From Chefdaddy

My supporting friends, I just got a link from Sweetblood22 that mentioned the passing of Glenna. She was very special to me as a lot of you were when I was being told I wasn't going to survive after all of the treatments and 14 surgeries. She called me in my hospital room because my good friend Hondo sent out the word that I needed support. She really encouraged me as well as several of you did, my very dear friends. I will always remember her.
My son, who you know, is not doing well. A year ago, this month, they gave him two weeks to live after the leukemia had relapsed. He has been fighting so very hard. He has been fighting this damned disease since he was eleven and now at sixteen it seems to be winning. I've been told now that there is a 1% group of kids that, at the DNA level, are allergic to chemo and he's in that group. He is currently in remission but the chemo he continues to get every week has wiped out his liver and his adrenal glands. He is now 307lbs. from all the steroids he has to take daily.
Many of you know the drama surrounding the kidnapping and custody battles I went through to get my daughter and him. I'm sorry I haven't been on here for a long time but life hasn't been to friendly to us lately. John, Sweetblood22 and Hondo I really miss talking to you. To the family of Glenna, I'm so very sorry and sad. She was a remarkable Lady.


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  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    You and your family are in my prayers and continue to be....

    How are you, you are still with us, so that in itself is awesome in looking back in time and the ordeal you were going through yourself.

    So sorry to hear your son is still having such a rough time.

    Yes Glenna is/was very special to me and my wife as well as the other girls that we have a pack with....Roz, Patty, Dawn, Glenna and their families.

    We would call Glenna on occasions just to surprise her and give her strength, though she had plenty of her own.

    She is greatly missed...., it's been a pretty sad week-end.

    My best to you Mike....

  • staceya
    staceya Member Posts: 720
    SO Glad to hear your voice!
    I am so glad to hear from you. I think of you and your family often and wish you peace in the hard road that you have had to travel. I too am very sad about Glenna, we were also facebook friends.
    Thank you for checking in,
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hello !
    I'm kinda a newbie on this site, but I wanted to let you know your post touched me deeply. I will be praying for your son, and your family. I never had the privilage of knowing Glenna but she must have been a wonderful lady. Warmest regards, Katie
  • Fire34
    Fire34 Member Posts: 365
    Thanks For the Update MIke
    I have been wondering how things wer going with you? Besdie the troubles with your son how are things going with you? If I remember correctly you, yourself had issues with you treatment? Wishes & Prayers
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Hello Again
    Good to hear from you. You have to know that for a lot of us, you were the "well, at least I didn't . . . " to remind us that things could have been much harder for us. I wish your son was doing better, though. He's been through so much - all three of you have. Hoping docs can find something to help his liver and adrenal glands. We totally understand that you don't have a lot of leisure time to be hanging on the computer, but thanks for dropping in.
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Fire34 said:

    Thanks For the Update MIke
    I have been wondering how things wer going with you? Besdie the troubles with your son how are things going with you? If I remember correctly you, yourself had issues with you treatment? Wishes & Prayers

    I don't know you but as a fellow warrior prayers for you and your son.

    Keep us posted.


  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    Pam M said:

    Hello Again
    Good to hear from you. You have to know that for a lot of us, you were the "well, at least I didn't . . . " to remind us that things could have been much harder for us. I wish your son was doing better, though. He's been through so much - all three of you have. Hoping docs can find something to help his liver and adrenal glands. We totally understand that you don't have a lot of leisure time to be hanging on the computer, but thanks for dropping in.

    I'm so sorry to hear all of the troubles you are facing. While I don't know you, you and your son are in my prayers. Keepnthe faith


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