Just Checking in 8 more days of radiation!!!! and chemo on Wedndesday

Matt29 Member Posts: 62
hi everybody i'm just checking in i have 8 more radiation treatments left and i have my last chemo on Wednesday they are doing a smaller dosage on the chemo because i have lost more weight so 10% of my body weight my throat is definitively sore so i'm on a pain patch and was just raised up on the dosage and i have been using the feeding tube every night and also eating still my wife is taking very good care of me its a lot to ask for since we are newly weds been together for 6 years but she has been great well keep me in your prayers i can see some light at the end of the tunnel.Thank You


  • BarefootBob
    BarefootBob Member Posts: 72
    Keep it up!!!
    Keep it up Matt, you have come this far, you will do great!! God bless and good luck.

  • NoDuck
    NoDuck Member Posts: 134
    Nearly there!
    Congrats Matt!!! Hubby is just a few days ahead of you. He has 4 more rads. He is not taking the last chemo dose because of a bacterial infection he got when his white count was so low.

    You are nearly to the end of this treatment and can start your healing. Prayers and encouragement to you.

  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    NoDuck said:

    Nearly there!
    Congrats Matt!!! Hubby is just a few days ahead of you. He has 4 more rads. He is not taking the last chemo dose because of a bacterial infection he got when his white count was so low.

    You are nearly to the end of this treatment and can start your healing. Prayers and encouragement to you.


    Yes hang in there
    I can see you from the middle of the Bus, I have 20 more Rads, fighting thrush this weekend and mouth sores. 5 more Erbitux each Monday. My wife says Aug 10th will be the finish date so guess I just have to get thru July. So keep on moving on so we behind you will be there soon. But it sucks at times and I have learned over this period in my life that some days are now right rough and others are toleralbe. Thank goodness for God and my wife and family and friends getting me thru this. So prayers to you and your lovely wife.
  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    ditto1 said:

    Yes hang in there
    I can see you from the middle of the Bus, I have 20 more Rads, fighting thrush this weekend and mouth sores. 5 more Erbitux each Monday. My wife says Aug 10th will be the finish date so guess I just have to get thru July. So keep on moving on so we behind you will be there soon. But it sucks at times and I have learned over this period in my life that some days are now right rough and others are toleralbe. Thank goodness for God and my wife and family and friends getting me thru this. So prayers to you and your lovely wife.

    You're almost there! I think we have all seen a side of our spouses or partners that we didn't appreciate before. I've been married 32 years and have now seen a side of my husband I didn't know was there. As a newlywed, I am sorry you have to go though this but you are already seeing how devoted your wife is...how rewarding for you.
    God Bless!
  • Laralyn
    Laralyn Member Posts: 532
    I remember how it felt to be so close to the end! You're almost there, so keep up the good work and soon we will be welcoming you off the bus!
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Hang In There..
    Like mentioned, you are almost to the end of TX...., but remember you'll have a few weeks after where you are still taking a hit.

    Where you are now and for a few more weeks is the hardest and most effected period.

    Glad you have someone to be your caregiver...it's a huge sacrifice, but your marriage will be better for it.

    You'll develope a bond that a lot other couples don't have.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I remember so well....
    finally getting to the single digits of rads....8...7...6...5...so "tick-off-able" once you get there....and you are there!! Only 3 left when you finish this week....1/2 week will seem easy-peasey.

    Bask in the fact that once they are over you don't have to go somewhere everyday...cuz it's starting to appear to many of us on that last bus, all those who were ahead of us were right on the money when they said we aren't done cooking yet...so at least we don't have to pull our bad selves into a car and go anywhere...that's the BIG plus.

    Congrats on your last chemo (that's the one I'm waiting on now...two more to go)...I'm excited for you Matt....you've been a very positive force here, ya know...I remember when you first came in, and now I hear you....a total 180 degree turn.

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    I remember so well....
    finally getting to the single digits of rads....8...7...6...5...so "tick-off-able" once you get there....and you are there!! Only 3 left when you finish this week....1/2 week will seem easy-peasey.

    Bask in the fact that once they are over you don't have to go somewhere everyday...cuz it's starting to appear to many of us on that last bus, all those who were ahead of us were right on the money when they said we aren't done cooking yet...so at least we don't have to pull our bad selves into a car and go anywhere...that's the BIG plus.

    Congrats on your last chemo (that's the one I'm waiting on now...two more to go)...I'm excited for you Matt....you've been a very positive force here, ya know...I remember when you first came in, and now I hear you....a total 180 degree turn.


    Hi Matt ...
    Good to see a post from you ... :)

    Gald to see you are almost done. You bet on the prayer thing...have you and almsot all the above responders on my nightly prayer list (really) ..and I do believe it does make a greay differene having great doctors, good friends, a great wife and some good praying going on.

    Hang in there ..your bus stop is coming up!!! :)

