Hi All, Hope everyone is doing well. I had a question regarding recovery of rod placement in femur bone to support the femur bone. The bone had cancer found after the kidney was removed last year. All went well, surgery was done 1/15/2013 and I have been recovering ok. Lateley tho, the last few weeks or so, I have been…
*Nivolumab / Votrient Clinical Trial for One Putt (aka MDX 1106, BMS936558) UPDATE
May 6, 2013 Update John had his May 2 infusion and is back on schedule with Votrient dosage (800 mg) and Nivolumab infusion every three weeks. He has been experiencing some nausea over the past couple of weeks. Hard to believe but this Friday, May 10, will be John's one year anniversary in trial. On another…
Hello, My name is Brad and I have Kidney Cancer
Hello everyone. I have been lucky enough to have been adorned with Kidney Cancer. It was official on Monday April 15th. I have Stage IV Kidney Cancer. It's been sheer hell from the time I started having blood in my urine in March. I have since become good friends with anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds in the past…
Close Hit
So I still have aches and pains they think are normal and some prostatitus I'm on antibiotics for a month for. You just hope they know what they are doing as its been a year since I've been back to work and I'd like to feel normal again one day. Best guess is the ureter stent they had in for weeks or the 2 months on…
Progress Report - Sutent Patients Take Note
Hi, all. Vin here with another update. First, a recap: Male, 43 years old. Diagnosed in April 2012 with advanced metastatic RCC (Stage 4/Grade 4). Primary tumor of 8cm in left kidney with mets in lungs (innumerable!), left adrenal, right kidney, right adrenal, and along the spine at T4. Radical nephrectomy on 5/25/2012…
Now Stage 4:(
My husband's scans are now showing three small mets to lungs. He will start Sutent as soon as it arrives. I am very concerned that with the 30% sarcomatoid that it will not be effective. He is not eligible for any clinical trials that his doctor feels would be beneficial due to a pulmonary embolism released by the primary…
Prelimiary diagnosis July 2012 Partial Nephrectomy Nov 7 - Path results - T1a CT April 9 NED! now to focus on living and being healthy....
Fundraising for the Kidney Walk
Hi everyone, so I'm taking a leap of faith here by posting about this. Sept 15,2013 at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Ca I will be walking the event . I have formed a team and set a goal to raise at least $800. The Kidney Foundation helps people with any kind of Kidney disease for free when they can't afford treatment. Any…
Do we have a link on this forum to just talk about other stuff?? Like I am so excited because this weekend I am having a girls weekend with my sister Mare, 2 of my BFFs Laine Crosby and Linda Stirling and my amazing daughter Meghan...we are headed up near Baltimore to see " John Edward" and are making a weekend out of…
Cancer FREE 1 month anniversary
Hi everyone, so today is 1 month since I had my open radical to remove Raider(5lb tumor) and my right kidney amongst other tbings. I should be celebrating but I just got home from being in the hospital since Mon.. I started having pain and swelling Fri, by Sun I was stuck in bed and nauseous, Mon i was feeling like the…
S.F. Bay Area Support Group
OK, for those that live in the greater San Francisco Bay area.... FYI, today I was at Stanford today meeting up with the Vampire.. So, I did ask about a support group for those of us with Kidney Cancer... verified none (known) existed. So, I inquired about starting a KC group... Not sure it will happen.. but... gotta ask…
Apr 17 open partial nephrectomy
Hello! A week ago Friday I got the call from my PDr that the mass in the CT scan was confirmed by the mri. I have a mass that needs to come and have been told there is a 90% chance this is cancerous due to the rate of growth. I was shocked! I am have surgery on April 17, 2013 step days before my 40th birthday! WTF! I have…
Asking for best wishes
It may be unlucky, but I am asking for wishes, prayers, whatever for a NED for me. I have metastatic sarcomitoid RCC. RCC found May 1, 2012, Nephrectomy 6/19. Six month scans showed solitary lung met, which was removed 2/5. PET and CT yesterday, bone scan today followed by Dr. Appointment. I have never received a NED, but…
Really? Spam on the Cancer Board?
I just received a private message today from something that looks like an advertisement for a dating service. Getting spam messages from someone who claims to have read my profile and wants to have a relationship with me and I have to email her at some "yahoo" address for pics and more information. This is a cancer forum…
Some advice please
I received my results today, the tumour was a little larger than first indicated 4.3 x 3 x 2.3 cm. Non aggressive Fuhrman 3 There were no cancer cells found within the margins. I follow up with a CT TAP (Thorax, Abdomen, Pelvic) in September. Also intense lesions of chronic interstitial nephritis were found It was a little…
4 weeks after radical nephrectomy . . .
Hi First time I've posted on a forum like this, so be patient, please. I was diagnosed with a tumour on my left kidney in January. This was totally by accident (which seems to be the way with most of the renal cancers) when it came up in an ultrasound. After a CT scan, I was operated on exactly 4 weeks ago (18th March).…
Funny Bonz III
The agony of aging On the morning Daylight Savings Time ended, I stopped in to visit an aging friend. He was busy covering his penis with black shoe polish I said to him, "No! - You're supposed to turn your clock back".
Lower back pain
Hey all. Quick question. I have 2 weeks till surgery and can't wait to get it done. However since I I've been diagnosed I have been having lower back pain constantly. Feels better when I jog, it also doesn't get worse at night. Both the urologist and Onc don't think it's related. And you can see where they imaged my lower…
Robotic Surgery
Has anyone hear had robotic surgery for a mass on their kidney. I am having this done on Thursday and would appreciate any info anyone can give me. I will be having it done at the University of Chicago Medical Center.
Wearing Stabilisers
I go for my first post op appointment from having my partial nephrectomy on Thursday. I have to admit to feeling a bit wobbly, I am wishing it was not on my to do list, but there it is right at the top and underscored. I know that the first tumour I had ten years ago was slow growing. It is only since coming across this…
Chuck Started the Nivolumba/IPI Trial Today
Hello all... We met with Chuck's Oncologist.. today to go over the scans from last Thursday prior to starting the trial... The liver mass shows a large percentage of growth since his last scan.. that scan had showed a large amount of necrosis(death) it is now on the move again.. so he is no longer thought to have a partial…
Home from Robotic Surgery
Had robotic surgery on Thursday April 11th and they removed 40% of my left kidney. I came home Sunday April 13th. I don't feel real great - paiin and exhausted. Had a hip replacement last November and it was a piece of cake compared to this. I just want to sleep. Have diminished lung capacity so that was a problem for a…
Hospice- 6 to 10 days to go....
Father had RCC on 9/2008. Stage 3/4 at the time. Treatments were good and kept cancer at bay for years.
Spread straight to the brain
Hi, I am new here. My father (57) was diangosed with renal cell carcinoma last June and had a total left nephrectomy. The tumor was incased in the kidney and showed no signs of spread, lymph nodes were removed to be careful but they came out negative. The tumor was starting to go up the vein but the Urologist seemed…
Seems that I get slightly different answers depending on who I ask and what I read, so here goes to all you laymen :-) T2N0M0 7,6 cm Grade 2 nephrectomy August 2010 just had my fifth check/scan without any indications of a relapse or spreading 45 years old and generally very good health My urologist says Im now so much…
Renal Mass at 23!?
Hello everyone! This place is so friendly and welcoming and I've enjoyed reading your posts, so I decided to join. But mostly because I would like the next young person like myself to have as much information available to them as possible. At the end of January, I saw a chiropractor who took an Xray and found a…
Anyone here dealing with Fibromyalgia on top of nephrectomy??
Hi all! I am now 3 weeks post surgery left radical nephrectomy, a 4cm clear cell carcinoma, contained, doctor feels they got it all so very grateful for that relief. Prior to this unexpected finding of kidney cancer, I had been on about an 8 yr quest from doctor to doctor to figure out my chronic pain, post exertion…
Still terrified
Hi everyone, thank you for all of advice!!! I go to the doctors on friday to get blood results.. I am still terrified!! I have also leaned that where I love In New Brunswick that there really isn't any drug coverage for kidney cancer because it is a rare cancer.. If this does turn out to be kidney cancer and it spreads I…
Good results on first scans
Hi everyone, Just want to share the good news. After having my nephrectomy done last Jan 30 with a 11 cm tumor, my bone scan and CT scan results are all normal.. Depsite being diagnosed as stage 3, i am positive and trusting God that i will win this battle. I will be doing my baseline tests every three months and keeping…
a little pick me up!!
hi everyone, i am just feeling a little all over the place at the moment and i just wanted to touch base with all of you brilliant people!! i was feeling ok well as ok as you can feel after going through what most of us have gone through. i went to see my doc the other day just to ask a couple of questions and i suppose he…