Cyber-Knife/ LINAC
Has anyone had experience with the Cyber-Knife or LINAC radiation therapy. I have a growing tumor (Medullary Thyroid cancer) between my left eye, sinus cavity and my left ear. Surgery was attempted to remove the tumor but it's proximity to a major carotid artery was too dangerous to remove it. LINAC is the type used at the…
Functional Neck Dissection, Right side
I just had a Tonsillectomy and a Right Partial Pharyngectomy due to a localized Squamous Cell on right tonsil only. Both MRI and full body PET Scans show no other location. It was termed a very early pick up. No real tumor, just cells causing a thicking of the mucosa. I can not have any more radiation because I recieved…
Cancer possibly caused from 911...I need information
Hi, My 38 yr old boyfriend was just diagnosed with stage 4a cancer...we are still unsure of the type of cancer, but it was discovered in his lymph nodes in his neck, they believe it's neck cancer right now, his results of the PET scan will be in this week. He was a first responder to 911 and was stationed for a year in NYC…
Not sure what to do
Not sure where or what to do anymore, Jack has been on hold now for over a month on his treatment, I don;t understand why they are not using conventional drugs, they keep gasping at these trial study, which has som many rules and regulations, Jack gets kicked back, It has been one thing after another to prevent him from…
Well we start a new trial study
Well it has been a year since Jack was Dx with stage 4 head and neck cancer, and almost to the day we are starting a new trial study, He has been on so many chemo treatments, all the conviental chemo is not working he did 33 days of radiation , The orginal tumor went away, but now it has spread to the other side of his…
Will I still lose weight while on a g-tube?
Due to my inability to eat or drink anything, I've been living on IV fluids and am getting a g-tube inserted tomorrow. In the past two weeks alone I've lost 10 lbs. I'm worried about losing weight even with the g-tube... I've heard of people on liquid diets and/or Ensure continuing to lose weight. Too much more weight loss…
Head and Neck Cancer
Hi all out there: Another update! My husband saw his radiation oncologist on Tues. and everything looked good. He was very pleased. He was even more pleased that he had quit smoking! It was four weeks yesterday for him. Told him he needed to gain weight, but that was part of it. He has his follow-up pet scan scheduled for…
Any Suggestions for the Mucous
My husbands main post tx. problem is the mucous As stated in another post it is slowly getting better. Is there anything to stop it or make it better. He is constantly gargling with the salt/soda water solution that helped the mouth sores. I thought some of you guys might have some suggestions to help it. Now it seems to…
Son just diagnosed
My 37 year old son has just been diagnosed last week with throat cancer. He suffered a severe brain injury about 5 years ago and has some brain damage and I don't think he realizes how serious this is. I'm a nervous wreck because we don't know what to expect. Does the radiation make you feel sick? Does it hurt? Do you have…
Hoping someone can help.
I was diagnosed with Stage IV Squamos Cell Cancer of the tongue and some lymph nodes in January. I had 36 radiation treatments and 2 chemo. On June 10 after a CT scan I was declared cancer free. The problem is, 5 months later I just don't feel good. Constant tiredness, a very sore tongue and occasional nausea. Still have…
ENT today and very terrified
I wrote 2 weeks ago re my throat problems and finally the day for the ent has arrived. I leave in an hour. I am literally shaking. I tried to get in alittle earlier in the month but wasn't able to see the best dr in our area until today. I am convinced that it is going to be cancer. I'm not sure all my reading has done as…
Tube scar
Only thing that really matters is that I don't have cancer and I hope it doesn't come back. But sometimes I like to pretend that I don't have to worry about that anymore and worry about the little, unimportant things I used to be able to worry about when I was invincible! This question is one of those. Did anyone else's…
How do they put in a feeding tube? Is having it in painful and what do you do for the pain?
Feeding tube causes intense pain every time I swallow
I have a feeding tube down my nose/throat, and I get a sharp, stab like pain every single time I swallow. Is this normal? I'm not back in the hospital till Monday, and I'll be asking for them to please give me a g-tube because this is ridiculous. I can't sleep. This is my second night with the tube in. Is it normal for it…
May choose not to do chemo.
My brother was diagnosed in June 2009, with Stage IV squamous cell carcinoma at the base of the tongue with lymph node involvement. Radiation oncologist recommended seeing a medical oncologist re: chemo, but my brother is reluctant. I've heard the combination of chemo and radiation is the best way to go. Any suggestions…
Hiccups--peg tube problem?
My husband just finished 4 rounds of chemo and 35 rad treatments. He continues to have a terrible time with hiccups and stomach "surprise" throw up. He is on TPN and only takes a tiny amount of water by mouth. He doesn't feel nauseous.... his stomach just seems irritated randomly and then he tosses the little that is in…
Last day was a very tearful one!!
H Everyone, WOOHOO!! I'm finally done, had my last chemo last week and my last radiation treatment today. I just wanted to tell everyone of the wonderful experience I had after finishing today. My husband drove me to the cancer center and was waiting in the lobby for me. When I came out into the lobby two of my sisters…
Quitting Smoking
Hi all out there: Same topic different verse. As I mentioned before my husband has finished chemo and radition for head and neck cancer and got a fabulous report on his CT scan June 5; does not go back to the radiation oncologist until August 25 and the regular oncologist on Sept. 17. It is eight months ago today we…
Husband Just Diagnosed
My husband was just diagnosed with hypopharyngeal cancer with spread to lymph nodes. I am so scared, and he is very stoic. He will have 6 treatments (1 per week) of chemo, and then several weeks of daily radiation with a few more chemos thrown in for good measure. The doc says their protocol has 80-85% cure rate, which is…
Fungus infection?
My husband is currently undergoing chemo and radiation treatments. He is an inpatient for 5 days and out for 9. Anyway I just spoke with him on the phone and he said that he has a fungus infection in his mouth. Has anyone else ever experienced this???
Hola a todos buenas tardes, me llaman José María. Por suerte o por desgracia soy nuevo en este foro, más bien creo que por desgracia, ya que todo me empezó con una pequeña llaga en la lengua, a la que no hice mucho caso, tomo pastillas para las aftas''y `` creí que mejoraba, pero pasaron 3 o 4 meses y ya no podía comer…
New to this board
I guess I qualify as a cancer survivor: I survived the treatment, anyway, and thus far things look good. I was diagnosed with Stage III squamous cell carcinoma of the right tonsil (HPV-related) in June 2008 with one lymph node involved. Did six weeks of radiation and Cisplatin at Johns Hopkins, completing treatment Oct. 5.…
post neck disection/tonsilectomy
Hello Everybody, I hope everyone is doing okay with this pain in the butt cancer. Man, it can wear you down. It has been a while since my last post. I was dagnosed in early July with the dreaded SCC in my throat. I too was angry, scared, anxious... all the dreary falable emotions. I was particularly, over anxious about the…
Skin problems
Can anyone tell me if they have had skin problems since being treated with radiation and also chem.? My last treatments were in February of 2007. I have problems with my skin easily bruising and tearing. Just a slight rub on something causes blood to collect under my skin and make a purplish spot on my skin. This is on my…
palate cancer
has anyone been diagnosed with palate cancer? I am newly diagnosed and know nothing about the procedures? how is surgery? does it always require chemo or radation? anyone with any info or help would be greatly appreciated!
newbie member
Got my custom made mask today, so I guess I am now truly a member of the club. I begin chemo and radiation on 8/24, but have refused the peg tube for now. Drinking Ensure 2-3X a day,and have gained 6 pounds! Whoo hoo! Am up to a whopping 139lbs at 5'9". Praying I can swallow - for a few weeks anyway. Thanks for all of your…
Thank you to all that responded. Jkino bay had reported that MOM674 was briefly on the board, but she fought hard and had a tough run. Unfortunately, she did not make it and passed away in December. May she rest in peace. Hunpot did not check back in, but hope she is doing well after her mom passed away in August 2008. My…
Just Diagnosed
Hi all, Just been diagnosed, and am very alone & afraid. Hubby is saddened and angry. Two teens are in denial and scared. I just finished my early morning pity party (only time I am alone)and feel better. I have been thru all the testing and pray I am able to muster up the strength to accept and join the fight. Scheduled…
First Day of Chemo/Radiation
Good Morning Ya'll, My Husband starts his first treatment on Monday @ 10am. We are both just wondering what to expect for the first day/week. He will have Cisplatin first and then his radiation treatment. He has a tumor on his right tonsil with three lymph nodes involved. Also wondering what is typical during the…
This roll call was started in August 2008. Not everyone responded in the January roll call. Please check in if you had previously enrolled. A status is not required unless you are still being treated or completed treatment since the last roll call. If you are checking in for the first time, please provide the type of…