Lasting medications

dennis318 Member Posts: 349 Member
Everyone practically knows my story, Stage 4 laynx cancer, i had some screw ups, and they finally pulled my butt threw everything, I am not right, I have HARSH TALKING VOICE, MY OPERA DAYS ARE breathing isn't the greatest, but i live day to day without mechanically devices, though my doctor would love to fit with more...out of 2 years of rads and chemo...what drugs are most usually on to maintain daily function, I'm down to hydros in am and pm...they cooked my throat and have nerves exposed, the spicy foods as well as acid foods are like thowing hot battey acid in there, i can eat better, and tolerate the foods better, I just wanted to know if the nerves will ever heal in side, I am also finding out that the muscles in my throat are thicker feeling, feel very tough to the touch, i still have some of the turkey neck fliuds, come and go...did everyone try to bite the bullet and stay away from dugs, or feel like me, whatever I can get by with in life to make it easy..take it....I go for check up Monday..Cancer time..wish me luck, Hate these appointments..I wanna live as nomal as I can to the rest of my life...not to make it more complicated, and told by doctors how I should feel and do without...You try living like this doc..Thanks After Monday I will be giving the cancer site a rest..but will check in at time to see whats happening, Take Care Best to All Dennis


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    need some rest
    Hi dennis318,

    After reading your story these past few weeks it sounds like you’ve been through the wringer. I thought (at one time) poor pitiful me, but not anymore. So many of the folks on this site were dragged through a much more difficult nightmare than I have been. I feel humbled by each of their stories.

    Like you, I used medication when needed. Lucky for me that wasn’t too much, but I always had the reserves just in case. I don’t know for sure but I assume your nerves will heal to a degree. Like all of us, it is never like it was before. I guess that is part of the challenge, learning to live with the changes.

    I’ve identified with your pain lately but understand the need for some time away. For me right now, being on this site and knowing I have cancer isn’t so bad. Don’t get me wrong IT IS BAD, it just doesn’t seem or feel as bad.

    Best of life for you,

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Good to See You Again
    I have the same "thick, tough" feeling in neck muscles that you have.

    Most of us are with you when it comes to dreading the checkups (especially the bill part). Hope you get nothing but good news from Monday's doc.

    I, too, had to give up spicy foods (well, many - some I can eat - I can't figure that one out, how catsup and salad dressing can burn, but I can eat mustard). Other than that, I'm still very lucky on the eating front - I can eat most things, even bread.

    Let us know how Monday's visit goes.
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Pam M said:

    Good to See You Again
    I have the same "thick, tough" feeling in neck muscles that you have.

    Most of us are with you when it comes to dreading the checkups (especially the bill part). Hope you get nothing but good news from Monday's doc.

    I, too, had to give up spicy foods (well, many - some I can eat - I can't figure that one out, how catsup and salad dressing can burn, but I can eat mustard). Other than that, I'm still very lucky on the eating front - I can eat most things, even bread.

    Let us know how Monday's visit goes.

    Hi Dennis ..
    Your story is a hard one. I can't possibly relate since I am a newbie to this oral cancer diagnosis....but I just want you to know I hurt and I care.

    When I read your story and the fight you have put up and are still putting up I am inspired. Your posts have given me faith that no matter what comes I too can get through it.

    With that said I keep you in my prayer list and have asked the good Lord to ease some of your side affects. I have asked Him to help you began to heal more and faster to allow for some relief. I wish I could do more, but it's all I have to offer aside from my appreciation of your posts.

    I do hope you will come back soon, but at the same time I hope you find some space to feel free.

    I consider you my cancer friend bc we do have that bond .....

    Best to you Dennis,

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Great News...
    That's what I'm waiting to hear from you next....

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi dennis
    When you talk about nerve problems I am right there with you, I too am just not sure why the doctors had to cook them so much, but I am still alive so can’t complain too much I guess. I am fixing to try a thing called Deep Pharyngeal Nerve Stimulation of the Vegas nerve on the left side of the face going into the neck. I have very bad nerve spasm in the neck and the pain it like a number 10 when it happens and after that everything goes numb. It can last anywhere from 5 mints to days, and when it does happen I am not able to eat until it goes away.I will let you know how the Pharyngeal Nerve Stimulation does if it works on me maybe it will be something you would want to try as well.

    Take care my friend
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    YES !
    I saw mom go through more than humans should ever be put through and lost the battle. I now have a rare cancer that has no answers. I know the feelings you are going through, my lungs suck 34%, and they can't tell me yet if the cancer has spread. Whatever ! Don't give in to hopelessness....but remember this is your life, your body...and I have decided for myself QUALITY over QUANTITY. I will try for my children and husband to live, but will decide on what and when the doctors do to me. I wish you the best of luck with everything...and sometimes distancing is a good thing for the soul. Please when you can give updates..... Katie