Tip for anyone with high calorie needs and a tube
I'm significantly overweight and was struggling to maintain using the feeding tube. If I fed myself anything super thick or rich, I felt sick. Feeding by syringe works, of course, but I was looking at 10 cans a day because I use the product made from real foods (Compleat). Unfortunately, even that doesn't get away from the…
Pressure In My Ears...solutions?
Hey all ....this week I noticed the pressure in my eardrums picked up and my ear drums / ear canals hurt. The left side more than the right (my lymph node affected with cancer was on my left side). I got an all clear PET / CT scan May 7th and May 10th my ENT scoped, finger examed my throat as well as checked my ears and…
I just returned from a visit to my rad onc and he scheduled my next PET for Sept which will be 7 months since my last one which was 3 months post rt. After that it will be annual. I know there have been discussions in the past about CT vs PET so I asked why not CT. In his opinion PET is the best for determining if there is…
scan anxiety time
It is time for a scan again, just a CT of the lungs this time to check the small nodule in the lungs. As an update, they had found a small nodule in Jim's left upper lobe of lung which had grown on the last PET. It is still quite small. The RAD doc wanted to check it in 3 months, The original tongue and lymph node cancer…
been thru with treatment for 2 weeks, still spitting up stuff no relief in site. What can I do? seem to get no help from dr.s
Tongue cancer in young adults
I have a 23 years old brother. He has been complaining of neck pain for awhile and he has a small red and white lesion on his tongue. He went to a ENT doctor roughly 2 months ago. The doctor prescribed various antibiotics but they were not effective. This past Wednesday he went to the doctor again and he performed a…
Just for fun - Bio Question for all my message board friends
Hi All. Just for fun (and if you don't mind) I thought I would ask a few bio ?? if anybody wants to play along. I'm sure over the months / years you all have figured that out so hope my topic is not redundant. Tim & Jennifer Cogdill / five kids (all mine and Jennifer's. lol) / currently living in McCall, Idaho Born in…
Are you interested in joining a facebook group?
I have seen some head and neck facebook groups but they have not really worked for me. I would be happy to set up a group for those who are interested. The chat feature (for me at least) is easier to use on facebook than on CSN. For me, facebook is a nice supplement to CSN (and helps with my scrabble addiction) What is the…
Stopped up ears!!
Has anyone experienced this problem? It has been 3 days now and it's like water is stuck in my left ear. It all started a rough day after throwing up and I thought it would go away but the problem still exists. Just wondering if it's something I should go and get checked out.?
Tommorrow I throw my 1st punch
at this uninvited guest in my body. Yes Chemo Day One. It seems like its been years since I noticed the lump in my neck and hundreds of Doctors, Test, trips to Hospitals but the cancer kept on going about its business. Yes stretching reality a bit. Its been about 60 days but finally its time to hit back not just gather…
6 weeks post treatment - recovery and support group questions
Hello all, Sorry I have not posted in some time but I have been reading the board sporadically since my treatment ended. Due to up days and specifically my dark days when I was not in a good place I have not posted and that is one of my regrets. I wanted to share with newcomers what a great resource the Discussion board is…
Ballooning ankles
A couple weeks ago, my Doctor put me on liquid nystatin to get rid of thrush. This morning my ankles are swollen up 2x their normal size....anyone else had this side affect? It's the only new medication I'm on , butttt, I also discovered, even without an epiglottis, ice cream still taste yummy, could I be eating too much…
Getting Some Sleep with Dry Mouth
I'm at my wits end (and completely exhausted) from dry mouth. I've changed medication--to Evoxac, which I really like--and have tried xylimelts. I have a cold-misting humidifier by my bed. But I still wake up every 1.5 hours with a parched mouth and soon my tongue starts to hurt. Ambien usually helps me fall asleep, but…
So apparently it's not thrush, I 'm confused
My tongue turned white on Saturday and became very tender, it feels like I have sandpaper in my mouth. I called the on call Dr on Sunday and he said I probably had thrush. He called in some liquid nystatin for me. Nothing about the appearance of my tongue has changed since then. I met with my RO this morning and he said it…
Radiation for Head and Neck Cancers Often Result in Hypothyroidism
This is some good information to share with you all. My radiation oncologist had told me that I had a 20% chance of having my thyroid destroyed from the radiation treatments. After 2-3 months post treatments, my blood count revealed I did have hypothyroidism and I am now taking 75mcg of levothyroid daily for the rest of my…
What do you do?
I have no idea if this has been covered or if anyone even cares but I find myself frequently wondering what people do or did for a living. When I first meet someone in person that subject usually comes up very early on in the conversation because people want to find a common ground. Obviously those of us on this forum…
My voice is cracking and fadeing? Tongue burns / has ulcers?
Hi all. I got the ALL CLEAR on my PET / CT Scan Monday (that was my first scan since completing treatments Janaury 20th 2012) and my ENT scoped me two days later and did the finger down the throat thing ....also reviewed me scans and too said I was all clear ... ...so why in the last week has my voice gotten weaker. It…
Heading into week 5
I admit it: I didn't post much yesterday because I was moping around a little. I don't do that often, and today in retrospect it feels silly... but I know I need to cut myself some slack and not expect myself to be perfect, right? :-) I'm still aware of the fact that I'm doing well for someone rounding the corner into week…
Spam ......
I think someone is spamming the forum, promoting there knockoff chinese merchendise qq123456 and linxi Tonsil Dad. Dan.
Joint Pain from Chemo?
I am almost 6 months out of treatment and occasionally I feel some pain in my ankles and wrists. Anybody has the same experience? Does it go away or does it get worst?
Tongue cancer recovery
I had cancer on my tongue and had it along with a lymph mode removed followed byn7 weeks of treatment. I have been done with my radiation and chemo treatments for three months now. The treatments took a toll and I have lost 49 lbs from a frame of 188 at the start. My problem is that I cannot get the pain in my mouth to go…
Happy Happy Mother's Day! and Happy Anniversary to Me!
Today is the two-year anniversary of the completion of my treatment! (Stage 4 T1N2c BOT for you newbies out there) Two amazing wonderful years that I have been able to spend with my two beautiful daughters and my loving husband. If I didn't have another day, it still would have been so totally worth the effort! I am so…
Hairy Tongue, got any cures?
Help I've got a bad case of; Hairy Tongue. My Doc's last advice was for me to ask my dentist. Does anyone have any advice for me or better yet how to get rid of it? I'm scraping and brushing it but it does not seem to be doing any good.
Welcome to the party, Thrush!
My tongue started feeling "tingly" yesterday afternoon and when I went to do my now very involved dental hygiene routine last night my tongue was completely white. What the heck!?! I'm only 9 treatments in. I got in touch with the on call doctor where I'm being treated and he's calling in a couple scripts for me. Does this…
Neck and shoulder problems 9 month after surgery
Hi everyone I have posted on this sight a few times.I can say that there is a lot of good supporting peaple on this sight.I have read many of your post and they have been real helpful. In March 2011 when I was Dianose,a general surgeon removed a lump from the left side of my neck and sent it out for a biospy.The first…
hi everybody my name is Matt I'm 29 years old, tomorrow i have to get 20 teeth extracted and a chemo port put in i think this is going to make my treatment a lot harder to deal with and having no teeth will be a big confident and emotional issue for me please give me some words of encouragement the closer it gets the more…
PEG tube and paper tape allergies
I wanted to post this in case it's helpful for anyone doing a search later who might benefit from this information. Maybe it's worthy of the superthread? :-) I have a wicked paper tape allergy on my thinner skin areas (like inner arms, stomach, etc.) which never really came to light until I got my PEG tube. Sure, I used to…
So......week three is history....
it's Friday night, and I don't have to go for amifostine or rads tomorrow...whoo hoo!! I'm tired, but other than that, I feel pretty darn good. No sore throat....yet. I'm eating whatever I want to eat...plus backing things up with liquid nutrition. My taste buds started to change today...I remember the actual moment...LOL.…
I had my 2nd post treatment MRI and PET done last week and the result for both scans are clear! Very happy and wanted to sure the good news with my fellow survivers. Doc changed my MRI schedule from every 4 to 6 months now. From what I read most people get scanned every 3 to 4 months during the first 2 year post treatment.…
2wks out from radiation.
It's official I'm 2 wks out from my last radiation. Still very difficult. I'll have a good day then a not so good day. I'm not getting no where near the calories I shld be getting and that concerns me. I rarely eat or drink I take advantage of the times that I can eat lately there hasn't been any. Every time I eat or drink…