronicling events…
Chromophobe RCC - pT1b
Had right laparoscopic radical nephrectomy on Jan 24, and received pathology report yesterday. Chromophobe RCC, 4.5 cm, limited to kidney, pT1b. I haven't get chance to discuss the report with urology yet, but realized this is a very rare type of kidney cancer. I couldn't find a lot of information on this. Otherwise, the…
Hello Everyone, New Member Here...
Hi, my name is Gerald White, and I would like to introduce myself. I want to reach out to you, all my fellow patients by the way of "My Story" that I just put up under the name of gwhite. Since achieving my "miracle" remission back in 2006, it has been my honor and privilege to devote my life to a pro bono program of…
which one predominent
I am getting closer to follow up but more questions develop. I am know wondering if the kidney cancer is related to the cancer of the prostate or Vice Versa? Can they both be seperate or are they linked? I will try to get my head straight before I see the doc in two weeks. Just for info I was dx in Oct with the…
Guided imagery
Jerry White has asked me to draw attention to the fact that he has now joined us. He has put up a page here simply as gwhite. To say he is a soldier in this cause would be unjust - a 5-star general would seem a better description. I've lately discovered that, in the grand tradition of creative scientists, he is a man of…
changes in they way we eat
Has anyone changed there eating habbits after surgery and Rcc? What foods should we try and stay away from? I have started juicing 2× a day but that gets old and I have stopped eating beef and I don't drink but I did drink coffee all day everyday before surgery. Thanks Nicole
Future Options
I want to bring up a point that has been mentioned and I feel strongly about. Kidney cancer may have been a death sentence in the past. Surgery has been the most effective in removing these neoplasms. Now, Sutent, Votrient, MDX-1106 and other new advances have been proven to extend many lives... This is the point... We can…
Follow up trials,
Ive been posting since I had my grade 3 Big C and full left kidney removed 7/01/2012 and doing ok I think, But is there any body else out there who have been asked to take part in research trials, the doctors says it could last for a few years,is there any danger of it agrevating things.
Partial Right Kidney Nephrotemy on Jan 19th, 28 years old :(
What can I expect from surgery by the da Vinci machine that will be removing a 3mm tumor from my right kidney? I am 28 years old and have never had surgery, let alone been in a hospital for more than three hours. The tumor was found by complete chance, or miracle during a sonogram for my gall balder and tummy. From there I…
Chronic Kidney Disease or CKD
Just had some new bloodwork at the Nephrologist and my GFR improved from 42 to 44 which leaves me in Stage 3 CKD. The Nephrologist however believes that this classification is outdated in that 50% of us as we approch age 70 have Stage 3 CKD (GFR 31-59) without Kidney Cancer issues. He is confident that even with my age (69…
home from surgery
Surgery for the partial Nephromty, took out 40% of the kidney. Tumor was the size of a golf ball. Doc said it clearly looked like cancer, now we are just waiting to see the grade and severity. Since they found it so early I am really hoping it is a low grade. Surgery was 3.5 hours. Stayed in the hospital longer than normal…
6 weeks tomorrow...
went back to work today, made three hrs and had to leave. Ribs pushing into my incision area hurt like hell. Has anyone used any braces which might isolate my ribs a bit? Maybe one of those back braces the folks at Home Depot wear??? I've had a relatively problem free recovery so far, down to Advil & Tylenol for meds. I…
Stage IV to N.E.D.
Hi Everyone. It's been quite a while since I posted, but it's been a rough couple of months. Here's what happened: May 2011: Nephrectomy. Big, 8 or 9 cm tumor on right kidney. Also, some of my liver is gone in that the tumor had grown into the that organ. But the surgeon was confident that he got it all, so told me just to…
CT Scans
Can you imagine the cancers that would be caught early if CT scans were used as a preventive instead of just a diagnostic tool. Maybe as part of a physical exam when a patient reaches a certain age, although, based on the membership here, kidney cancer seems to be striking us younger and younger. Even if it was done every…
How it looks across the Pond
My cancer dx was confirmed four weeks after an interesting event near me that i would surely have gone to like a shot had the timing been the other way round. This was the first ever Kidney Cancer Patient Day in Scotland, attended by 20 patients and their friends and families to hear talks by leading experts and interact…
Am I losing my mind?
All, I am new to this forum and am searching for some help, confirmation , validation, something. I am 12 months post surgery where I lost a kidney to RCC. This is my second time around with cancer, the first was a rare sarcoma on my leg, that was almost 7 years ago. Anyway, I've noticed that I am hyper sensitive to…
So I went through the recurrence anxiety last year and I admit I walked out of the doctors office then and broke down. I never did that with the first diagnosis. I've been feeling pretty good lately, loving that I haven't been to see a doctor since the fall and then on Wednesday my knee goes. I'd like to say I was doing…
day 6 post surgery not so good/ crying rant
So no one told me I should try to bend down to pick something up. I dropped a chip, thought if I bend slowly I would be able to get it, yeah well didnt occur to me that my legs would give out and I would fall. More so tuck and roll onto the good side of me. Ended up laying there till dad came home to help, like 20 min.…
Just want to get your thoughts on this. My oncologist told me with stage 4 cancer I qualify for social sercurity disability. There is a part of me that would love to sit at the house. But there is a part of me that does not want to do this. I am wondering does he mean I will never be cancer free?? If I take this and the…
Is it normal after surgery, 10 days out, to have pain like a dull throb, or to feel like the kidney hits things like your ribs. Its just uncomfortable, but I was wondering if anyone else experiences this? Doc said I will feel more being so young cuz my nerves are more responsive. Though i did notice a numbness in my hip…
Goodmorning everyone. I am struggling with the whole sleep thing. So far sleeping on my back is so hard to fall asleep that I lay awake for hours. How long till I wait to sleep on my good side? I tried it last night but it seemed to really make my broken kidney hurt/throb. Has anyone else found that sleep is super hard? I…
2 nd CAT scan
Hi everyone and Happy New Year to all. Tomorrow I'm going to take my second CAT scan since my surgery eight months ago. I'm ususally very confident and try to look at things on the positive side but, in the last couple of hours I've caught a small case of the What , Ifs. I still get the back pains and I am now at stage 4…
Rcc contained
Blessings to all.I am woundering if anyone has had cancer show up any place in the body after Rcc was found contained in the kidney and removed?