light headed feeling that increases during exercise
I'm 40 years old and completed treatment for NPC 2 years ago. My treatment included neck dissection with the removal of 25 lymph nodes, 5 weeks of radiation with 5 weeks of Cisplatin and then 3 months of 5FU. I have many side effects from the treatment but I have one that I can't figure out and wanted to see if anybody who…
Maintenance chemo like Erbitux
Happy to report I had my first clean PET scan and last chemo last week. I'm still on my 5FU fanny pack until Monday, but so glad to be at the end of treatment! My chemo doc is researching putting me on a maintenance chemo like Erbitux. Of course I'm hoping I don't have to do this, but what from he tells me about Erbitux…
KFC/Long John Silver? No Help, Save your money if you can eat out
Hi, Its been a while since I've been here. I've been doing pretty well, thankfully. My main issues are the aftereffects of cisplatin/radiation but it has been manageable. Thank God! I am writing because of my profound dissapointment in the company KFC/Long John Silver. I did go through the drive through yesterday and…
Breathing test
Finally starting to feel better following my visit with Mr Pneumonia. Yesterday I had a test done at the local hospital to measure my lungs somehow. Shoot - taking the test tired me out more than anything. Haven't gotten the results yet but last night my GP Doctor called (he scheduled the tests) and they have advanced my…
Going home
Today has been one of those very weird days. It started out with gagging and dry heaves at 5:00 am. At 9 we had a room full of doctors discussing our new treatment plan. They have decided to give David a nausea patch and then several other nausea medications. He still will have roxycet and they are increasing his Zoloft.…
Scans today
Hey all ! Will be on my way shortly to the U of M. I'm excited to get these over and done with to get there uptake on where I'm at. They started out being my second opinion, and now are my primary onco's. I was looking through paper work for insurance purposes...and my other medical onc has passed me on permanently.…
Getting tough
Think today must have been a turning point for my husband. He just completed his 13th radiation and today is worst day so far. Been doing ok but now today has alot of throat pain and just doesnt feel well. I am thinking from here on out it's gonna be a bumpy flight plus he has chemo on Thursday( his second Cisplatin). He…
National Family Caregiver Month
once again, we thank you. ---------- National Family Caregiver Month National Family Caregivers Month (NFC Month) - observed every November - is a nationally recognized month seeking to draw attention to the many challenges facing family caregivers, advocate for stronger public policy to address family caregiving issues,…
What should we expect with getting PEG, Types of PEG's, Care, and How to use?
We're expecting a PEG to be placed soon. Can you tell us how to expect this to be placed, what types there are, how are they used with putting food in and is it limited to just Ensure/Boost type products, or can you used blended foods you make. And also, what kind of care(cleaning/bathing) should we expect?
Busy day at Markey
David is wore out from all the people in and out of his room today. He had a dietician, 9 doctors at rounds, hospital staff, someone took him for a CT scan, someone came to draw blood. Then you have his hourly visits from the nurse and tech. The doctors wanted new CT scans to rule out any new masses from his head through…
How invasive is getting a "Pic line" in?
Well he's getting a pic line put in tomorrow. Wondering what to expect. I know what it does, but he's a litte anxious about it. Especially with previous heart issues and that's where they lead to the line to The reason he never had a port was because he only gets chemo once a week, but now that they are doing more IV…
My Mom Passed Away
Hello everyone. I just wanted to let you all know the sudden and devestating update about my mom. She passed away yesterday morning. I found her on her bed, slumped over. I was home with her and had just spoken to her about an hour prior to finding her. My sister had called and talked to her as well. We do not know the…
10 weeks out and running
My husband is 10 weeks since his last treatment and he just ran his 22 (in a row) marine corps marathon in DC last Sunday!!! His time was better than last year. (he is not a very fast runner) I think it is because he lost 50 pounds. We got out of there before Sandy stranded us!! Those of you wondering about exercising…
101.8 fever
David started complaining of some pain last night and whining this morning. They just took his temp and it was 101.8. Now we are waiting for more lab work. This morning has been crummy. I got up early to do some work for meetings people are covering for me this morning and my laptop came up with a system error. So I am…
Happy Halloween !
Hello guys and gals ! My wish for all the little ones - a safe evening full of adventure and excitement. I think of all the folks on the East coast and all their going through. I go in tomorrow finally for my 5th PET and 4th MRI w/contrast. Boy this yr has been an adventure....won't get results until the 19th, unless the…
Tongue feels weird
My husband,Buzz, finished radiation/chemo on January 10th for a Stage IV BOT cancer. He still has his PEG and uses it for water and 2 cans of Osmolyte per day. Otherwise his oral intake is liquid. His throat is only slightly sore and his tongue is not hurting. However, any solid food(no matter how soft) feels weird in his…
My father's update...
Hey everybody! I know, I know... I haven't been much here lately. Actually, I did not write for quite some time... The reason for that is the fact that I needed some time off. Off everything, off cancer and thinking about it, reading about it, writing about it. It affected me so much that I could barely live normal for the…
Island Time...
Island Time ~ St. George Island... Island Time ~SGI Fresh raw Appalachicola Oysters, Smoked Mullet, crackers, hot sauce and a few cold beers ,,, Best Happy Halloween Survivors, John
A day without a Smoothie
Everyone, 219 days post treatments and I can declare my first day without a smoothie or protein drink (at all). Frosted flakes with half-n-half, broiled chicken, mojo potatoes, almond joys, snickers, cake, cherry pie and a ham sandwich and I may not be finished yet, I might need some food to make it more balanced. Granted…
Another day at Markey
Just had our rounds with the oncology people. David's chemotherapy and radiation has been put on hold. They do not think he is well enough to undergo treatment at this time. Their goal is to get him taking enough nutrition and liquid through his PEG. He has been put on the continuous feed pump and started at 10 ml per…
First Treatment
I have stage 3 tonsil cancer on left side with left side lymph node involvment. I had my first dose of chemo/cisplatinum this morning and my radiation this afternoon. I had a little reaction to one of the anti nausea med that they tried to give me through the iv (zofran). Once the reaction was dealt with, we continued with…
Need relief for tongue radiation tx... (Fentanyl lollipops, popcicles?)
Hi Everyone, Week three is complete today! 4 more to go.. We've had a rough go of it this week. Since he is BOT radiation,(no surgery) his tongue is really tore up. As most of you saw on a previous post, they refuse to put lidocaine in his MM for fear of aspiration to the lungs due to the condition of tongue, I guess. So I…
Ups and Downs
I swear this mucous will be the death of me, I was doing pretty good early last week, then my ONC thought she saw some thrush and started me on an antibiotic and anti fungual, both of which made me vomitit and nauseas, next day radiation oncologist loook in my mouth didnt see any thrush, told me to stop taking the…
Ups and downs
Hey everyone, I've been trying to stay positive and keep the humor that is so important. I had posted and deleted on this stupid throat of mine. On meds again to get rid of thrush...have had it in the past yrs ago from asthma inhalers. I need to be better for those scans Nov. 1st. According to my new team I should of…
Update on my Mom
My Mom is doing great and ready to leave the hospital following successful laposcopic surgery for stomach cancer. Pathology report came back clean. A couple of hurdles over the last two weeks but at age 87 that was to be expected. She will be going to a care center for rehab to continue rebuilding her strength before…
My husband just finished radiation #7 yesterday. Doing pretty well and still eating well...in fact seems like his appetite has increased. The radiation peeps told us at about the 10th treatment it starts to get alot rougher. He had a rough bout the first week but I attribute that to the chemo and since then seems like the…
Vital Stim Therapy
I'm going on 8 weeks since my last rad treatment. Had my body scan last week-alls good. My problem is I can't eat. Anything with any texture to it causes immediate gagging. I can do liquids and puddings but after a visit with my Speech Pathologist and a "swallow test" she's putting me on a therapeutic feeding schedule and…
PET SCAN RESULTS ARE IN!! NED!!I haven't stopped smiling yet, thanks for all the prayers and support!
I know Dawn, "Sweetblood" had said some time ago she was taking a break from CSN, but has anyone heard from her? is she doing OK?? And the same for "Kimba", Marks Partner, "Doctor Mary", "ECKDENNIE" ETC. I may have butchered some of the names. Thanks Mike
Two down, four to go
We start our third week of treatment tomorrow and on thursday he will be getting his second round of Cisplatin. Did fairly well with the first but am wondering will the second round be more difficult. Does the chemo have a cumulative effect? Also, doing ok with radiation. He is only having the right side of the neck…