Newbie: Ipilumaab and Nivolumab
I am a newbie to this site but unfortunately not a newbie to cancer. Up until about 3 months ago I proudly stated that I was a three (3) time cancer survivor. I had Skin cancer in 2006 with surgery to remove a chunk of my chest. Kidney cancer in early 2008 with surgery to remove left kidney and renal gland, followed up…
dancing with ned
Well got the great news for my first 3 month scan and blood work.Ned came a calling and everything is great ,hope everyone is well out there.3 month scan again inapril ,can relax til then. Thanks everone for your support. Brian
Views from 2 survivors
Today, I had brunch with my dearest friend, who recently underwent a double mastectomy. The doctor had been monitoring something on one side and then found the tumor on the other. She's still experiencing post surgical "problems" that time should resolve. We agreed that perhaps our age, and the life threatening diagnoses…
IV Contrast
I know this topic has been discussed 'ad nauseum' but sometimes it's good to bring things back in view for newbies. I've been doing a 1/2 dose [ 50ML ] instead of the normal 100ML dose of IV Contrast 'I think' - On my 1st scan, post-surgery I took N-acetylcysteine but it's hard to find. Now just hydrate very well. I've…
CBD or Hemp Oil
A guitar playing friend of mine on a discussion group who is also an MD suggested that I discuss taking CBD--a non-psychoactive derivative of hemp--because of it's promise in fighting cancer, pain, and nausea. It's legal in all 50 states apparently and is sold online as oil or gum. Anyone here have any experience--first or…
HD IL-2 scheduled for February
So my first treatment since my September nephrectomy will be HD IL2 at UVa's Emily Couric Cancer Center. My doc was a pioneer in this procedure and this center does several patients every week so I was glad to hear that I'm getting an experienced team. I've got four or five small lung mets (largest 1 cm) to deal with. Feb…
Hyponatremia .
I have hyponatremia which translates to low serum sodium levels . Normal is 135-145 . Mine is around 125 - 126 . In order to keep my sodium levels up I have to include a truly large amount of salt in my diet . In order to achive a level above 130 I have to eat on the order of 16,000 mg of sodium . After consumning that…
Both Kidneys?
Hi, Does anyone here have issues in both kidneys? I was feeling good when I was told the CT scan indicated a 1.6 cm BosniakIII cyst on outside of R kidney that should come off and that a 2.6 cm BosniakII cyst in the middle of my L kidney didn't look worrisome but after processing all of this I'm feeling really concerned…
Roseann Rosannadanna
For you SNL fans of way back, "If it's not one thing, it's another." I'm back to a waiting game, again. My PC received the results of my last CT, which found a polyp in my stomach. I see the PC on Friday to discuss all the fun we'll have doing a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy. The tests aren't bad, it's the exciting time…
3rd time - Stage 4 in 2007
Hi all, I am new to this forum. I was on another forum off and on since 2007 but I can't find it anymore and am so glad to find this one! Short version of my story: June 2007 - 15.5cm RCC RIGHT kidney. / 1.5cm mets to right lung. Age 49. Both resected (radical nephrectomy) at Lankenau Hospital in suburban Philadelphia.…
Does anyone have any ideas on how to get rid of a headache I've had for over a month now? It's not bad, and not constant, but keeps nudging me every. single. day. and. night. I've taken Tramadol every day, sometimes 2-3 times a day and the danged thing won't go away. I have several spots that are sore to touch now on my…
Good News (I think)
I had my CT Scan with contrast today and took the results to the doctor. Aparently the 3cm complex cyst they saw on my Left Kidney is a Bosniak II and he says I should just moniotor it. They found another cyst on my Right Kidney. This was concerning to me but the doctor said it was small but a Bosniak III and should come…
Some good news!
In the early hours of May 1, 2012, (4:45 AM), the ER physician told me that there was a large mass on my kidney, and it was probably cancer. About 3 hours later, one of my neighbors picked up her 18 month old, and felt something in her belly, which turned out to be neuroblastoma. At least I am old enough to understand what…
Some of us are pushy
Hi All.. just saw this article on SP and thought it would be good to share it here as well. Did you know we Americans are pushy..?? http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/patients-must-be-more-pushy-2#tscptme Ron
CVS Fired me for being "sick" :(
CVS corporate in Woonsocket, RI fired me from my IT specialist position, and told me I was welcome to come back when I was healthy. They told me that they had not been informed of any health issues before they hired me, and that they were not willing to work with me in my "current condition". Though I scheduled my surgery…
PET scan results show lung mets
I had my first post surgery scan on 1/16 but didn't see the doc until today. I have four or five small nodules. Largest in one lung is 7-8 mm and in the other 10 mm. My oncologist has referred me to a Dr. Weiss at the Emily Couric Cancer Center at UVA hospital for possible IL-2 treatment. He described it as two five day…
Has anyone heard anything from Djinnie?
I know she was doing some biopsies and such, but haven't seen her on the forum at all. Anyone know anything? Jojo
NED & unexpected problem
I got my results of the lasts (and last) quarterly scans: NED. I say last, as they want to stretch out to 4 months. Funny thing is the MRI report said, rather then NED, No Definite Evidence of Metastatic Disease. The problem is I had been having my care through NIH's familial RCC protocol. Now, I am kicked out, and have to…
New in town
Hello all, I am new to this board, but not new to RCC. I am 51 years old and at age 45 discovered a lesion incidentally on one kidney. I had it removed in 2010 (2 cm, clear cell, pT1NxMx) and am receiving annual renal, CT scans, and bloodwork. NED so far. I am reminded daily of, and humbled at, my good fortune. Although my…
Hi, I started taking ibuprobin regularly 2 years ago. I took about 6 a day which is the maximum dosage. I took 3 in the morning and 3 at night for back and joint pains. I'm wondering if this contributed to my condition. I also in the past few weeks since my "cyst" or whatever it is was discovered I have stopped almost…
19th CT...but who's counting
I did...plus numerous X-ray/US combinations, 1 bone scan, 1 PET scan, 2 biopsies, 3 surgeries, and too many vials of blood to count. Saw my ONC nurse this morning and overall report looks standard and unremarkable. It was recommended I see my PC and have an endoscopy for possible polyp in the stomach; plus come back in 3…
Blood Pressure Medication and Renal Impairment
My doctor recently put me on a fairly popular blood pressure medication, HCTZ. He selected the lowest dose, 12.5 mg/day. He'd told me that at this dosage it was not diuretic. However, when I started taking it, I definitely felt the effects and my blood tests appeared to show that it had had a diuretic effect (my RBC and…
Back from Seeing my Surgeon!
Apparently my local Hospitals review of last weeks scan was both correct and incorrect. I do have three new growths but they are not on the kidney. They are above the kidney and below the liver, they have a blood supply and in total are just over 2cm. They are not cysts! and they have grown since September! My Surgeon…
Pathology Report on Arnold
Well today was the day to make the trek to Hamilton to see my superstar surgeon for the pathology results on Arnold Size: 13 cm X 10 cm X 9 cm.....apparently Arnold was on steroids! lol T3a (or T2 - see explanation further down in my message - nothing is every straight forward in this life of mine!) N0 M0 Renal Cell…
Does anyone else have long term "achiness"?
Hello again...hope everyone is staying warm through this cold January. I had a laparoscopic robot assisted partial nephrectomy of a 3.5 cm clear cell rcc ( stage 1 grade 2) in the beginning of September. i have been blessed with a good recovery. Have had 2 rounds of ct scans since then with good results ( lung nodules…
I have a date with a robot
Had my CT this morning. Good news is no immediate evidence of lymphnode involvement. Just one small lonely tumor on my left kidney, positioned just perfectly for partial nephrectomy. Just hope it behaves for now until I have surgery, which is still about a month away. Doc felt very certain it was RCC. Won't know for…
that's ok...
does anyone know what this means? it is on my ultrasound report. thanks
Good news AND a hidden blessing~
Hello to all spiritually & virtually connected by Kidney cancer!! Got my path results last week at my f/u appt with Urologist. Yes it was RCC but it appears to be all gone now with my kidney being removed! Honestly, I never had any concerns, even with the dreaded "C" word..as I have so many other chronic disorders to deal…
Having unusual pains past few days.
Its been about a month since my tumor was discovered, and about 7 months since my dramatic unintentional weightloss began. Over the past few days new pains have cropped up and I don't know what to attribute it to. I've been getting some stabbing pains on both sides of my lower back and on both sides of my groin. Also after…
First CT Tomorrow
Hi, I'm not sure if I belong here or on the Bladder Cancer boards but I'll tell you one thing. They don't respond on the bladder board. I have my CT tomorrow morning and I meet with a urologist surgeon in the afternoon. Unfortunately I'm bringing my disc without a radiologist report. I hope he knows how to read them. I…