just diagnosed
just got the news on sept.6,right kidney cancer 12cm by 8cm ,going in tomorrow(friday sept.20) to have everything removed including some lymph nodes.scared but keeping positive,docs have been great ,everything is going so quickly.luckily i live in a city with a great cancer hospital..4to 6 hour operation tomorrow.results…
Kidney tumor 3.7 partial nephrectomy
I'm 39 yrs old male and they found a 3.7cm lower pole tumor on left kidney.. surgery is some time next month.. They say it's slow growing. They are doing the robotic procedure.. What does that mean anyway.. So 85 percent it's malignant.. What happens after surgery .. Please you guys help me give me advice, what am I…
Kidney lesion
A week ago, I was eating and started feeling bloated. It carried me through the week but wasn't having any other symptoms, just fullness in belly and burping. Got worse through the week and was down 11 pounds total in 8 days from not wanting to eat. Didn't have bowel trouble or anything else. I have now been to the dr…
Thanks everyone for all the well wishes my scan was clear today! My next appointment is in March 2014! Love and prayers for good health! Brenda
Weird update on BLKJAK
So, last we updated, he was recommended to start chemo for collecting duct carcinoma and we had requested a pathology review from Mayo. B wanted to wait on these results before starting chemo, and that hasn't come back yet. He was told to stop taking Votrient a couple weeks ago, and has been sick since that time....fever,…
Info on Avastin
Hi all I have been off the radar for awhile but doing much better. Its been since March 7 2012 that I had my left kidney and lymph node removed, 2 rounds of sutent in May, June 2012 for lung metastasis but had to stop due to the pain that it caused to my mouth (had numerous mouth surgeries for prior tongue cancer and the…
Hi I have just come across this site. i had an open nephrectomy on my right kidney due to a 9cm tumour which had spread to lymph node, attached itself to my liver and also my back muscles. Currently suspected T3, N0, M0 although waiting for pathology results. I am on day 8 of my recovery. Question on has anyone else had…
Questions on complex cyst/surgery recovery/need for surgery
As happens with so many people, I discovered I had a small renal mass during an ultrasound being conducted for other reasons entirely. My local doctor advised me, after an additional CT scan and an MRI, that the chances of it being cancerous were 90% and it needed to be removed. This was three years ago. The mass was 2.1…
chocolate cyst???
hi All, My dads surgery was wed. All went well. removed it and froze the base. Said it was a chocolate cyst. 5% chance of it being cancerous. Has anyone heard of this type of cyst on the kidney.?I have heard it on ovary's but not the kidney. Any info would be great. Bill
I am happy to report nothing....
As in nothing growing inside of me; no evidence of disease. Maybe it is possible to beat sarcomitoid metastatic renal cell carcinoma. 50 or so more NED's and I am done: 6 quartly scans, 4 6 month scans, and then 40 annual scans will take me to 94.
RCC and Vitamin D deficiency
Hey everyone! A few years back when I started to feel sick, the only thing that ever showed up in all 5 million of my blood tests was that I was severely Vitamin D deficient. My doctor had me on multiple rounds of 50,000 IU's of Vitamin D and nothing brought my levels up. It all makes sense now after my ChRCC diagnosis. I…
Group, I am ready to put together an order of T-shirts 100 minimun. I figure that person sholp have at least 3, 1 for the morning, i for the waterpark or amusement park and 1 for evening ware. so that we are recognizable at all times. I figure with individual delivery we are looking at about 13 dollars per shirt. The…
Chest X-Ray vs CT Scan
How reliable are Chest X-Rays for spotting lung mets vs a CT Scan? My dr. seems concerned about the amount of radiation and wants to alternate between the two. My original tumor was small (2.5 cm) but already stage 3. (Got into the sinus fat). coming up on 18 months since surgery.
Lung Surgery Soon - Still Quietly Freaking Out
Hi Everybody, I saw the thoracic surgeon yesterday. He said that my lung nodule was in a bad spot. He said that it was on the right lobe, closer to the heart and where there are a lot of major blood vessels. He said that ordinarily they just make 3 cuts and wedge the nodule out. He said that in my case, they might have to…
Surgery in 22 hours
Driving up to Tampa this afternoon. Have to be at the Moffitt Cancer Center at 5 a.m. tomorrow. Dr. Sexton. Have been able to keep the anxiety away by keeping busy. It's out of my control at this point. Thanks for all the feedback and support. Will be posting as soon as I feel up to it.
Scans Tomorrow
I debated doing this, but here goes. I'm having my 18 week scans tomorrow and, yes, I'm incredibly anxious. I had gone to a kidney cancer support group meeting last night to hear a lawyer speak about the new healthcare law and I met two new fellow kidney cancer patients, and their personal stories added to my worry over…
Intro, my story (12 days post nephrectomy), and THANKS to those who have posted here!
Hi, everyone! This is my first time posting (though I spent some time reading before my surgery). THANK YOU to those of you who have posted your stories. They were incredibly helpful in letting me know what to expect, and what questions to ask. This experience would have been far worse if you guys hadn't prepared me --…
Legal Resource for People with Cancer
The talk I went to last night was given by a lawyer from the Cancer Legal Resource Center. They have a help line. I thought it might be nice to post the link to their website. They don't do litigation, but they help connect patients with legal resources and educate the public about legal issues related to cancer, rights,…
Scan results- Clean!!
We met with the surgeon this morning and got the results of the first CT scan since surgery. I got an "all clear" on the scan!! I think I'll splurge and have a glass of wine tonight. Many thanks for all of your prayers and well wishes. I cannot tell how much they are appreciated. You are all wonderful and supportive. I vow…
Participaing in a clinical trial?
For those who are participating in a clinical trial, does it cost you anything? Do they provide the med(s) and follow-up for free?
Scan on Friday
Hi Everyone, My Scan is Friday morning at 9:30 and I am getting a little nervous. It has been 7 months since my Lung surgery and I really can't tell a difference in having had a portion of it removed. I am just hoping and praying my scan stays clear! Thanks to all of you for helping me through, I really have come to rely…
Update on my husband...
Well today was the day Mark (hubby) saw the specialist and the news isn't good but it could have been worse. First, his lungs look fine. No sign of whatever they saw on last chest scan. This is a relief. However, there is definately a new mass in the same kidney as last march. This means, he will be having surgery again…
I'm going back in!
Results are in from latest scan. My remaining tumors have been shrinking from the IL-2! I will be readmitted on the 30th for round #3 of IL-2. Still some issues with bone mets but we will deal with that later if they remain. I look forward to the treatment. I don't look forward to miserable side effects. I'll be out of…
Ultrasound Results
I recently had a renal ultrasound and it found that I have a complex multiobulated 5.2 cm lesion within the upper pole of the left kidney that contains septation which demonstrates vascular flow on color doppler imaging. Also additional 1.9 cm lesion within the lower pole of the right kidney with mural nodule or…
6 month scans coming up next week.
I had bloodwork done today in prep for my 6 month scans next week. Onc office said some stuff on my last labs were cause for a little concern...indicated my eGFR was one of the issues, along with creatinine. So my scans are set for next Thursday, and then I see the oncologist on the following Tuesday. This will be the…
Nivolumab-Sutent Scan update
Scan today still showed a mildly swollen adrenal gland. The question we are not sure of: Is it scar tissue from having the 3.8 cm tumor in the gland, or is it still a touch if cancer still remaining. The treatment for the next 12 weeks is to continue with Nicolumab infusions for every 3 weeks. We have dropped Sutent from…
one week post op- still in hospital
I am still in the hospital after having an open partial nephreectomy. Pain has been intense, but surgerons have been stingy the first three days, which I think let to a difficult post op. I spiked temps 101 first post op night and every night since....some days I was as high as 200.6, I had a Chest CT because fever,…
Op tomorrow morning
Well the time has arrived and I go in for my surgery tomorrow morning, needless to say I am a little scared but optimistic. I will probably feel a lot better once I have spoken to the anaesthetist about my concerns for my lungs. I have been told that it will be laparoscopic surgery and should take around 4 hours, so…
Why is aspirin bad for the kidneys?
Actually, I have only one kidney now. In another post, someone said no aspirin as it is an anticoagulant. Will taking aspirin for my heart health cause bleeding from the kidney?
IL-2 Update
Well, round 1 of HD IL-2 is behind me. Today is my 3rd day home. I managed to take 11 of 14 infusions. I took the first 9 in a row, then we had some problems with elevated billirubin. In fact, I turned a nice shade of orange. My natural billirubin reading is always high normal, so that probably has something to do with…