Plasmacytoma - post radiation question
I was diagnosed with Plasmacytoma in my maxillary sinus region (after treating for over 4 months for sinus infection!)and am just one month post radiation (25 treatments). My face and mouth/tongue seem to be healing and on the road to recovery (still tastebud & soreness in my mouth) - but just last Friday my left eye…
My throat is tight and hard to breath
Seems I have been waking up to take my hydroodones, to a sore throat, thick phlem, difficult to breath in the morning to eat my breakfast? I have to drink cold water to get everything going. last radiation and chemo was January 25, raspy voice still, still working through all of this, which makes it harder as well to keep…
Tampa Bay Grouper ~ Off Topic
I know this is a bit off topic, but it's something I like to do. Since I share most everything else with you guys and gals, I thought I'd share something on the positive side. I like to fish in my spare time and being sick last year, I didn't get to do it much. April 1st in Tampa Bay (and the Gulf) opens the grouper season…
Soreness and cramping in neck almost a year after surgery/radiation
In January of last year, at age 20, I was diagnosed with a mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary gland. I had one surgery removing just the gland then a second scraping the area where the gland was and removing all the lymph nodes on the right side of my neck. I had radiation without incident - with the exception of…
Tube out soon!!!!
I got the OK from my ENT on my Friday visit to get my tube removed. They want to keep the port in for a while until I get some more clear scans under my belt, but I go Monday to the surgeon to set up getting my tube out. WOO HOO!! My last radiation treatment was on December 17th, to give you guys some time frame. Love you…
Chef Trek
I apologize it took me so long to get a new thread started. I had looked all over the site for the "new thread" button and it was right in front of me the whole time. I'm blaming starvation and pain! lol Thank you everyone for your support and prayers. Mike
thanks for info
Hi every one My name is Denny, this is my first time to post.I want to say thank you all for all the info and support on this site.It has help me alot, I dont fill alone in my battel to victory .For you are all in the same fight.
Skull base surgery -Retropharyngeal Node
Has anyone had any experience with Retropharyngeal Node resection? It's between the sinus cavity, ear and eye. I've developed this nasty little tumor and it's encroaching my carotid artery. I was dx with Medullary thyroid cancer 3 1/2 years ago. I've had 4 surgeries including a trache and 2 rounds of radiation, 1 external…
Just found out I just found out my dad has IV tongue cancer. Is has spread to one lympe node in his neck. The Dr. said he would need radiation and Chemo. I think it will start around April 12th. I have found reading the posts very helpful. March 30, 2010 - 5:11pm stage IV Hi Puma, Glad to see you found your way here. There…
Looking for Coupe
Coupe I have not seen you post in a while, how are you doing please let us know if you are well. Hondo
Eating and coping with recovery
Hi, My name Is Mary Ann. I just had my 4th surgery for oral cancer. It has been 7 years since the last tumor, and I guess I really thought I would never have to do this again. My story is long and and I won't bore you with the details. I just would like some suggestions about eating. Also being seen in public. I will look…
Personal record keeping
I hope that those of you that are going through treatment are keeping daily logs/records of you progression down this hellacious road. We keep at home daily records of weight....temperature.....blood pressure....bowel movements (Y/N)....plus any notations on number of regurgitations, hours slept, and introductions of new…
feelings of neck constriction 9 months post RT
Hi all, I had RT to the parotid salivary gland area and down one side of my neck, just off centre so that it didn't incude the windpipe. For the last month I have had the feeling in my neck, like someone has a hold of my windpipe and is squeezing it. It is not restricting my breathing or swallowing, but is uncomfortable.…
Status Update & Question about oral pain
Hey everyone, I have got my first clean 3 month PET/CT scan a week or so ago, the doc said he saw some pixalized spot on one of my lungs, but didnt seem to be too concerned with it and said in his op. it just looked inflammatory, like I had a bronchial infection or something, which, I did have one that I got from my…
re: Update
Hi Everyone....its me Sandy. I did get good results from my CT Scans last week. Yeppie!! I had not been able to log on because we had problems with our internet here at home. My doctor said that my CT scan looked stable and he is going to repeat the scans again in June. He said that if there is any significant change nor…
Has anyone else had these problems?
Hello everyone! I am new to this sight. I thought I had posted something last night, but cant find it on here anywhere. If I am repeating myself, I apologize. My husband was diagnosed with SCC stage IV in April of '09. Needless to say, this year has been hell. I was reading alot of your posts and no one seems to have gone…
Neck dissection March 29th
12.5 hrs to go. Thanks to all of you for being here for me. It means alot. I will do well. I have had alot of phone calls today. The surprise one was from my longtime penpal in England! My oldest son and his wife came by today. My boys in Texas and Phoenix called me. Nursing supervisor called me,neighbors. It felt good to…
vocal cord cancer
Have vocal cord cancer and a pacemaker how bad will radation harm the pace maker?
Horrible decision to make.
I was presented a decision this week, quite taking the immunosuppressant’s and loose my transplanted kidney and go back on dialysis and let my immune system come back to full strength to help fight the cancer or take the risk that the cancer will kill me. I am coming to the terms that the life as I know will never be…
For Micktissue
Mick a lot of us here are a little worried because we have not heard from you in a few days, hope you are doing well my friend. I know the treatment is more then likely getting very hard right now, just hold on the finish line is not to far away now. All the best to you my friend.
Mick & Claire; Please share
Mick & Claire; Your blog describes your discovery of a smoothie receipe that has 485 to 550 calories in 2/3 of a cup? Can you share that with us here on the board. Others (myself included) were launched on this journey by physicians who told us that the PEG would not be needed. Any and all assistance would be appreciated.…
Mild persistent cough
I am 18 months out of treatment for Squamous base of tongue. For the last couple months I have had a little annoying cough that just feels like a little tickle in my throat. Not a wet cough. I had a cold/flu that was pretty bad and seemed to start it off though it may have been completly unrelated. I always look for simple…
Cancer Patient Humor
Or, what NOT to do to a cancer patient... My teenaged daughter trimmed her bangs over my bathroom sink yesterday morning, using my special sharp scissors, and she didn't clean up any of the hair clippings before she left. Enter Mom (just two weeks into a cisplatin chemo regime) to comb her hair over the same sink. Quick…
The other post was getting a bit lenghty. Mike I had radiation burns to the right side of my neck. They do not sound as bad as yours though. The hospital also put some sort of dressing that cooled the area and also removed the dead skin, though didnt seem as bad as yours. I could only put a Eucerin type cream on once a day…
vocal cord cancer
I have Vocal cord cancer and I also have a pace maker, I have been told that radation treatment can burn out a pace maker, any body with the same?
So afraid.
I had a lump on the back of my neck and after having a needle biopsy it came out squmous cell carcinoma. I have to have a PET scan this coming Thursday. I have always felt fine and healthy. I have been a vegetariann for 10 yrs and then a vegan. I felt I have had a healthy life style. So I was so shocked when I found the…
For my bud Mick
Hey Mick, You know me man, haven't heard from ya and just wondering if you are doing all right. They seem to have gotten all the machines working where I'm at so I will be doing some catch ups this weekend. So I guess I've gotten a little reprieve? Yea right. An agony prolongment is what I have received. Someone actually…
Tiny spots inside upper peg tube
Hi, I've delveloped a few very tiny spots in the upper section of my peg tube. Not many, but they seemed to appear after one feeding. They are about the size of poppy seeds, and same color. Also not very many, but I'm wondering if anyone has seen this. They never go down and stick below the pressure shut off when I flush,…
Ear pain
The longer I wait for treatment the more pain I have in my left ear, it was my left tonsil that had the tumor and both tonsils were removed. The docs told me that radiation will take care of the pain. I have my trial run this Wed. 3/10/10. And I will start radiation either on the 11th or 15th of March. Has anyone else…
Dealing with being told you have 2 yrs left.
David Here. They told me this is what I have and that its a rare Cancer because of where it is located. I have not started any treatment yet but I do know I am in stage 3 and have 2 yrs to live.. Meeting with all of my Cancer team @ Sloan Kettering next week after I get a Pet Scan. ANYONE have any suggestions on where to…