Gators in the Hood... ~ Photos
On a somewhat lighter note... Those that have mentioned about fishing with me... Being in Florida, part of the local wildlife share many of my fishing holes..., snapped a few photos from New Years Day at the local Crappie fishing hole. I saw a few of these guys out on the bank sunning themself, two were at least 10 - 12',…
nothing tastes good
Jeff's two favorites-apple sauce which he has at every dinner and coffee ice cream every night tastes yukie now. He is so bummed. Even the coffee we get at Dunkin's everyday is not appealing. It's breaking my heart to see him so misirble. He has only lost about 5 pounds in 4 weeks. We got a reprive on chemo, we are…
Throat cancer Hpv
I am new here my name is Lili , my husband has HPV tonsil stage 3 , radiation and chemo treatment , he will finish next week, he didn't want the Peg tube and he lost 3o pounds already I am so worried he didn't eat for the last 2 weeks just Gatorade . I wonder how is the healing process of the throat , how long it will take…
Its been over a year now back in April 2012 that I introduced myself with a post "Is the Fight Worth It" and got so many uplifting responses. I did fight it and thought I had won back in Oct when I posted NED per the Doctor reviews of the CT scan. Since then however things have changed, my left ear started to bother me and…
2013 here we come !
Hello everyone ! Well I haven't seen my onc's yet because of all the holiday schedualing.....but did receive path reports in the mail today. My lung was NOT mets or cancer period ! My H/N area came back no malignancies noted. So it's sounding as if I'll be receiving the NED'S thumbs up yet in January. I'm still pretty…
For my good "Old" buddy Kent...; Merry Christmas...and BELIEVE, John
David in the New Year
It sounds like we will start the new year with a blood transfusion. David was very washed out yesterday and didn't even get out of bed until 5 pm. When they drew his blood (while asleep) his hemoglobin was 7.4. They give blood at UK whenever it goes below 8.0 so we are waiting for a call to come in for a transfustion (well…
Very Tough prognosis my days here are numbered
Thank you all for this great site & all the great people on the bus. It looks like my time on bus will be a few weeks or months. I am home in Minnesota after being in hospital at Salt Lake City over Christmas. They found that cancer has returned & is wrapping around my caratoid arteries, and part of my spine is exposed due…
CSN Email :(
Took me until yesterday to realize that all of my archived CSN Email messages are gone. :( ( Sorry if I missed an earlier post about this, but does anyone know if these messages are gone for good? There were some wonderful communications from folks that are now gone. I really wanted to keep some of those for a while. Guess…
Tim6003 Lung Scan Results are in
Here is what the report reads +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Auxillary regions are clear Mediastinum is normal Lung field assessment shows decreasing nodularity in the superior segment left lower lobe as compared to prior exam, (Nov 7th) now with only one dominant nodular measuring 4mm and other stranding in the area.…
Connection problems
Gosh is it just me? I'm still having a hard time getting on to the site. I haven't been able to get on for the last 2 days. Any suggestions? Billie
ShowDown in Orlando....Skiffin16 & Longtermsurvivor
My wife and I had the opportunity to meet Pat (Longtermsurvivor) and his lovely wife today in my neck of the woods... The meeting place couldn't have been more up my alley also... Bass Pro Shop - Orlando. We had lunch, talked for awhile and had a great time, my wife and I were very happy to meet you both Pat. It's always…
Fighting against fear
I can go hours now without thinking about the cancer. I can't go a whole day yet, but I can make it most of a day. And when I do think about it, it's usually just as a part of my life, as something that happened to me like so many other good or bad periods of my life. Except when I hear about the recurrance of cancer after…
I am back! About a week ago one of my husbands mollars fell out. This morning he woke up and his face was swollen where the tooth fell out. He said it's pretty bad and would not give me any details. He is going to see a PA today (not happy about that), his doctor is not in today. Anyways, I hope they get the infection…
Another Milestone
Happy New Years Eve everyone. Today I reached another milestone in my journey ; 1 year ago today I finished my treatments and continue to be cancer free. While my journey isn't over , I will continue to see my onco and rad docs every 6 months, my ENT every three, with port flushes, CAT scans and throat scopes thrown in for…
What to expect
if I have to have a partial neck dissection. Im creating a second post to my thoughts post. Seems the ENT will want to do another exam after the results of my PET scan, seems the SUV count (SUV count is picked up on the PET and I googled it, very confusing but seems to be related to many possibilities) did drop from over…
With a few members now blogging on CaringBridges.org, I decided to search for BarefootBob (Robert Eckhart) on that site. His wife, Danelle, started the blog but Rob has posted a time or two. Please check out his page for current information regarding him and his current treatment. I hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas…
Taste Buds
I recently completed 35 radiation treatments plus 3 chemo treatments for tonsil cancer. I am wondering if some of you could tell me how long it took for your taste buds to return and how long before your appetite returned? I am off the feeding tube but only drinking Boost as taste buds and appetite seem to be gone. I think…
Is there a big disconnect from what I actually see vs. what the doctors keep saying?
First of all, no word on my CT of the lung scan, so this has nothing to do with my health status. I don't know if this is more of a question or just a statement, maybe it's a bit of both. But here it is. Lung Mets: I continue to hear from ALL the doctors I speak to that lung mets from H&N is "rare" I even got a % from one…
First Feeding Tube Experience
I did not expect it to be as simple as it was. The folks at the Rad center were adament that they wanted me to start at least one feeding a day so that 1) I would maintain/gain some weight and 2) know what to expect when I need it. It turns out it's an extremely easy process, perhaps too easy as eating becomes harder and…
Dropping by to say hi
I hope everyone had a good Christmas. I have thought about everyone and miss our daily posts. I have had a lot less time to devote to posting to the forum, but I have been reading most everything. David is feeling more himself the last couple of days and he even went upstairs for a shower today. It is nice to see him being…
Christmas accomplished
We had a very nice Christmas yesterday. I got out the China and silverwear we got for the wedding. I was determined to make some memories. My son and daughter came, David's brother, mother and close friend were also here. It was the first time I really cooked since all of this happened and the food was great. I pumped…
Cold Weather ~ Hot Grouper Chowder
With the cold weather and closed season.... It just seemed like a Grouper Chowder kind of day...; I usually save some left over grouper for the freezer, and dig it out on days like this. Usually freezing it and pulling it out later for a meal, fish tends to be a little stronger...perfect for making a stew or chowder.…
A little update on my Dad
Hey everybody! Again, I did not post much but I read a lot. I hope you all had a good Christmas. Well, my Dad is now 3,5 months post chemoradiation. I think that he actually got stuck at the same place with pain in his throat. When he finished his tx after two weeks things got better. He never had PEG tube and was able to…
I am four plus months post radiation following a total neck dissection and have had increasing swelling in my lower face/upper neck on that side. It's been there for awhile, but not really bothering me til the last week, when it's become really painful, tender, and I can now hear my pulse pounding in my ear and bit the…
quick guestion
how do you find the blogs, example Vikeman10 and Vivian? Thanks
Humming in the ears
Has anyone got humming or ringing in their ears ftom Cisplaton? Jeff started getting humming after the first dose. We are heading for the 3rd dose today. We told the nurse the other day about it and was told they will cut his dose a little. When they reduce the dose do they tend to add an extra week? Do the humming go away…
Surgery after IMRT
After 35 IMRT also my mother's 4A degree toncil cancer persists.Nearby bone also affected. She is suffering from heavy pain and mouth is opening a little only.She is sugested for a surgery on Jan1st. Pls share experience of same cases. Please give advises to arrange maximum medical support.
Happiness after cancer?
After a tonsillectomy and a second operation involving a TORS procedure and a radical selectivedeck dissection and 33 radiation treatments I am finally 2 weeks removed from cancer treatment. Before I was diagnosed with tonsil cancer stage 2, I was on the brink of getting a divorce. I subsequently lost my job over the…
Okay, We're Home Now & Word Of Warning
Brought hubby home last night from hospital, a little worse for wear. His diuretics have all but been removed, which is supposed to put less stress on the kidneys, but in turn has left him with swollen feet and legs so walking is impaired. Will be seeing Cardio, Endocrinologist, and selecting Nephrologist in the near…