CT Scan Results tomorrow

Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member

I had my first folllow up CT scan on March 27th and tomorrow I go for my results. (My path report of the 13 cm tumor was Stage PT3aM0N0 Grade 2). I am feeling optimistic that this will show up NED. (But I am also curious if anyone out there ever got a NON-NED report after their first follow up scan?)

That being said....is there anything specific I should be asking the uro-oncologist tomorrow?




  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just wanted to say Hello and

    Just wanted to say Hello and know that I am still supporting you very much!

    Can't answer your other questions, but will be waiting to hear from you soon.

    Gentle hugs, Jan

  • brea588
    brea588 Member Posts: 240

    Just want to say my thoughts and prayers are with you and you have NED!!  You are such an inspiratin to me on this forum.  Always pleasant and makes people feel better.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    brea588 said:


    Just want to say my thoughts and prayers are with you and you have NED!!  You are such an inspiratin to me on this forum.  Always pleasant and makes people feel better.

    First scan



    May your scan show NED. We are all rooting for you.



  • a_oaklee
    a_oaklee Member Posts: 566 Member
    Thinking of you

    Thoughts and prayers are with you tomorrow.  Sorry I can't think of any questions.  Just wanted to offer well wishes. 


  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    a_oaklee said:

    Thinking of you

    Thoughts and prayers are with you tomorrow.  Sorry I can't think of any questions.  Just wanted to offer well wishes. 


    Good thoughts for you JoJo..

    Good thoughts for you JoJo.. Ron

  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    wishing you "unremarkable"

    wishing you "unremarkable" results in your scans. Post after your appointment.


  • thaxter
    thaxter Member Posts: 124
    Good luck on your results.  I

    Good luck on your results.  I get scanned on 4/21 post IL2.  Unfortunately my first post-op scan on 1/6 after nephrectomy on 9/13 showed several small lung mets which is what we are dealing with now.

  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    I gotta feeling

    Hi Jojo,

    I know you must be so anxious but I gotta a feeling!  Today's gonna be a good day for you, I just know it!  I will anxiously be awaiting your post visit post.

    My first scan, in fact, all three of my scans, since surgery, have been good.  Not perfect mind you, but certainly no mets. 

    Did you also have labs drawn, when you had the ct?  If so, then you'll surely want to ask if all was fine with your bloodwork, what your GFR and creatinine levels are.  And don't forget to get your copies so you can look them over yourself.  I always get my report before I see Dr, that way I've had a chance to look it over.  Granted, working out of state like I do, makes for a lengthy time between the actual scans and follow up with doc.  So, I make the most of it by pouring thru my records with a fine-tooth comb and writing down questions. 

    Hang in there girl!  Keep that beautiful smile on your face and you'll be just fine!!

  • Limelife50
    Limelife50 Member Posts: 476
    Good Luck

    There are usually more NED reports on first follow up scans than non NED reports i just happened to be one of the non ned reports.My original tumor was a grade 2  5cm by 4cm by 3.5 on my follow up i had a 1.4cm in my remaining left Kidney good luck jojo hope you get a all clear.

  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409

    Good Luck

    There are usually more NED reports on first follow up scans than non NED reports i just happened to be one of the non ned reports.My original tumor was a grade 2  5cm by 4cm by 3.5 on my follow up i had a 1.4cm in my remaining left Kidney good luck jojo hope you get a all clear.

    non NED

    Limelife, sorry to hear your first scan revealed a new tumor.  I hope you are getting excellent medical care. 

    My tumor was not much smaller than your original one, also a grade 2.  I shudder when I hear stories like yours.  I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

