Christmas goodies
Hi all: Been burning some midnite oil here getting ready for Christmas and all. Will be leaving Sun. for NC with Chargee in tow for Christmas. Will be a short stay as will be back home on Wed. But am off all week and truly looking forward to that. Had a tree disaster Sun,. nite as my Christmas tree fell and the base broke…
On My Way
1) I've made an appointment to get a 2nd opinion. It is in the early part of January. I do not post exact dates on public forums. Not because of you, my friends; but because you never know who is reading this. The appointment is with the head of medical oncology at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. 2) On on my way with the…
Chicken Or Egg?
First, forgive me if I have asked this question before. I am now past addlebrained. What seems to be the standard protocol? Rads and chemo first or surgery first? Original onc says teeth pulled, then rads and chemo, then surgery. MDA seemed to lean toward pulling teeth during surgery(strange to me), and then rads and…
The dreaded week III
Well, today is the last day of week 2 of treatments, 10 rads done, and 2 chemos (23 and 4 to go). And, week three has started - everything they told us it would be is happening now. Over the weekend Dan's throat started to bloom with mucositis - he can't swallow the Mugard - it gives him stomach aches. The ENT said today…
Radiation Ending Soon
How long will I feel bad after radiation ends (finishing 35 treatments). Can only get down a few cans of Ensure a day and some milk and a little pudding. Was wondering how soon after treatment ends before things start improving. And how fast?
He's not such a bad guy after all.....
This really has not much to do with H&N cancer but it's good news and I must share. My husband is a police officer for the city that we live in. We are a beach city in the South Bay area of Los Angeles. There are 4 little beach cities here in the south bay so most of the police officers from all those different beach…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
I have taken a break from posting, but do log in on occassion and check in on everyone. I wanted to take a second and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Sirena
I stopped by a local SS office Friday, and found out the following facts. My diagnosis will qualify my for the "compassionate clause" basically meaning I will qualify for benefits. I have to be either out of work or making less than $1,000.00 / month before I can apply for disability. presently I qualify for $2,315.00 /…
Things are better left unsaid....
I realize that some people in the outside world of cancer are/can be lost for words when approaching someone they know that is dealing with cancer, but....wow, can't believe what the last couple of days had brought us. Finally got my loved one out of the house. Trying to get a little bit of normal back into his life. We…
How much pain relief using cannabis?
Hey, the Bay Area is hella expensive but comes with fringe benefits such as the Pacific Ocean, cool breezes and cool summer fog, superb scenery, Silicon Valley, and birthplace of medical marijuana aka "Oaktown". Getting a card is as easy as getting a six pack so I looked but did not find much commentary how well it works…
What did you do with your mask?
First off, congrats to Nelson for graduating from RC (Radiotheraphy College), with his diploma (mask) proudly displayed in his photo. His post sparked some comments from others about their own mask and what they did with it after their graduation. So, maybe there's enough for a new thread. As I left RC for the last time I…
Happy Holidays
Hello Everyone, I wanted to send all of you holiday wishes,prayers and hugs. Today is my last day at work until January 2nd and I do not have Internet at home. Please know I will be thinking of all of you and praying that you get to have a warm and safe holiday with your families. Thank you for eveything you have done for…
What is the recipe please. How often? They told me at the Cancer Ctr and I thought I wrote it down.... I'm just good like that. Luke
2012 has been one heck of a year
I haven't been posting as much lately because life has come back with a vengeance. It's funny how everything seems to go into slow motion after the cancer diagnosis... or at least it did for me. It took a while to reconnect with life, and just when I thought I was back in the swing of things, my job went kind of sideways.…
Dad starts radiation tomorrow
Hello New Family, Well, tomorrow marks the 1st of 33 rads for Dad. Hmmmm..."Rads for Dad"--sounds like a rock group. (I see I still have my sense of humor!) Anyway, last week was weird...the mask fitting, sights, sounds, smells...all came back in memory of 20 years ago when my husband was being treated. Different, but…
throat checkup
Had my visit with the videostrobe and ENT today, everything was normal, no change, will see him again six month. I have had a lousy October and November, in hospital for over three weeks altogether. I had lung surgery in October to remove a small cancerous nodule, I was given the option of wait and see for six months and…
I saw my Oncologist earlier today, and he validated what I had already heard. No visible signs of any tumors from the CT scan. He also thinks that since the large tumors melted away, he is confident that the tiny ones in my nodes in Mediastynum are most likely gone also. Due to the severe side effects from the 5FU, he is…
base of tongue/node Rad & thyroid?
With radiation on the back of tongue and one the lyphnode has anyone had any damage to their thyroid gland? I just was worrying about it. thanks for any feedback Sue
Ready to kick some cancer butt
Port in, check, peg placed, check, right with Jesus, check, rumble starts next Monday with first round of chemo cocktail, stay tuned for highlights, fans appreciated! In Christ, Kevin
Bad breath symptom?
I searched looking for folks having bad breath symptom and surprisingly did not find much at all. How many of you have experienced this condition? ENT says it happens due to the cancer in the throat and not much to do until treatments start. I have tried everything and nothing seems to work. Don
I feel so different
I love coming to this site because people are truly my friends, but lately I have felt out of place. Yes David has head and neck cancer, but the plasma cell leukemia is ruling our lives right now. The doctor came in today with a new chemo regimine for after Christmas and it doesn't include Cisplatin any more so none of the…
Sore mouth
Hi everyone, I just found this site, and wish I had found it earlier! I finished my chemo and 35 RAD at the end of October for BOT with one node removed. . Now I am recovering from the side effects of the treatment. Has anyone had a problem with sores on the side of the tongue ? I assume it is a burn from the radiation? It…
Recovery going well
Hello Friends....I haven't posted for a while as my issues seem insignificant compared to some of the others here, but wanted everyone to know I am doing OK with recovery, get my first pet scan in a couple months, and do my 6 week post treatment with my ENT next week, I hope he addresses my esophageal stricture, eating…
Recurring cellulitis
I'd posted just after Thanksgiving that I'd developed swelling in my neck (selective dissection 10/16) that after a black Friday spent in the ER, turned out to be cellulitis. I was prescribed a 10 day course of Keflex (500 mg) and being diligent with my meds, completed the entire course and my neck was back to normal a…
I'm weak and I must confess
Friday night, I went out with 3 girlfriends, small bar, everyone knows each other, band~~anyway, all my friends are smokers, and I caved and had some smokes....now, I'm craving and I need to get over it..just needed to tell my friends on here, as I'm sure you'll understand
My mama
Hello everyone. My name is Steve Herrera my mama was just diagnosed squamous cell cancer. It started off as a nasal infection and low and behold they found squamous cell. We found out that the tumor is about the size of a baseball :( and it is pressing up against her optic nerve causing double vision. She is nauseous, and…
yahoo! much to my dismay, i did not have the tube with the balloon at the end. when he yanked that mother out - WHEW!!! what a rush!!! then after a minute or two it didnt even hurt anymore :o ) hope everyone is well and has a good weekend!!!
Trying to stay positive but I'm back for morale support and prayer
Hi guys and gals, Wasn't gonna post until after the 18th. Yeah well after todays pre-op....well I need that shove I had earlier asked for. I'm having the vats procedure/wedge resect. I have 37% lung function according to the spirometer tests they have been doing. Both my lungs are enlarged, but my heart so far is strong.…
Getting pregnant after high dose of Cisplatin
Is this even possible? I am still in my early 30s and my period is back to normal on the 2nd month completing the chemo treatment. Did some web searchings and it seems 2 yrs after the treatment is safe but also seen 5 yrs. I am afraid pregnancy will bring back cancer. I was pregnant when I was diagnosed NPC and had to…
Getting through the days until first scan.....
Hi All, Just wondering how some of you that have been through your treatment got through your "dark days" after tx to your scan? As a caregiver, I'm finding it a hard to help get him through these dark days. And when I say dark, I literally mean the dark in the sense that he is becoming scared of the dark. Does not like to…