RCC Ribbon Color
What color is most known to be the ribbon color for kidney cancer?
Can someone please explain what this is all about? Is the idea that people WEAR ribbons, or what? (I might look very fetching with a green ribbon - the only colour for me, and I detest orange - but I'm not planning to find out.)
What is the purpose of sporting a coloured ribbon and what is the anticipated response? Is it going to be like lepers ringing bells to warn healthy people? Is it destined to elicit sympathy from non-sufferers? Or is the purpose to seek to make contact with others in the same boat?
I wonder where it ends. Is there a danger that we'll start going around bedecked with various symbols portraying our personal medical profiles?
Anyway, Chris Battle's Kidney Cancer Chronicles display a green ribbon and that's good enough for me. Whew - so glad it looks like being green! However, I'm going to give wearing ribbons in my hair a miss.0 -
Ribbons, Banners, Bracelets, etc
I was told by Dr. Hammers that orange is the kidney cancer color. and that was confirmed with all the orange at the Kidney Cancer Walk we participated in May. Don't get upset Tex; no one plans to do your hair in braided orange ribbons (though I'm sure it would be darling on you).
Jellies (bracelets) are favorites for showing your support and fundraising for different types of cancer, but John doesn't like jellies. So I found a distributor that had orange leather surfer bracelets instead. It's the braided bracelet with black string to tighten or loosen. All of John's golfer buddies wear them as does family and friends. I'm about to place another order as others have asked for them. I'll be happy to share if anyone is interested. Just contact me by pm.
For me and John, it's a cancer awareness effort. Kidney cancer receives such a small portion of the cancer research pot, the orange bracelet consistently gives us and others to tactfully raise that point. It may be different for others, but that's how we roll!0 -
Buttons and Bowsalice124 said:Ribbons, Banners, Bracelets, etc
I was told by Dr. Hammers that orange is the kidney cancer color. and that was confirmed with all the orange at the Kidney Cancer Walk we participated in May. Don't get upset Tex; no one plans to do your hair in braided orange ribbons (though I'm sure it would be darling on you).
Jellies (bracelets) are favorites for showing your support and fundraising for different types of cancer, but John doesn't like jellies. So I found a distributor that had orange leather surfer bracelets instead. It's the braided bracelet with black string to tighten or loosen. All of John's golfer buddies wear them as does family and friends. I'm about to place another order as others have asked for them. I'll be happy to share if anyone is interested. Just contact me by pm.
For me and John, it's a cancer awareness effort. Kidney cancer receives such a small portion of the cancer research pot, the orange bracelet consistently gives us and others to tactfully raise that point. It may be different for others, but that's how we roll!
Thanks for that re-assurance Alice!
Turning out those goods sounds like a nice little earner for some entrepreneurs. I sometimes find golf balls with the pink breast cancer ribbon on them. I see we kc sufferers share orange with appendix cancer and leukemia. Green seems fitting for cancers of the gallbladder and bile duct! It's also for hepatic cancer and lymphoma is an attractive lime green. However, I'd as soon have KC as any of those.
How about the sub-types etc? I guess chromophobe should be tan and sarcomatoid change yellowish?! Not sure about papillary, collecting duct or translocation though!
I suppose that leaving aside any money-raising projects, developing greater public awareness has to be a good thing.0 -
RibbonsTexas_wedge said:Ribbons?
Can someone please explain what this is all about? Is the idea that people WEAR ribbons, or what? (I might look very fetching with a green ribbon - the only colour for me, and I detest orange - but I'm not planning to find out.)
What is the purpose of sporting a coloured ribbon and what is the anticipated response? Is it going to be like lepers ringing bells to warn healthy people? Is it destined to elicit sympathy from non-sufferers? Or is the purpose to seek to make contact with others in the same boat?
I wonder where it ends. Is there a danger that we'll start going around bedecked with various symbols portraying our personal medical profiles?
Anyway, Chris Battle's Kidney Cancer Chronicles display a green ribbon and that's good enough for me. Whew - so glad it looks like being green! However, I'm going to give wearing ribbons in my hair a miss.
Now what I really want to know is the secret handshake.0 -
Orangealice124 said:Ribbons, Banners, Bracelets, etc
I was told by Dr. Hammers that orange is the kidney cancer color. and that was confirmed with all the orange at the Kidney Cancer Walk we participated in May. Don't get upset Tex; no one plans to do your hair in braided orange ribbons (though I'm sure it would be darling on you).
Jellies (bracelets) are favorites for showing your support and fundraising for different types of cancer, but John doesn't like jellies. So I found a distributor that had orange leather surfer bracelets instead. It's the braided bracelet with black string to tighten or loosen. All of John's golfer buddies wear them as does family and friends. I'm about to place another order as others have asked for them. I'll be happy to share if anyone is interested. Just contact me by pm.
For me and John, it's a cancer awareness effort. Kidney cancer receives such a small portion of the cancer research pot, the orange bracelet consistently gives us and others to tactfully raise that point. It may be different for others, but that's how we roll!
I had fun reading the responses!!
Orange makes sense to me. Reason I asked is that I restore/rebuild old cars, most times they end up becoming hot rods. As the final touch I put a signature on them and I wanted to add something that made a statement for kidney cancer awareness. Since most of the cars I build end up in flat colors, mostly flat or satin black, the orange will stand out. I still have not decided what I will do in orange, maybe a ribbon, not sure yet.
Thanks for the responses!!0 -
YOWSA!Texas_wedge said:Ribbons?
Can someone please explain what this is all about? Is the idea that people WEAR ribbons, or what? (I might look very fetching with a green ribbon - the only colour for me, and I detest orange - but I'm not planning to find out.)
What is the purpose of sporting a coloured ribbon and what is the anticipated response? Is it going to be like lepers ringing bells to warn healthy people? Is it destined to elicit sympathy from non-sufferers? Or is the purpose to seek to make contact with others in the same boat?
I wonder where it ends. Is there a danger that we'll start going around bedecked with various symbols portraying our personal medical profiles?
Anyway, Chris Battle's Kidney Cancer Chronicles display a green ribbon and that's good enough for me. Whew - so glad it looks like being green! However, I'm going to give wearing ribbons in my hair a miss.
LOVE your response! Love most of your responses - cut through all the cr** and lay it out. YOU TRULY ROCK!0 -
ribbon colorsmatchframe said:Orange
I had fun reading the responses!!
Orange makes sense to me. Reason I asked is that I restore/rebuild old cars, most times they end up becoming hot rods. As the final touch I put a signature on them and I wanted to add something that made a statement for kidney cancer awareness. Since most of the cars I build end up in flat colors, mostly flat or satin black, the orange will stand out. I still have not decided what I will do in orange, maybe a ribbon, not sure yet.
Thanks for the responses!!
I think that people like Wedgie who have variants of RCC find that a single color ribbon is an understatement. I suggest a plaid or madras ribbon.0 -
HILARIOUS...BRAVO!!!NanoSecond said:Ribbons
Now what I really want to know is the secret handshake.
..0 -
Alice is right
It is orange and i proudly wear one,hey Texas by now do any of us really care what other idiots think about us.Green is for bladder cancer for which i have one of those too.0 -
Orange Braceletsmatchframe said:Orange
I had fun reading the responses!!
Orange makes sense to me. Reason I asked is that I restore/rebuild old cars, most times they end up becoming hot rods. As the final touch I put a signature on them and I wanted to add something that made a statement for kidney cancer awareness. Since most of the cars I build end up in flat colors, mostly flat or satin black, the orange will stand out. I still have not decided what I will do in orange, maybe a ribbon, not sure yet.
Thanks for the responses!!
Matchframe - What a cool idea; your signing your artwork. Plus it brings more awareness to kidney cancer. I'd be interested to learn what you go with, just in case I happen to run into one of your vehicles on the road. I couldn't find the exact bracelet we initially ordered for our Kidney Cancer Walk but it's very close to the pics I have on my expressions page. And I'm about to place another order.
Tex - you'll be pleased to know these type of bracelets for kidney cancer awareness were my idea in lieu of the jellies that John disliked. I bought them inexpensively and gave them away to his many suppporters from golfers to family to my college niece and nephew and their friends.
And not only is it an awareness issue, it's the feeling of support for the cancer victim. We have been to an array of social/family/business functions since May, and can't tell you how often we walk into these events to see numerous attendees wearing the orange bracelet. I know it touches John as it does me to see to see all these people there saying, "I support you." It's a wonderful sense of camaraderie.0 -
Mixed messages?Limelife50 said:Alice is right
It is orange and i proudly wear one,hey Texas by now do any of us really care what other idiots think about us.Green is for bladder cancer for which i have one of those too.
Mike, I strongly recommend that if you're ever in Ireland ("but are you a Catholic Jew or a Protestant Jew?") you don't wear an orange ribbon or a green ribbon and God forbid you should be seen wearing both!
I'm waiting to see my tartan ribbon, as envisaged by Fox. However, I see that's already taken - for autism - and I don't believe I qualify.
There is a distinct possibility of someone getting it wrong. Unless someone asks you why you are wearing a particular ribbon, the odds are that they'll make a wrong assumption. A good example is the orange ribbon. According to the Wikipedia article on "awareness" ribbons an orange ribbon means one of the following:
Free software awareness/advocacy[82]
Leukemia awareness[16]
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness[83]
Self Injury Awareness Day[84]
Malnutrition awareness
Energy awareness in Nigeria[85]
Kidney Cancer Association[86]
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)[87]
Paramedics support in Argentina (See facebook page here.[88]
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome[89]
Muscular Dystrophy awareness, Harley-Davidson Charity-Fonds supporting children suffering from muscle disease
I guess it could be helped out if it's accompanied by the secret handshake.0 -
Scotch Plaid gets my vote...Texas_wedge said:Mixed messages?
Mike, I strongly recommend that if you're ever in Ireland ("but are you a Catholic Jew or a Protestant Jew?") you don't wear an orange ribbon or a green ribbon and God forbid you should be seen wearing both!
I'm waiting to see my tartan ribbon, as envisaged by Fox. However, I see that's already taken - for autism - and I don't believe I qualify.
There is a distinct possibility of someone getting it wrong. Unless someone asks you why you are wearing a particular ribbon, the odds are that they'll make a wrong assumption. A good example is the orange ribbon. According to the Wikipedia article on "awareness" ribbons an orange ribbon means one of the following:
Free software awareness/advocacy[82]
Leukemia awareness[16]
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness[83]
Self Injury Awareness Day[84]
Malnutrition awareness
Energy awareness in Nigeria[85]
Kidney Cancer Association[86]
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)[87]
Paramedics support in Argentina (See facebook page here.[88]
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome[89]
Muscular Dystrophy awareness, Harley-Davidson Charity-Fonds supporting children suffering from muscle disease
I guess it could be helped out if it's accompanied by the secret handshake.0 -
Once againTexas_wedge said:Mixed messages?
Mike, I strongly recommend that if you're ever in Ireland ("but are you a Catholic Jew or a Protestant Jew?") you don't wear an orange ribbon or a green ribbon and God forbid you should be seen wearing both!
I'm waiting to see my tartan ribbon, as envisaged by Fox. However, I see that's already taken - for autism - and I don't believe I qualify.
There is a distinct possibility of someone getting it wrong. Unless someone asks you why you are wearing a particular ribbon, the odds are that they'll make a wrong assumption. A good example is the orange ribbon. According to the Wikipedia article on "awareness" ribbons an orange ribbon means one of the following:
Free software awareness/advocacy[82]
Leukemia awareness[16]
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness[83]
Self Injury Awareness Day[84]
Malnutrition awareness
Energy awareness in Nigeria[85]
Kidney Cancer Association[86]
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)[87]
Paramedics support in Argentina (See facebook page here.[88]
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome[89]
Muscular Dystrophy awareness, Harley-Davidson Charity-Fonds supporting children suffering from muscle disease
I guess it could be helped out if it's accompanied by the secret handshake.
People should never assume or draw conclusions,if i see 2 guys hugging each other that i do not know does that mean they are gay or are they just old friends,what it would come down to is that it really would not be any of my buisness.As far as my family and friends are concearned they know what the ribbons stand for and thats all that counts for me.0 -
AwarenessLimelife50 said:Once again
People should never assume or draw conclusions,if i see 2 guys hugging each other that i do not know does that mean they are gay or are they just old friends,what it would come down to is that it really would not be any of my buisness.As far as my family and friends are concearned they know what the ribbons stand for and thats all that counts for me.
Mike, maybe I've got this all wrong but I thought the whole object of the exercise was to raise PUBLIC awareness of kidney cancer. There's no point in wearing it for your family and friends, to tell them - they are already aware of kidney cancer! The idea, surely, is to wear it for the people you described as "other idiots" meaning those who don't know about kidney cancer?
I certainly wasn't saying you shouldn't wear an orange ribbon. It makes sense to display a talking point to try to get through to the ordinary Joe who doesn't know about kidney cancer.
What I was pointing out was just that you might need to explain what it's about because, if you don't, anyone is likely to think it's about something totally different, like Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Leukemia, malnutrition (a much more important cause in the grand scheme of things) or some other problem, all of which already use the orange ribbon, and some of them with much bigger numbers and much higher profiles than kidney cancer.0 -
All of the above...Texas_wedge said:Mixed messages?
Mike, I strongly recommend that if you're ever in Ireland ("but are you a Catholic Jew or a Protestant Jew?") you don't wear an orange ribbon or a green ribbon and God forbid you should be seen wearing both!
I'm waiting to see my tartan ribbon, as envisaged by Fox. However, I see that's already taken - for autism - and I don't believe I qualify.
There is a distinct possibility of someone getting it wrong. Unless someone asks you why you are wearing a particular ribbon, the odds are that they'll make a wrong assumption. A good example is the orange ribbon. According to the Wikipedia article on "awareness" ribbons an orange ribbon means one of the following:
Free software awareness/advocacy[82]
Leukemia awareness[16]
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness[83]
Self Injury Awareness Day[84]
Malnutrition awareness
Energy awareness in Nigeria[85]
Kidney Cancer Association[86]
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)[87]
Paramedics support in Argentina (See facebook page here.[88]
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome[89]
Muscular Dystrophy awareness, Harley-Davidson Charity-Fonds supporting children suffering from muscle disease
I guess it could be helped out if it's accompanied by the secret handshake.
Based on that description I'm good to go with orange...it covers all my bases.0 -
rhymes with.......?garym said:All of the above...
Based on that description I'm good to go with orange...it covers all my bases.
I'm not one to wear jewelry or other knick knacks. Well, maybe Harley Davidson. But that is more of a lifestyle. But orange is good because it rhymes with........ugh,.....hum....what was that word again?0 -
HiTexas_wedge said:Awareness
Mike, maybe I've got this all wrong but I thought the whole object of the exercise was to raise PUBLIC awareness of kidney cancer. There's no point in wearing it for your family and friends, to tell them - they are already aware of kidney cancer! The idea, surely, is to wear it for the people you described as "other idiots" meaning those who don't know about kidney cancer?
I certainly wasn't saying you shouldn't wear an orange ribbon. It makes sense to display a talking point to try to get through to the ordinary Joe who doesn't know about kidney cancer.
What I was pointing out was just that you might need to explain what it's about because, if you don't, anyone is likely to think it's about something totally different, like Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Leukemia, malnutrition (a much more important cause in the grand scheme of things) or some other problem, all of which already use the orange ribbon, and some of them with much bigger numbers and much higher profiles than kidney cancer.
Thats why they sell t-shirts and buttons that have the ribbon and a caption that refers to kidney cancer if you choose to raise public awareness.0 -
Hi MikeLimelife50 said:Hi
Thats why they sell t-shirts and buttons that have the ribbon and a caption that refers to kidney cancer if you choose to raise public awareness.
It sounds like the T-shirt is a better idea then!
I'm at the disadvantage of never having seen any of these things.0 -
Multiple Message & PurposeTexas_wedge said:Mixed messages?
Mike, I strongly recommend that if you're ever in Ireland ("but are you a Catholic Jew or a Protestant Jew?") you don't wear an orange ribbon or a green ribbon and God forbid you should be seen wearing both!
I'm waiting to see my tartan ribbon, as envisaged by Fox. However, I see that's already taken - for autism - and I don't believe I qualify.
There is a distinct possibility of someone getting it wrong. Unless someone asks you why you are wearing a particular ribbon, the odds are that they'll make a wrong assumption. A good example is the orange ribbon. According to the Wikipedia article on "awareness" ribbons an orange ribbon means one of the following:
Free software awareness/advocacy[82]
Leukemia awareness[16]
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness[83]
Self Injury Awareness Day[84]
Malnutrition awareness
Energy awareness in Nigeria[85]
Kidney Cancer Association[86]
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)[87]
Paramedics support in Argentina (See facebook page here.[88]
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome[89]
Muscular Dystrophy awareness, Harley-Davidson Charity-Fonds supporting children suffering from muscle disease
I guess it could be helped out if it's accompanied by the secret handshake.
And let's not forget to add "bondage appreciation" that you brought up on the Friday thread to your list.
Plus they will make wonderful identification bracelets when you take us all to Bermuda!!!0 -
Bermudaalice124 said:Multiple Message & Purpose
And let's not forget to add "bondage appreciation" that you brought up on the Friday thread to your list.
Plus they will make wonderful identification bracelets when you take us all to Bermuda!!!
It's an awfully long way from here - would I locate it by Triangulation?0
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