What did you do for yourself today?
I should have posted this yesterday. Too much gloom and doom lately. We need to refocus on being kidney cancer survivors. That means we are living! Not lining up to die. Yesterday the temps almost reached 60 here in southern new england. I decided that although my strength is not quite 2/3s of my normal, I was strong…
how often do you have your scans?
Hi all!!! Just wanted to ask how often do you get your regular check ups and scans? dad had radical neph in July and got his first scans 3 months later, result was NED (thanking God for that). tumor was 4 cm, stage 3 due to fat invasion, grade 2. Doctor was optimistic that theyy got all the cancer and ordered the next scan…
How do you know if the votrient stops working?
My hubby has been on votrient almost 4 months and is now not having much of an appetite and more and more diarrhea and occasional low grade fevers. His blood sugars can be fine and then way up. Is there a way to tell if he isn't responding or the votrient has stopped working? Still new and learning this votrient and its so…
Lab Test
Hi All..! Yes we all know the value of Lab Tests, post surgery.. BUT, so far there are no blood tests as an early indicator for Kidney Cancer like there is for some other Cancers. So, on my first Oncology visit at Stanford, one of the assistants told me she wished she would of gotten to me before surgery. She was doing…
Radical Nephrotomy
MY Father went under Radical Nephrotomy and below were findings in the report which i would like to know about: Specimen consists of Radical Nephrectomy surrounded by peripheric fat measuring 18X15X8.Pheriphric fat can be easily stripped of from specimen. Kidney measures 15X13X4.On serial sectioning a mass is identified…
feeling stupid and frustrated
I am SO frustrated! I have called several oncologists in my area, in hopes of getting an appointment and all of them have told me the same thing. Unless I am currently diagnosed with cancer, they will not schedule me. Furthermore, most of them make me feel stupid for even asking, when they say things like, "we only see…
Going through some trying things right now
I have been reading the posts but not saying anything for awhile now. I wish we could hear something from TW. I have him on my mind and thinking about him. I have not seen anything either on Paula, has anyone else? My cancer scares just want quit. I had RCC in 2012 scans were good in march 2013. July diagnosed with colon…
9 Year RCC Survivor!!
Good Morning! Exactly 9 years ago we were in the hospital and Dennis was having his kidney/adrenal/large cancerous tumor removed. That makes him a 9 year cancer survivor!! I am thankful that he is still around!! Statistics for 5 yr survival were pretty bleak in 2004. After that surgery we thought we were out of the woods…
2 Weeks post op Radical Nephrectomy
Today I am 2 weeks post op from an Open Radical Nephrectomy with rib resection. I had all 38 of my staples removed. My scar goes from below my right shoulder blade, across my rib cage and down to below my belly button. I had a 20cm (HUGE!) tumor on my right kidney, which the pathology report said was Chromophobe Renal Cell…
Votrient has failed for mom and potentially starting Avastin...scared, nervous, worried, skeptical,
Hi everyone, Haven't been here to post in a while, but there has been so much going on with mom. As some may already know, my mom was diagnosed with stage iv clear cell rcc with multiple mets to both lungs and liver in July of this year. She had her left open radical nephrectomy on August 1. She started Votrient 600mg the…
HDIL2 to Sutent update
It has been awhile since I have posted, sorry. My prayers go out to those struggling. Thanks to those that are leading the way in trials. I am very happy to read that some of you are having success. My run on HDIL2 came to a halt as my kidney and liver could not take the stress. Doctors stated that if I continued and…
Pathology report brings good news
I learned yesterday that the 2.5 cm tumor was not malignant. It was an oncocytoma, according to the pathology report. Fat adjacent to the tumor was also benign ... The specimen tested consisted of a 4.2 x 2.8 x 0.1 cm portion "of renal parnchyma ... The cut surface have a 1.6 x 1.4 x 1.4 cm mass that is grossly wihin 0.1…
Help, scam message via private email
I just received a private email on CSN from mercyjones. It is a scam wanting help washing $8.3M. I wanted to get hold of the lady running the network but I do not remember her name. Can some one help me. TIA, Ron R
How do you deal with kidney cancer that goes terminal?
My husband has stage 4 RCC that spread to multiple spots. He started Votrient and a month ago the PETScan showed the volleyball size tumor shrunk 40%. However, there are now 2 spots in the liver! The oncologist said to enjoy each day as long as we can. We were told surgery may be done and now that it moved to the liver the…
So I've been lurking here for quite a while reading many of your posts. Many have been very helpful. Thank you. Reason for finally posting is that I like many of you have allowed this to consume our lives. I was diagnosed with a 4CM stage 1 RCC on my left that was "encapsilated" and removed via radical on May 28th. it…
HELP! Have an appointment early tomorrow
Hi Friends, I got a call this afternoon that I have an appointment to see the uro-oncologist tomorrow morning. So I had to race around this afternoon to get disk copies of the scans that have been done so far. I brought them home, and my husband loaded the cds on the computer. Kinda cool, actually....but looking at the…
Reality Check
I am in the process of closing my Law Office and touching base with my clients now that I am 70. One client I called was in her mid 70's and I had been to Court with her a few months ago regarding her sister's disability. She told me that right after I saw her last she was diagnosed with lung Cancer and had just had Chemo.…
Disappointed in no response
I had posted earlier today about my husband's path report; I feel disappointed in getting no comments and yes, I am stressed and anxious so maybe I am reacting. please share some thoughts would be most appreciated. sarah
finally got a written path report from my husband's nephrectomy and would love so,e input/interpretation. we will be sending this to Mayo so that we can get some opinions. Histologic: renal cell, clear cell grade 2 10 cm within kidney: superior pole renal pelvis: tumor grows around renal pelvis ureter: normal renal sinus:…
Another pretty darned good report!
I got my MRI report today and it says that the spot on my femur is "attributable to benign hematopoietic change. Nevertheless, short interval 3 month followup MRI of the thigh is recommended in order to confirm continued benignity given the findings of the PET-CT findings". This is one of those "HOTDAMN" moments, where I…
Your Test Results
Hi All..! OK, one thing occurred to me.. I think it is important that we all keep a good history of test results... I mostly mean blood tests. For me, my medical tests are all on line and can be viewed over time by each test. This way you can spot any trend if need be. In my case, my Onc spotted a trend in my red blood…
I am so frustrated! My husband has stage 4 renal cell carcinoma that has matastisized throughout the body. On 5/14/13 he heard a pop in his shoulder. About 10 days later, we learned he had a lemon size tumor in his hummerous bone in his right shoulder. On 6/3/13 the doctor did a biopsy and we learned the cancer tumor came…
Periodic Update (And Associated Apology) from Vin (vdm13)
Hello, friends. First, I'm sorry that I don't get here more often. I always worry that you all worry when you don't hear from one of us for a while. Be assured that if you don't hear from me, I am living my life to the fullest, readily forgetting that I have cancer, and doing generally well. I remind everyone on the board…
Open partial nephrectomy tumor left lower 4.1
Hi I'm 39 yr old male .. Update : diverticulitis never cleared up so I have to get partial colectomy done( damaged area of lower intestines) removed.. And now it has to be open .. I have one of the best dr in the u.s. Dr wood.. Got lucky I guess.. He says w Open PN it will take 3 days in hospital and 4to 6 out of work ...…
Fresh out of the Hospital with Partial Nephrectomy
Hello, Everyone! I'm encouraged to read the posts you'll all put out there. Thank you for sharing! I'm curious if any of you have felt what I'm feeling: a week out of surgery, my tummy area feel bloated and a bit tight. I had some problems with bowel, but cleared that up with magnesium citrate. Urinating fine. What…
Can someone please explain....how does 'Chromophobe' differ from Clear Cell, and....
Just returned from my first surgery follow-up. I learned that my 4cm mass was chromophobe (not clear cell?), stage 1B, with a grade of 3. It's my understanding that the grade has to do with the chance of recurrence (though the PA I saw today told me not to read too much into that). I also know chromophobe is more rare than…
New Primary in Remaining Kidney?
My husband had scans in October when he finished his 5th cycle of Sutent - 50mg 28/14 (following a left nephrectomy mid-February, 2013). When the 12cm tumor on his kidney was discovered, they also discovered "innumerable" and "too many to count" nodules in both lungs, as well as some bone involvement. The good news is that…
Curing Cancer or..??
Hi All... Yesterday I was again bombarded by a well meaning fellow with "Have you checked this guy's Cancer cure..?" Of course I immediately suspicious based on the fact that I have heard zero in this here or on S.P. forums. Turns out I was correct.. another attempt to extract money for those desperite for hope.. Sadly we…
Newly diagnosed - and scared!
Hi Everyone! My name is Joan. I am 51 years old and a mom, and wife, and work as a secretary. I have been reading a lot of your posts and I feel like you lovely people are the ones I can tell my story/concerns to.... Back in May I began noticing a lot of discomfort in my stomach. I chalked it up to needing to…