Pressure In My

Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
Hey all ....this week I noticed the pressure in my eardrums picked up and my ear drums / ear canals hurt. The left side more than the right (my lymph node affected with cancer was on my left side).

I got an all clear PET / CT scan May 7th and May 10th my ENT scoped, finger examed my throat as well as checked my ears and said all was good as I'm not going to let this worry me ....but I get a few dizzy spells too...

..any suggestions out there?

Thanks all .....awake so late tonight bc ears are hurting and just overall having some uptick in upper body aches....(back muscles, arm muscles)

I appreciate every one of you!

Tim / Idaho


  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    Ears, etc.
    Maybe fluid build-up, and that could also lead to the dizzy spells. If it continues, or gets worse, let your ENT know. Seems we run a higher risk for the likes of ear infections.
    Been others who had major problems with ear pain, post-tx, and lead to more struggle.

    The upper body nerves have taken a hit, Tim. With most, they say the L'hermites goes away after a year, or so, and mine might've taken a bit longer. My problem, over 3 years, post-tx, is more along the lines of spasms that I experience many times each day. The position of the head is also the likely cause- looking downward usually triggers it. Some experience pains all the way to their feet, but with me it's never been lower than the upper chest. Just take it in stride, and see what works to make it better. I find that looking up to the ceiling/sky and holding it there typically helps.

  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    What Kent said...
    Tim this is just par for the course. You are right on track.

    I still have on-going stuffiness and ear pressure two years later. I wouldn't call them dizzy spells exactly, but I have experienced some rather startling and equilibrium-disturbing changes in ear pressure... during my commute to work... which entails about a 1500 foot elevation change... on a busy mountain highway. The first time it happened, it triggered the one and only PTSD panic attack I've ever had in my life. The pressure change still happens almost daily, but I do my breathing exercises, and tell myself I'm fine. Not going to pass out at 60 mph.

    Got the muscle aches and pains. I suspect these are because I'm just getting old, but it's pretty easy to start wondering if it isn't some horrible manifestation of another cancer... eeeeeeek!
