What foods could you manage?
Hey everyone, Today was a good day, but also tough one. I met up with my parents at Olive Garden and dad wasn't eating much. I ended up switching him meals bc he could tolerate mine more (Chicken Alfredo). Everything is starting to taste bad to him. I am really really worried about him not eating or not getting enough…
NED Visited Again
Saw my onco today got the NED results..whew!!!....BUT, seems that my left carotid artery shows 50% blockage, this was the side of the neck with the least rads ..as the WHAT THE XXXX rolled off my lips I said how..she said a gift from radiation, I said tell me how 4 clean PET scans , now a 2nd CT all in the last 18 months…
Got some good news the hard way
I'm ct young this from my hospital room as I had to check into club med for a couple of days too get IV antibiotics to deal with a self imposed pneumonia. As part of the drill, they sent me for a chest CT with contrast to see where the pneumonia was. Long story short, it also revealed my tumors in my Mediastynum have…
Missed all of you
Hi guys, I wanted to thank all of you for your sweet words after my father passed away. I can not believe that it has been 1 month since mom and I lost him. He was such a fighter and stayed strong right up to the end. The ER docotrs told us it was pneumonia, but I think he has another stroke and also his cancer had spread…
Back on track!!
I started back treatments yesterday. Had mine today already....it was NOT easy. The massive amounts of saliva (thick, nasty, evil stuff) has made being flat on the table a challenge. My belly is a little sore still from the PEG so it takes two of them to get me on the table and back off :) Anyway...I'm getting it done. The…
Wanted to wish all the Dad's Happy Father's Day
Hey everyone ! I'm a bit early with this....but I'll be gone for a few day's. I'll be spending a few day's with my Father Lloyd, who is 80 yrs. young. He has plans for fishing and agate picking with all of us. I know we have tons of Father's on our board, and I wish you all the best day ever. Enjoy the day with your…
Hello and intraduction..
A month from finding out i have SCC on right tonsil with lymphnodes involved. update day 5 in hospital for prep work. I now have a tracheostomy a port and a peg. Did all as precautions cuz was not breathing at night when sleeping. Going to dr kremple and dr boguardus and dr razoc at the stephenson cancer center. Might have…
Just Wishing For A Break(Not Cancer Related)
This is not cancer related, but has been another day of extreme sadness for my family and me. We were preparing to go to the cabin to list it with a realtor. My son's dog was all happy & excited as she likes to travel. As she's done a hundred times before, she leaped for the Jeep seat. She lost her grip and fell flat on…
life is a bowl of cherries !
Got back from my lung re-check today. A little more than mind spun. My lung function has dropped to 27%....10 points in 4 months. In the left lung the noduals have stayed stable (no growth). But the right lung, one node is not behaving as well. Up to 3 cm's. So they sent me home with predinsone and yet another inhaler. I…
PEG installed-
Hi everyone- I finished the primary Cisplatin and concurrent radiation on May 10th and finally succumbed to PEG on Friday June7th. I started the adjuvant chemotherapy on May 30th and the 5FU tore up my mouth and throat way worse than the Cisplatan or Radiation and the DOCS all agreed the weightloss was too much. I seem to…
CT Scan Today
Just had my CT scan today , will get the results from my onco when I see her on Wed. While it's not the PET scan I am more confortable with , but there seems no way of fighting with the insurance companies when they deem the PET as medicaly un-necessary..any way 18 months and still counting , life is good, or my new…
Tomorrow is PEG day
I ended up in the ER getting 4 more hours of IV fluids today (just had 4 hours of them Monday), I had lost 5 lbs since then and the oncologist was beyond concerned. My oncologist (not my fave) is on vacation for 2 weeks so the one I like is seeing me. He sent me right over to the ER and got fluids going and then asked why…
My Sweetheart has cancer
Hello everyone! I imagine you will be my best friends throughout the next few months. My husband was recently diagnosed with tonsil and lymphnode cancer. We go to Stanford Hospital on Monday to find out the plan for his treatment. We've been told by the referring doctor that he will have surgery and radiaton but we are not…
Article from Alligatorpointer...."1884 Ulysses S. Grant dx with Throat Cancer"
Hi all......Alligatorpointer shared this article on one of my posts. I wanted others to be sure and read it...very interesting... http://www.thehistorychannelclub.com/articles/articletype/articleview/articleid/136/whats-in-grants-tumor ~C
Finally a computer!! Not cancer related...
But I MISSED you guys so will take advantage while I'm at my friend's house, to say hi to everybody...I can read everything, but can't write from my phone...drives me crazy (so hard for me to just sit back and say nothing....LOL). I'll be home Tues. night, tho....and will catch up with everybody then. p
Memorial Park Opening
Yesterday was a happy/sad day for me and my family. In 2006 my cousins son, Shane 6yrs old, starting sleep walking then complaining about headaches that were severe and quick on set and just as quick to disappear. Being an extremely athlethic boy along with Identical twin Zach and older brother Colin, my cousin Mark and…
Caught the fish, made a link, need help with pic
I would like to use this as a profile pic but my membership page has stumped me on trying to upload it. I figured out how to make a clickable link to the photo of me with a black drum that I caught surfcasting from the beach on Alligator Point. Would appreciate any suggestions on how to convert it to a profile pic. Thanks,…
Happy Fathers Day
To all the fathers out there, to all the people who have had fathers , I wish you all a very happy Fathers Day. May you all be blessed with many more happy, healthy and loving Fathers Days in the future! Hang tough and God bless!
Man the salvia glands on the right side started working. Then bam quit will it start back any idea how long until it does .I am so tired of takeing 1 step forward and 2 back . It's been 4 months since I finished treatment. thank you susan
Good saying....
"Look back in forgiveness, forward in hope, down in compassion and up with gratitude."- Zig Ziglar
had ron's oncologist fax in an order for the mugard, they said if insurance wouldnt cover it it would be about $1500 for a months supply! well, was told my insurance wouldnt cover it. so gave up on it. got a call today from mugard rep. they are sending a months supply to rons oncologist in his name, no charge. told me that…
I'm done
I have decided today to not finish my final 6 treatments. I'm sicker than I've ever been and the weight loss is getting concerning. In order to stop vomiting, I'm drugged constantly. I was given a clear path report back in March after my surgeries and rads were just to be done as a precaution. I physically can not…
Last radiation treatment today
I've been out of touch for awhile, surviving my treatment, but today I received my last radiation treatment and had them throw the g#*! mask away. I received Amifostene/Ethyol shots throughout and still have good saliva production.....although I can't taste anything. I have bad radiation burn on my neck ....I guess I…
Motorcycle ride and fish fry on a beautiful day....
What a beautiful day it was! Was able to take the bike out today and drive along the gorgeous lake.....then stopped for a good perch fry! Boy, it's nice to feel normal. Hope everyone was able to enjoy their weekend!! ~C
No one is invincible to cancer....
I just wanted to say that no one is invincible to cancer.... I came across this story about Steve Perry (ex lead vocalist for the group Journey) and his girlfriend and it just made me cry. I've always been a fan of Steve Perry's and have followed his life. As much good that had come to his life, equally there was as much…
trout and flounder
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts. Jim's catch today was a flounder and 22 inch trout. Definately lifted his spirits. John, how do I attach a picture? Please explain for dummies:)
3rd Round of Cisplatin
My husband is being treated for Stage 4a tonsil cancer (HPV - SCC) with 30 rounds of radiation and 3 rounds of Cisplatin (at the beginning, middle and end of the RAD treatments). He finished his last RAD on Wednesday 6/12 and was to have his 3rd round of Cisplatin on Tuesday 6/11 but lab report showed low white cell, red…
Just checking in
Good morning, I have not posted much at all as still getting settled in from my move from STL to Austin Tx. I'm sitting at the treatment center waiting for my bloodwork to come back so I can hopefully start my second seventy three week dose of Taxotere. I have my next scan coming on June 21 or June 24. 21 is my B Day and…
Dry mouth
Hey everyone, My dad is going to treatment today and going to mention to the docs that his mouth is starting to feel slightly dry. Is there anything you can recommend that worked for you? I just want to get some ideas that I can mention to dad. He's been staying pretty hydrated so far, but didn't know if there was a tip or…
Checking in. Tired as hell. Brain won't cooperate. Besides that, I'm peachy keen. Get another scan in 2 months. I'd like to add another NED to the file. hope all is well!