I had my left kidney taken out Monday but I swear I feel pain in that spot now. Have I lost my marbl
Is this pain in my head? It's not bad but distracting and worse at night.
3 years out chromophobe recurrence?!?!?
I am three years out from stage 1 grade 2 chromophobe left kidney. A partial nephrectomy was done and until Saturday all my scans have been clear. On Saturday I went to the ER for pelvic pain, and they did a ct of abdomen and pelvis. Pelvis was clear but abdomen showed the following. Soft tissue density mass near adrenal…
Fluid problems - pleural Effusion and Abdomen
hey all, new to this site. going on 12 months with Sutent. 2/1 50 mg. recently added gemzar to the mix. nagging problem with Pleural Effusion and Abdominal fluid. Occurs towards the end of my off week of Sutent. Typically clears up after a week back on. Gemzar has not made much difference. We are looking at a drug change…
Gotta date with a robot in the morn.....
Tomorrow can't get here soon enough. Just be glad when it's over and I can start to recover. Thanks for all the great info I've found on this forum. It's made the whole process easier to deal with. I'll check back in a few days.....
New Blog "The C Word" first post
Hi, all, just a simple blog I'm starting that's helping me put some thoughts in order regarding my experiences. Read if you like :-) http://jayvelykis.blogspot.com/2015/02/the-c-word-moment-of-diagnosis.html
This is the story, i started feeling nausea four or five years ago which never caused vomiting and didn't happen all days, as I live in a very polluted city I thought it's because of the pollution and nothing important but I also talked to different and many Dr, and they found nothing, right after the nephrectomy I felt…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this. If you received a message, please do not respond or…
March is kidney Cancer Awaress Month
Hi guys. I am popping around the Internet reminding people that March is Kidney Cancer Awareness month. Some may have already seen my post in other places. But his year March 1- March 31 I am proposing that we kidney Cancer survivors, patients, and caregivera start an awareness campaign on Facebook. If you have Facebook…
Confused about Pathology report
Hello everyone.....hope you are all well. Finally got a written version of my husband's pathology reports but I am having a hard time deciphering them. From what I can make out it says CK7 - positive ( I definitely have no idea that is) Cd10 - negative (no idea about that either) PAX 2 - negative The actual tumor was 3.5…
Rash and itch from Votrient
My diagnosis is sarcomatoid RCC with mets in lungs, spot on liver and probable bone involvement. Have had one infusion of Zometa. I am taking Votrient 800 mg and developed a rash over 60-70 of my body which is slowly clearing up but the itch is terrible and responds minimally to Sarna. Does anyone have any suggestions?…
large complex cyst
doctors found a large complex is on my left kidney. They just called and canceled my appointment on friday and said that they would reschedule with the surgeon because decisions need to be made. Now I'm getting worried. The MRI showed it was large enough that it was cutting my kidney in two. Guess I should be concerned?
How long after a CT scan
I'm not sure how to ask my question but I seem to have developed pain in my back a few weeks after a ct scan. I have been more active lately and dont want to run to my oncologist about every ache and pain (ecsp after a good Ct a few weeks earlier) but I also dont want to worry. Any advice?
Battling Negativism Among a Treatment Team
There's a particular PA that works with my oncologist that I've only dealt with once 2 years ago when I first started going where I go. She communicated a very pessimistic attitude to me about this disease that I took a really strong disliking to her right away because of that. Fortunately, the program I was on I only…
Wonderful News!
Hi everyone, In all this madness of fighting kidney cancer, I became a grandmother again to Jade Elizabeth, weighing 7 lbs and 21 inches long on February 4 at 9:55 am! She is beautiful and healthy and has reminded me that life can be good! Prayers for good health to us all! Brenda
Dad Battled Stage 4 Cancer
My father recently lost a nine-month battle with Stage 4 Kidney Cancer. I am posting on this board to offer any advice to anyone battling this disease (patient or care-givers). I started a blog halfway through my fathers journey, and I'd like to share it. I hope that anyone who is going through this battle may find comfort…
Follow up care
Hi guys, I was diagnosed with rcc back in October 2012. 7.5cm Stage 2a, grade 3, no lymphovascular invasion, no necrosis, no intrararenal invasion, so apart from the grade 3 not so bad. 37 years old so on the younger side of the rcc demographic! Had a quick question regarding follow up scans. I am due for my next follow up…
Votrient failing, what next?
Hello, I don't think I've posted here before. Have been at stage 4 at least a year and a half. mets and lesions are mostly in my spleen, spine, pelvis, and lungs. Votrient was great for 6 month, now its effectiveness is waning. Last scan showed worse spleen and lung activity. My doctor thinks it's time to switch meds, as I…
carrot juice
Hi all sorry I haven't been on here for a while been in hospital for suspected blood clots in lungs and pains in chest, got home last week and have been reading about carrot juice and it supposedly helping cancer sufferers, as you know I have stage iv RCC with multiple lung mets and am taking 800mg of pazopanib. I bought a…
Party time
Hi there- Just an update on the first decent test or exam in a year, so I bought an obnoxious purple and pink Minnie Mouse birthday cake/single layer to celebrate yesterday. To refresh...May 2006, you have a mass...or two or three: Dx, 5-7 months if they cannot do surgery. Yes to surgery and Dx'd at Stage IV, T2, N1,M1,…
Nivolumab - Sutent Scan Results
I wanted to share good news about my scan on Feb. 12. Read my bio, but the quick version is this: Oct 2012 - Stage IV readical on right kidney Feb 2013 started Nivo-Sutent Trial for Adrenal tumor on remaining left adrenal and lung mets 3 in a row "no evidence of metastatic disease" scans, Aug 2014, Nov 2014, Feb 2015 I…
ct scan results
I saw my onc on 6th February and he said that my lung mets had grown slightly and there were a couple more I was upset and we discussed everolimus as next drug to take, I am going to stay on pazopanib until next scan to give it a chance to work again as my first scan showed shrinkage. I have stopped taking omeprazole as I…
I went to see my surgeon today for my followup and to get my pathology result from my adrenal gland. 2 hours late I get ushered into a room and a damn PA that doesn't know sh.. (you know what i mean) hands me the printout of the pathology report. I read it. I can at least understand there was RCC in my adrenal gland. Start…
Urologist recommendation LA and Orange Country area
Hi Everyone, During a routine ultrasound, the doctor discovered 1cm mass on my left kidney. Now I am looking for a competent urologist in Los Angeles or Orange County area. I would really appreciate you recommendation. Finding a good doctor is not an easy task. Thank you for your help, Maria
Good News
The adrenalectomy went well. I got home yesterday. I had some BP issues after the surgery so they kept me one extra day. My BP went up and wouldn't come down. I will get the pathology report next Tuesday. This is good news regardless of what is in the report. It means I'm NED. I've been trying to monitor my thinking and…
My husband makes me laugh. :)
I'm looking up everything possible to fight RCC. I picked up a Nutra Nija so I could get him to eat blueberries and a bunch of other cancer fighting foods . I'm buying books on meditation and the power of positive thought. We'll apparently my husband has his own views on fighting this thing. He's looking at Honda…
I have been reading on this forum but learned very early that things we post can end up on Google and can be researched on the internet. Is there any way to guard against this? I would like the interact more but for this reason I don't.
SCREW the Powerball...!
Hi, all, I was just feeling philosophical... I would be lying if I said that I didn't care about the Powerball... When it's THIS high, you gotta throw $20 bucks at it... But on the other hand, we shouldn't get "luck" twisted around... the fact that we are all alive and some of us had the "luck" to have our cancer caught…
First scans out of the way
Well my 1st scans are done and I am NED. My urologist said that my creatatine and gfr levels are perfect for having only one kidney. Next set of scans will be in July. This time he wants a chest x-ray and ct scan with contrast. Thank you everyone for you support and encouragement.
New here
Hello to everyone!I am 39 years old and a mother of two wonderfull boys. I am watching your forum since last September when I found out that I had a small tumor (1,8 cm) in my right kidney. So I had a laparoscopic partial nephrectomy at 1 November . My doctor said everything went perfect. The pathology report said it was a…
Sniffing programmed microchips to pick up cancer!
It looks like the sniffing devices to pick up certain cancers are expected to be in use by 2020. They are hoping the devices will be available at all hospitals and doctor surgeries throughout the UK by then at least. You may have heard of Billy Boyle who worked at the Ministry of Defence in UK, he was developing sniffer…