Name that cancer
I was reading another post and someone had "named" their cancer. At first I was a little taken aback, but then I thought that's kind of funny. They said "Harvey is gone and he's not coming back." I have Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma which I will be living with for a very long time, so I thought if I have to share my body with…
Lose weight now!
If you know someone who is dieting, tell them to try chemo. The fool proof weight loss solution. Never fails. Haaaa ( I use to tell my friends this)
Movies (funny or not)
Sally Field is awesome! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0448166/reviews
T-shirt slogans we would love to see
There are a lot of cancer slogans for T-shirts to be found on the internet. Having had a go round with surgery for prostate cancer, and now having a recurrence, I was looking for somethng regarding prostate cancer. I saw the "Piss on Prostate Cancer" T-shirts, but for a lot of prostate surviviors, that shirt isn't quite…
Funny story - port surgery
So I hadn't slept in a few weeks since cancer diagnosis, as many of you know is quite common after diagnosis. So the doctor comes up to me before my port surgery and seems very stressed. He states that I am on two medications that will interfere with twilight medicine and I'll be 100% fully awake during the procedure. He…
God I miss Paul Harvey
There was just something hearing, "And now you know the rest of the story", or "Good day." I grew up on a ranch and as a young boy (beginning at 6 years old) every morning about 0600 I would listen to Paul Harvey on the radio. I'd be sitting in my parent's truck with the heater on full getting ready to step out into an…
Hi from stinky
My cats are zeroing in on what is making my apartment stink...its me. I just NED 5/24/2018. I am learning a lot about me and cancer that they dont tell you. I smell like a meth labber, my cancer has an odor and so does the chemo still leaking out of my pores. I had my apartment manager looking for a meth lab in my…
Vaginal Cancer
I'm having a hard time finding another who has gone through the humiliating and sometimes "comical" treatement for vaginal cancer. Please reply if you an relate :) Lisa
Sample Topic (Please Ignore)
New Name
When being wheeled into the OR to have my right testicle removed the nurses and everyone were trying to keep things light. When they got me into the OR I told them that after the procedure they would have to call me by my new Chinese name "One Hung Low". They got quite a chuckle over that.
Things you probably shouldn't say to a cancer patient
Great article from Christopher Hitchens from Vanity Fair
I was abducted by an alien spaceship
I had a radical hysterectomy for uterine cancer (endometriod) and after receiving my surgical report and my cancer staging report, I found out it was so large it was like I was 4 1/2 months pregnant in size. I told my friend who quickly said, "Oh, you didn't have cancer, you were taken up in the mother ship and…
Coping via gallows humor...
When I was in my fourth year of treatment for Stave IV endometrial cancer, my eldest son became engaged to a sweet young gal who lived a couple of hundred miles from us. The first weekend she came to spend with us, she was so careful to tiptoe around the topic of cancer, surely not knowing how to broach the subject of her…
Post Gastrectomy Diet
My wife has has had a "J" tube for feeding for the past 20 months. This was the way of helping her past the removal of her entire stomach due to adenocarcenoma. That system has failed and she has had the tube removed and will have to make do with not getting 1500 free calories that came with the formula through the tube.…
Trust your tailor!
Guy goes to his MD, “Doc, i’m having terrible headaches.” Doctor gives him prescription strength Ibuprofen and come back in 2 weeks. Two weeks pass, ”Doc, i’m still having terrible headaches.” Doctor gives him Imitrex and come back in 2 weeks. Two weeks pass, “Doc, i’m still having terrible headaches.” Doctor says nothing…
No Hair but tempted to go into a hair salon...
... take off my hat, point to my bald head and ask, IS THERE ANYTHING YOU CAN DO WITH THIS? In the last few weeks, I keep seeing salons and I want to walk in and ask this question. (I just showed this to my husband, who commented I am my fathers daughter. He's an amputee, right hand gone - and I remember so many times…
Fun with Hair Loss
Bet my husband made.
my late husband had testicular cancer in 1982. He had the right one removed and didn't have to have anything else done. One night he and my brother were at a bar and drinking and joking around with some other guys. they were making silly bets with each other. My hubby said, I bet you $1.00 for each niche apart my nuts are.…
Forget diet and exercise, I lost 10 pounds the easy way!
You too can lose the weight, unsightly cancer cells getting you down, sign up now to have them surgically removed! Choose rectal cancer and real food will be a thing of the past! You'll never want to see pasta leave your body that way again! It's all available now for only $10,000, sign up today!
Hello everyone! I just signed up.. I can't find any introduction board... I hope it's ok to post here. I am glad to be a part of this forum community.. :)
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to all of you who have alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. I apologize for the inconvenience. While we do have securities in place, we are not always able to catch all spam, and we are trying to figure out how this one got around our system. If you received a message from jegac1…
Good clean jokes....
Comment or add your own to the mix.....I've found some on the web, so clean ones are out there. To Be Six Again George was a thoughtful husband after all these years. He wanted to give his wife something special for her birthday which was coming up soon. As he sat on the edge of the bed, he watched his wife turning back…
Howdy everyone.
They don't mean to be funny, but they are
With medications, comes room for funny things to come out of the mouths of the ones we care for most....they don't mean to be funny, but they are. I try not to laugh when they are said, but bring them up as jokes later. Some things my mom has said: 1. Rock-croaches, instead of cockroaches 2. Zippity-zappity-zoo, instead of…
What my kids say
Dad, stop yelling at us you'll get cancer again.
things you should never say to a cancer patient continued . .
you should never say to a colorectal patient . . can I take your jacket and bag? buh dum dum
"Diarrhea is like the Jazz of bowel movements" Someone said this the other day. I thought it was hilarious...
Uplifting/inspirational story of my best friend, a young aspiring writer with cancer who manages to
Hi there. My best friend was diagnosed with cancer four weeks ago. It's a very aggressive form of Lymphoma, but they caught it early and started chemo right away and so far he has been responding surprisingly well. I wanted to share with you this post which I created on imgur, as an introduction to Joey's story. If you…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of private message spamming. If you received a…