Tim6003 Update and a few prayers could be used if you all don't mind
Hey All. Sure have missed talking to all of you as well as missed keeping up. I apologize in advance if I have not responded to posts to say I'm thinking about, whispering prayers and what have you. Some of you may not know, I went to Daytona Beach to check on my mother, the visit was 10 days and upon the first day or two…
I see you / you see me ? photo no show
I tried ... and failed ... to upload a pic to my profile page. I like being able to see a face when reading posts and comments, so thought it only fair to have a profile pic myself. The browse area seemed to find the photo but after I clicked 'save' no photo appeared anywhere on my page. Guess I will have to remain…
If y'all kick me off of here, I'll understand..
How sick are y'all of my rollercoaster of treatments? I know I am. So, the oncologist that I like (but never get to see) consulted with my oncologist (the older one) and my surgeon. He is concerned about my symptoms and is reevaluating if I should finish. He thinks my body is reacting to the radiation in an almost…
Ok, Ok, I give...
My surgeon recommended finishing treatment if I can. I've cried all afternoon, but I guess this is what I have to do. How long will they "give me a break" as I can't lay flat without vomiting. I'm rinsing, swishing, taking Mucinex and doing all I can to try and thin this crap out. Frustrated, starving, and very, very…
update on Jim
Jim saw the oncologist Friday. He said the pain was from pluresy. The ER xray showed less than normal lung function in the left lung. The pain has lessened a lot and doc said Jim doing great considering. What a relief! I was really scared. Thanks for all the prayers and support. Don't know what I would do without this…
Thanks for information on USAUNA (scam)
I'm sure that a few of you will recall me posting about my uncle trying to push these antioxidant pills on my father not long ago. It was really ticking me off bc he thought they were miracle pills-yet not FDA approved or anything. Thanks to your information about antioxidants and how they replenish cancer cells, along…
Another First Followup After Treatment
Have my first set of followup appointments this Monday-Wednesday at MD Anderson in Houston. A little anxious about the whole thing but know it is something I need to get used to at least for the next five years of my life. Any advice going into this from those who have gone before... Thanks!
When was everyone able to start
eating again? If you had a PEG when where you able to start eating real food by mouth again after finishing treatment. Rob is almost 2 weeks out and says he is worse now than 2 weeks ago. Maybe I am just in a rush to get something in his mouth. I have noticed he is not spitting as much, but it is hard for him to talk and…
Update on dad
Just wanted to take a minute and update everyone on my pops! He has 29 (out of 35) radiation treatments left and 2 chemos left. 29 seems like way too many more for him to go through... it's scary to think about. So far no nausea or any other side effects that I'm aware of. I spoke to him for a minute this morning before I…
5 Weeks Post Treatment - Need to Transition from Peg
I am now 5 weeks post treatment, and I need to transition from PEG. (7weeks/35 rads, and 7 weeks cisplatin). Lost 35 lbs. Swallowing water fine, Boost can do but tastes like cardboard and towards the end of the bottle induces the vomit reflex. Pretty much the same with the smoothies I made. Applesauce, pudding, everything,…
trental and scar tissue
my new radiation oncologist just gave me a script for Trental (Pentoxifylline), and instructed taking it with Vitamin E to break up scar tissue in the throat. getting home and looking this stuff up, I started wondering. I don't suffer from the common usages listed: obstructed arteries in the limbs, neuropathy, vascular…
1 down and 38 more to go
Ron had his first rad and chemo today. 4 hours of chemo, wow. He is tired and had a little nausea but started his meds immediately. a little dizzy, which is probably due to all the hydration and low potassium. he is eating and drinking, using his aquafor on his neck. using his l=glutamine. He plans on going to work…
I finally made an appointment with the surgeon today and he confirmed I have a double hernia - not swollen lymph nodes- thank god. I have scheduled the operation for repairs in two weeks.
Flounder Day - Revisited...
OK, to add to this journey...; Cleaned, boneless fillets ared ready to go... Spicy Seasoned Breading and ready for the pan... Dinner is served... Best ~ John
Hi everyone
I decided to take a break, didn't feel that I was really contributing much to the board. I'm so sorry to see so many new names on here and pray they'll all conquer this beast as many of us old timers have or are doing. I read the post everyday, so I'm keeping up with my old friends and smiling when I read of your…
I was strolling the East Bay shore over the weekend and I asked them if they knew John from Florida, They said sure he was a friend of their mutual friend, floundafish. They pass along their hellos, John! HI JOHN! from the gang
Create a PEGless club profile?
Not sure when to declare myself officially PEGless but I feel good enough and far enough along to step out there and say I won't be getting one. PEG is such an emotional topic and not many elect or will themselves through treatment without a PEG, but many would probably be interested in seeing a common profile for those…
Tongue Cancer?
Hi all. I'm currently waiting to go for a biopsy of a lump (or three) in my tongue next Monday. I'm making myself insane worrying and I just want to hear feedback from those who may have more insight than I do. I'm 26 years old, 27 in September. Mama to two little ones- 2 and 4 yrs old. I'm healthy. I don't smoke, or drink…
Cisplatin v. Centuxmab
I am recentlydiagnosed tonsil/BOT SCC primary with secondary lymph nodes of side neck,stager IVaI I have the chance to participate in a clinical study, RTOG 1016 testing centuxmab v. Cisplatin. Has anyone participated already, and if show what were results? Thanks for anyinsight provided, Jerry
Sense of smell - decreased or increased?
I was wondering if anyone who has undergone radiation treatment to the head/neck region noticed an increase in their sense of smell? Or perhaps a decrease? I read an account online of someone whose smell sense increased during treatment and they thought it likely due to a compensation for the lost of taste, due to the idea…
Teeth problems after radiation treatment
I have been reading on line about teeth pulling after radiation treatments and am scared to death about what I am reading!. I am 40 months out of radiation treatments. One of my teeth is now at the point of needing to be extracted. Prior to the radiation treatments I requested that I have my teeth pulled knowing that there…
Have you heard of this scam?
I cannot 100% say this is a scam, but in my mind it is 99.99% scam. My uncle has sworn by USauna (spelling?) products for years now. I have never heard of these pills from anyone ever besides my uncle who swears that these pills are a medical phenomenon. The day my dad was diagnosed he told me a story about this girl with…
Morning Favorites
Good Morning fellow troopers, survivors, warriors..... Just wanted to show a few of my morning favorites..., Coffee and CSN. Seize the day, prepare for battle, love the ones your with.... Best, ~John
First Follow Up
Hi Folks, I was in Baltimore most of the day. I had my first follow up with my MO this afternoon. All in all it was very encouraging. I'm doing as well as expected for 6 weeks post Tx. Blood work was decent but several aspects were on the low side as expected. This accounts for the fatigue and gout. As far as the gout…
Neck Dissection Question
Had a radical left neck dissection three years ago. 35 or so lymp nodes were removed. lately I have noticed the area often gets clammy, cold, and wet feeling, often while I'm eating ( no I don't need a bib ). Has anyone else had a similar experience?
Cisplatin Docetaxel Nightmare
Hi All, 1st post here. My husband was diagnosed with SSCHN on March 24th 2013. His tumor is in his left face and is greater than 8cm. His team seemed undecided on his treatment plan for an extended period of time and after flip flopping tx decisions finally arrived at 3 rounds of cisplatan/docetaxel 21 days apart and then…
Spell check
Just for the record- I can't stand the spell check on my I phone and I pad - I am not an idiot who can't spell - it is most frustrating so I just want to apologize for all the spelling errors you may see when I post thank you, Ralph
Brother Update
Today is Day 6 for my brother's treatment. He's doing quite well actually, except that he has already lost 11 lbs. I was amazed on how well he did after his first chemo. He wasn't even a little bit sick. He was warned, however, that because he handled the first one well, does not mean that the subsequent ones will be a…
olfactory neuroblastoma
Well, I had my surgery on the 31st, and am going for my followup tomorrow. They will remove the packing left in my nose and maybe have my pathology reports. Hoping to know whether I will be having the radiation treatments. I know more than likely I will but hoping I don't. Does anyone have an opinion on different clinics.…
Speaking of getting back into normal....
Greg and I spent the day at a friend's farm.....they have riding horses, but we went to watch their draft horses work, and then to watch them start their mini-horses driving.....where we had a mini-rodeo....LOL. Last night we went to a benefit auction for our farrier, who got hurt badly a month ago. We won a two night stay…