What to do???grrrrr
Woke up this morning (that's a plus ) neck is swollen a lot where nodes were removed, feels extremely tight, no pain...I'm 10 months out from surgery that removed my epiglottis, should this be going down, not reballooning up?( will deal with this Tuesday) Feel like Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon(minus) Have a great…
Neck massage therapy
I read about neck massage therapy here and inquired to my ONC. I had my 1st 40 minute massage this morning and it was delightful. My neck is not nearly as tight or swollen and I actually feel like my speech is better. Insurance is covering it. Thanks to whoever posted about it.
Cholesterol/sugar worry with extra calorie diet
Since we are taking extra calories which at times comes as fat or sugar, do we have to worry about cholesterol increase or blood sugar? I am taking so many extra calories but not able to gain any weight. I do have energy. Before treatment my cholesterol and sugar were border line, i am worried that i might increase it more…
PET and Thyroid
Hi to all my good cyber friends here at CSN. After reading a lot of the posts today I almost didn't post this because so many are suffering with this disease and I'm not all that sick anymore. But then again, don't we all post PET results? On the way to my rad Onc's office I realized that I hadn't obsessed about this first…
Hi everybody i'm going on 6 weeks out of treatment and everything is going pretty good swallowing is good and food taste pretty good not everything but most i started back working out very slowly and I've even been working on and off so i can't complain feeding tube was removed last week that wasn't too bad a lot easier…
I Need Your Opinions
I'll try to make this short. My regular ENT found my tongue tumor and referred me to the best H&N surgeon in the city. He is the only one to use the TORS too so this was a no brainer. Here is the problem with him treating me. As far as a surgeon, he saved my life. Very skilled and takes his time. He did the partial tongue…
Turkey Neck
I realize we all have been thru or are going thru some tough treatments and side effects. Recently I posted On Fire about neck burns. Made it thru the heavy pain but between my weight loss 30lbs and treatments I guess, I have this amazing turkey neck. Not sure what the term is for the portion of the turkeys neck that has…
I'm new here. My mom is a neck cancer survivor.
Hi everyone. I'm new here. My name is Erica. My mom was diagnosed with neck cancer earlier this year and just finished up her 35 rounds of radiation about 4 weeks ago. She also had 2 rounds of chemotherapy. This has been a very rough journey, made worse by my sister causing so much drama over things that aren't important.…
Coping with the ups and downs and all the hurry up and waiting
I am curious how everyone handles the initial diagnosis and then the constant hurry up and waiting. I am having such a hard time with all of this. I guess some would say I'm a control freak, most would agree that I am a bit obsessive compulsive and most who know me would say that if you need something done well call me. So…
Throat swelling starting to affect my breathing
My throat seems to be more swollen after each rad. sometimes I feel like my breathing is being affected. I have 11 more rads and 1 big chemo. It's hard to believe that this is happening to me, and I wonder if I will ever be back to a normal person with a normal life.
SuperThread....Now Always On Top...
I'm not sure if you have noticed..... I had asked Greta awhile back if there was away to pin or make the SuperThread stay on top of our posts in this forum. This would free up Dawn - Sweetblood22 of having to periodically bump it up every week or so, and I and/or others wouldn't neet to link to it anymore either. Now…
Estuation tube problems
Anyone else have problems with their estuation tubes due to tumor or radiation therapy. There was a tumor or node that grew next to mine on the left side that closed the “E” tube and cause fluid build up in the ear. I had radiation to destroy the tumor and the radiation worked and fluid disappeared, but since than, my ear…
Caregiver to newly diagnosed Stage IV base of the tongue cancer
I just want to say how thankful there is a site that I can go to to be around people who understand what my husband and I are going through. I married my husband in May of this year and he had what appeared to be a cleft cyst on the right side of his neck. He had a needle biopsy in October 2009 that came back inconclusive…
Wedding Anniversary
Today is my wedding anniversary. A magic date for declaring love to a magical woman. The date 8/27/88. Which is: 2-cubed/3-cubed/2-cubed 2-cubed. For those who are mathematically challenged: 2-cubed is 2 X 2 X 2 = 8. 3-cubed is 3 X 3 X 3 = 27. We did not pick the date for its magical number. I think our Spirit Guides got…
Last chemo tomorrow.....
...the last of treatment all together, actually!! Damn, I've been doing this chemo every three weeks since April 24, and I'm tired of it. Course I'm also nervous cuz the last two treatments have hated me so much...takes the 3 weeks to get a little better, and boom chemo day is upon me again. Also, having suffered the…
Flounder Pounder - Fresh From The Salt
Those flounder I caught last week made for a good article in a local angler magazine; Flounder Pounder - Fresh From The Salt Also on my friends web site; Fresh From The Salt Hopes and prayers for all of my CSN Family to get awesome reports, and continue getting back to normal with the activities and people you love. I'm…
enlightened denial
Hello friends! Even though I'm not reading posts daily, I think of you guys every single day, really. After finishing treatment I fell in a beautiful oblivion. I've been following up regularly with my docs and exploring my mouth and neck once a week to make sure that everything is alright, but apart from that I'm living as…
One Week PosT Radiation
I am one week post radiation. I have oral mucositis real bad. Constant burning mucus in my mouth. The only thing I can eat is Insure. I am constantly rinceing with Baking Soda and Salt. I ordered a bottol of Ora Soothe to try. http://www.orasoothe.com/Home.html I hope it will give me some relief. I have tried to sip soda,…
Words don't come easily anymore
Hey everyone ! Was just pondering if anyone else is having this issue ? I have been having issues during a coarse of a normal conversation, when a normal every day word eludes me. Can't even find a word that will replace it....kinda like a HUGE brain fart ! Or I'll say something I think is right....and everyone looks at me…
3.5 week update
things are moving right along. i'm still using the PEG but i sense a bit of taste returning. last night at my arents house i took some tiny bites of pork roast and mashed potatoes with gravy. the gravy didn't thrill me because anything with fat in it feels really gross in my mouth but the meat was actually tasty. not the…
Got my fiducials done for Cyber Knife - 24Karat Gold!
Wish I could do a "reply all" to the post I did last week about Cyber Knife http://csn.cancer.org/node/244921. (Ick I hate that they have "node" in their URL/web address). I tried to reach out to each and everyone of you that sent good thoughts my way but I didn't think this was an option on this site. Apologize if I…
Help me with my father's terminal Head and Neck cancer please
It's a very long story, but I am now taking care of my father who is in the terminal stage of Head and Neck cancer. He's about to be released from oncology and we had our first appointment with the palliative doctor last Thursday and he was no help. My dad hasn't been eating for some time, he gets his nutrition though a…
2 week rollercoaster
TWell after 7 relatively quiet radiation weeks things changed drastically. Last 2 days of rads and next few wife unable to handle her ensure and even water. Got severely dehydrated and lost 7 lbs. On Monday appt with oncologist she recommended a feeding tube. Started fluids that night and was admitted. Procedure for peg on…
Squamous Cell Carcinoma - brother in law who is mentally handicapped diagnosed
Hi, my brother in law was just diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma, stage 4. He is 52 and mentally disabled---it is hard because he is highly functioning so often we aren't quite sure how much he is actually grasping. At times he seems totally in tune with us, but then he will say something like "I gargled with salt…
1 week out
Still doing ok, neck burn coming along, got good responses on my Im on Fire Blog. Hopefully another week or two and it may be in my rearview mirror. Eating ok can swallow, I was a No Pegger so all goes via the mouth. Not to bad but for now it feels like a little wad of something just sitting at the base of the thoart,…
Thank you for the link for the most asked questions feeds H/N
I've been trying to find the link for awhile ! But always just got an amazing amount of listings on everything ! Had my link turned off some how...but fixed now and WOW...great work on this one ! You're amazing ! I will definately point people to this site and also refer to it myself ! I had to move my second opinion to…
Im on fire
I tried to look at old post did not find a discussion on RAD Neck Burns so I apologize if its there. Since my last RAD on Friday my neck has been to say the least likely a 2nd degree burn, serious sun burn what ever it hurts and Im hoping to find out if someone can give me suggestions. Matt I will be getting the Silver…
Are we Infecting our Love ones with Radiation?
Very Interesting story I found about Cancer Patients and Radioactive iodine WASHINGTON (AP) — Cancer patients sent home after treatment with radioactive iodine have contaminated hotel rooms and set off alarms on public transportation, a congressional investigation has found.…
newby w/ undifferentiated sarcoma of the tongue
Hello, as the subject says... I'm new here. I'm a 24 year old white male with sarcoma of the tongue. They're not sure what kind. I've gone thru chemotherapy (5 - three week cycles) and radiation (35 treatments) with less than spectacular results and now it's come time for surgery. I'll be posting about my recovery via…