15 down 18 to go

lts Member Posts: 75
edited January 2013 in Head and Neck Cancer #1


Well it's official. Can't taste a thing. This morning was the first time I couldn't taste my coffee and my French vanilla creamer . Food, pop, even water tastes funny.

So far side effects include; mild soar throat, no taste, fatigue and skin is a little red in area radiating. Did I mention no taste. Yuk


P.S. I had tech at c center take pic for new avatarYell



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  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    Man, you have eyebrows!

    Mine disappeared during carboplatin therapy.  They never grew back, so you are already ahead of me.  You remind me of my first rads back in 1998.  About where you are now, I sat in the local Waffle House, staring down into a plate of waffles and eggs, wondering why I would eat them when I could taste nothing at all.    Dang, that memory has stuck with me.  But today, even after a second set of rads (I have had a total of 69 sessions) my taste is essentially perfect.


    Carry on!



  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
    Congrats, you are almost half

    Congrats, you are almost half way there. It seems just like yesterday my husband was where you were. Hang in there.


  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
    Congrats, you are almost half

    Congrats, you are almost half way there. It seems just like yesterday my husband was where you were. Hang in there.


  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member
    Almost 1/2 way there!


    I am the caretaker half, but I've been waiting not so patiently through all my husbands treatments.. and just wait a moment.. soon it will be behind you! We are down to 4. yep that is one hand, minus the thumb!.. Soon..

    My advice, nap and lots of lotion, more lotion, then a little lotion, and another nap :)

    Good Pic..


  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    Way to go Brother

    I'm at 14 (of 30) so kind of behind yet ahead :)


    You've given me a great idea for the pic, I think I'll get mine taken tomorrow and we can start an avatar trend.


    We're not too different on the side effects except my sore throat is a bit more than "mild".  Doc saw it today and said it was medium to medium well.  Hurts like a b but better living through chemistry helps alot. I havent' really lost my taste buds but almost everything burns my tongue and I have a plethera of sores around the insides of my lips and one on the tip of my tongue.


    I'll be half way tomorrow.  Doesn't mean crap since it only goes downhill from here but everyday is one day closer to done.


    Hange in there, I'm in your cheering section.


    Joe Cortney

    Dallas, TX

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Wow...both you and Joe are

    almost half way done....that was a BIG deal to me during rads....that and the final countdown (single digits)....I remember the day water tasted funny....it happened overnight!  The one thing that did me righteous all thru rads was milk....I could taste if for some reason, and I'll bet I drank a gallon every two days.

    Love your pic :)...I have one of me in my Expressions page.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Awesome avatar !


    Picture brings back memories.....glad to hear your about half way through !  Side effects I hope are not severe, and don't ever get severe.  Keep up the excellant work Luke, and the excellant attitude !  Thinking of you !   Katie

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    I remember



    Half –way is a nice milestone with completion just around the corner.  Well is no taste everything you read about?  As I travel through the taste menagerie, I tell you it is a trip. Even with no taste I some how enjoyed my coffee throughout treatments.


    I still get a little queasy seeing the mask, it use to be I could look at Phrannies mask picture for the thrill.  My mask had eye hole for unobstructed viewing of the zap chamber. 


    Are you playing music?





  • Vee1
    Vee1 Member Posts: 59
    11 down; 22 to go

    Dad is back on track and made the 1/3 mark after today's treatment.  We hated the week's break at first, but now I really have to believe it was for the best.  It was as if there was time to make adjustment somehow.  During that week off he regained taste and had an increase in energy.  He ate more and gained a pound, soooo here we go again.

    I found this photo online from 1961...here's what kid's radiation masks looked like.  The text reads: "Dr. Erwin Liebner and artist Vince De Sio at the University of Illinois making fun masks for children's radiation cancer treatments."  image

    Life is weird.



  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Thanks for posting

    The picture is quite dramatic. I saw "creepy" I think. I say more like "freaky", lol. Just curious is that one piece or the lower section separate. If one piece that is one big mask. Once I am done with mine, I am going to wear it on Holloween. :-)

    So, the dreaded three week mark. Please keep posting your status as I for one am quite interested to compare your experience with many others offered here.

    Hang in there!


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    donfoo said:

    Thanks for posting

    The picture is quite dramatic. I saw "creepy" I think. I say more like "freaky", lol. Just curious is that one piece or the lower section separate. If one piece that is one big mask. Once I am done with mine, I am going to wear it on Holloween. :-)

    So, the dreaded three week mark. Please keep posting your status as I for one am quite interested to compare your experience with many others offered here.

    Hang in there!


    "Its" ALIVE!!! LOL

    Just kidding of courseSealed

    You are on your way to NED my friend ...


    VEE:  What the heck!!  That's just scary, now I won't sleep good tonight.....Looney Toones will never be the same...TMI  LOL

    Best to everybody....



  • lts
    lts Member Posts: 75
    Tim6003 said:

    "Its" ALIVE!!! LOL

    Just kidding of courseSealed

    You are on your way to NED my friend ...


    VEE:  What the heck!!  That's just scary, now I won't sleep good tonight.....Looney Toones will never be the same...TMI  LOL

    Best to everybody....



    18 down 15 to go

    More than half way now!!! I had to ask nurse for something for nausea, felt like I was going to get sick all the time. She gave me Compazine. Much betterSmile! Eating is more of an exercise in will power now, nothing tastes good at all. I have tried everyone’s suggestions and I am sad to say YUk! I am able to make a shake in the morning (banana, cup of yogurt, Carnation breakfast mix, cup whole milk, ice cubes) that still makes my mouth water, I think. Peanut butter and celery is good. I went and bought some broccoli and cheese soup at Panerra’s, yum!

    Three more weeks!!! I know the taste won’t be back but I will be on the right path.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    The Mask

    Ahhh... that's what I just got! From the top of my head to my shoulders ~shudder~

    Great that you're almost half way through! 


  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    lts said:

    18 down 15 to go

    More than half way now!!! I had to ask nurse for something for nausea, felt like I was going to get sick all the time. She gave me Compazine. Much betterSmile! Eating is more of an exercise in will power now, nothing tastes good at all. I have tried everyone’s suggestions and I am sad to say YUk! I am able to make a shake in the morning (banana, cup of yogurt, Carnation breakfast mix, cup whole milk, ice cubes) that still makes my mouth water, I think. Peanut butter and celery is good. I went and bought some broccoli and cheese soup at Panerra’s, yum!

    Three more weeks!!! I know the taste won’t be back but I will be on the right path.


    Hang in there big guy

    I'm at 17 of 30 and you are doing better than me.  I still have some taste, but the throat and tongue sores are such that solid food just doesn't work.  So, for me it's either a smoothie/shake or the tube.

    We're way past the "hump" so just keep the faith.


    Joe Cortney

    Dallas, TX

  • sportsman
    sportsman Member Posts: 97
    lts said:

    18 down 15 to go

    More than half way now!!! I had to ask nurse for something for nausea, felt like I was going to get sick all the time. She gave me Compazine. Much betterSmile! Eating is more of an exercise in will power now, nothing tastes good at all. I have tried everyone’s suggestions and I am sad to say YUk! I am able to make a shake in the morning (banana, cup of yogurt, Carnation breakfast mix, cup whole milk, ice cubes) that still makes my mouth water, I think. Peanut butter and celery is good. I went and bought some broccoli and cheese soup at Panerra’s, yum!

    Three more weeks!!! I know the taste won’t be back but I will be on the right path.


    Count the Days Down

    I can certainly remember these days six years ago now. I was just a couple days into rediation at that time. It is going to be difficult but you can make it. I hated being tied down with that horrible mask on me. I just found out before Christmas that I have a new cancer in the throat now. Looking at possible new surgery to remove this one. No more radiation for me ever. I will remember you in my prayers. 

  • Vee1
    Vee1 Member Posts: 59
    Dad is 14 down; 19 to go

    Dad is so encouraged to be in his "teens."  Having had treatment and then the week-break he comes back with knowledge about what to expect.  He figures he'll stop tasting within about two days.  Right now he eats blended or soft foods.  We aren't worried about eating healthy so much as getting calories.  In just about everything I add a 330 calorie additive (Benecalorie--bought on Amazon).  I am so grateful it exists.  I worry more about when it hurts to eat...that makes it hard to encourage anyone to "eat a little."


    Rad-onc was getting ready for their next patient while Dad was still in the room.  The mask was sooooo small and had a Spiderman design on it.  Their next patient--a child


    and that is just plain unfair.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Yeah on the brocolli and cheese soup!!

    My little sister used to make me Cauliflower and cheese soup every other week....It was amazing that that was something I could taste and truly enjoy....If you want the recipie, I'll post it....she said it's super easy to make (and you could always use brocolli instead of cauliflower if you like it better)....

    YEAH to the half way mark.  It is a BIG deal.....congrats!



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