How long does sore throat last?
For anyone who underwent radiation treatment for tonsil or base of tongue cancer, how long did your throat remain sore after treatment?
Sugar & Spice
& everything nice....thst's what little girls are made of! We found out today that we are having another little girl! We have chosen the name Cora Jayne. Cora means life. Jayne means God is gracious. I feel like her name is fitting following my battle with cancer last year. We are so excited about welcoming her into our…
Checking In
Wanted to check in with everyone. Hope everyone is doing well and trying to enjoy their summer Rob is now 5 weeks out of treatment and doing real good. Still tires but not as easily, hardly napping anymore. Mouth has healed real well. Maintaning his weight and maybe gaining a few. Back on solid foods and can taste some,…
99.9 % official
Wow !! I am speachless and shaking like a leaf. i called my ENT's office this morning to see if I can have my resluts. The secretary told me that she would look at my file to see if they are in and if the results are ok she would call me back. She just did and all she said was " Chantal, I am confirming that we will still…
Dad has bubbling blisters
When I saw dad yesterday he had quite a few bubbling blisters that were yellowish (almost a greenish) in color around the side of his neck where its being radiated. It alarmed me, he's using some type of skin repair cream the doc gave him even though it's not prescription. Anyone have any suggestions of things that may…
2nd round of radiation and Chemo IN same year
2nd round of radiation and Chemo After my husband’s Neck Dissection surgery the pathology report showed more cancer cell and his oncologist of radiation suggested doing more radiation and chemo. I am trying to find if anyone has this kind of second round of radiation and chemo treatment? Thanks for your help and…
Problem posting on CSN lately? Try this
I was having trouble posting here and got a tip from John that might help others. Do NOT click the smiley button. I know you all just want to make everyone feel good by seeing those little yellow round faces but DO NOT do that. LOL Honestly, as soon as I just posted plain text, my posting issues were a thing of the past.…
NeutraSal to help stimulate saliva?
Has anyone used this product? My doctor started me on this for the stated purpose of helping to stimulate my own natural saliva. I have been using it twice daily since my treatment ended, but so far I do not notice any improvement. If you have used it, have you benefited from it? How many times per day, and for how long,…
rons progress
been a tough ride so far first week was a tough one, mondays are long days starting with rads then labs and oncology appt and radiologist appt then 4 hours of chemo. first chemo was hell, fatigue set in immediately and was very tough week. second week was slightly better but by tuesday pm hit the wall of fatigue and…
PEG tube question
I'm not having any trouble with my PEG except for the tape rash. It's really the most comfortable when I have it taped upward...near my bra. Hanging free or tucked into my waistband is very uncomfortable, so I've been taping. I bought the kind that isn't supposed to irritate your skin. Well, I have nasty tape rash and…
First Anniversary
It is hard to think that it has been one full year since I rang the bell at the end of rads! I recall how bad I felt, how much pain, the nasty skin burns, the loss of saliva, no sense of taste, fatigue and the overall crappy feeling and now it is amazing to see how good I feel! I am back to work full time, saliva is about…
Esophagus Pain Question(s)
Hi all, sorry I have not be on here more, but was on a vacation away from Internet and phone. Nice to do but a little scary when I don’t have contact. I developed yesterday a sharp pain in my esophagus when swallowing. It is mostly in the lower part by what I guess is where it connects to my stomach. It is also painful in…
Pain Pain and More Pain
9 weeks post treatment (chemo and radiation), you would think things would be better. 2nd bout with thrush. Into the 9th day of the 14 days of treatment for it. Swallowing is painful, whether it is water, or food--painful. Could the thrush be the culprit? Mouth looks clear and has been clear since day 3 of the thrush…
Husband gets PET results tomorrow 12 weeks post treatment. ANXIOUS!
Husband was diagnosed 2/2013 with right tonsil cancer, T1N2a, HPV positive. Underwent concurrent chemo and rads. 2 rounds of Cisplatin and 35 rads. 6 weeks post tx had a CT scan of neck and chest. Lymph node was decreased in size, but still present. Had PET last Thursday (12 weeks post tx) and gets results tomorrow. I know…
Ned yay
I have been out of commission with a horrible virus- fever - sweats and sleeping all day llong . But my 2 nd pet scan was NED. Thanks for the prayers. The doc has me on strong antibiotics and cough medicine. I can't swallow most foods so I am back to soups and ensure , then on top of it all I have been having a horrible…
Hello My Friends, I am still lurking in the shadows, silently cheering each of you forward. The days are long and the nights are longer, but I am still putting one foot in front of the other. My son has decided to sell his place and he & my grandson will be moving in with me later this year. I know he's putting his life…
Today's News (not about me)
I struggled for a while with the subject for this post since I didn't want anyone to think it was about me. My dad called today to say that my mom collapsed and is in the hospital. They thought it was a stroke at first but it's actually a brain tumor. They can't do a biopsy for a couple days until the swelling goes down--…
Ensure-Better Price??
I was wondering, with such high prices for cases of ensure, does anyone know where my dad can find it cheaper or maybe some kind of program that gives people who have cancer discounts for ensure? With all of the medical bills piling up that would be one less thing for him to worry about.
First Gig Post Tx
Hi Folks, I'll be posting this and hitting the shower to get ready for my first gig post treatment. It's a wedding I booked last year for a lovely couple I met while performing on the Skyline Drive at Skyland resort. I hired a violinist to perform with me. Fortunately, this gig doesn't require vocals and is instrumental…
My taste buds are trying SO hard
To come back to me!! I'm 3 weeks out of treatment (can't believe it's been that long already!) and I wouldn't say I could totally TASTE things but its getting close. It's more like the taste is trying to come through a bad taste in my mouth. Weird description but that's what it's like for me. Eggs, French toast, green…
has anyones cancer spread to mesentery nodes?
Hello everyone. I do not post a lot however I do read everyday. My mom has a histroy of tonsil/tongue cancer since 2010, she had total of 3 surgeries including 2 neck dissections, 1 on each side. On the last PET scan which was in January she was all clear on the head and neck part (last surgey on 3/1/2012) so it's now been…
Time to stir the pot - Why all the fanboys for canned sugar?
I see post after post where advice is given to drink that Ensure and Jevity and all other variations of carbo sugar crap, sprinkled with a few vitamins and minerals. Is it people choose this path or are just not aware of the far better benefits of a protein based drink? This is not rocket science by any stretch of the…
ENT on thursday
Hey everyone ! Have another three month check up with the H/N guy. No scans that I'm aware of until Nov. But hee-hee we all know this can change up on us in a blink of an eye. So I'm assumming scoped....the good old once over with the lump checking....and I swear if he gives me that (what I call the long face) again I may…
Neck Dissection
Hello all, My husband’s 3 month pat scan came positive and both ENT and oncologist suggested Neck Dissection surgery. I have read about it here but not sure how it's worked and ENT was also talking about removing neck muscles and I am not sure if I am comfortable with that. Any suggestions and experience would be helpful.…
GreenD ~ Another Fallen Warrior..
I have been trying to get a hold of GreenD (Denny Green) on here, and through emails for awhile... I had messaged him a few times on FaceBook... But you know how it is, you get busy, time passes and you forget. This afternoon I decided to dig a little deeper, looking down his pages, and noticed on his wifes page that Denny…
Dad in surgery NOW, getting PEG
Just wondering if everyone could keep dad and my family in your prayers. Dad went in this morning to get PEG. Wish I was there, but had to be at work :( . I took off yesterday though so I could drive him to radiation and glad I did bc he's not feeling great. I can tell he's miserable so I hope this PEG really helps. Anyone…
Debbie Downers and Negative Nellies...
Whew..I have encountered some very bitter, negative and downright depressing people lately. I've been easing back into working half days (with my handy dandy spit bag in hand) and of course have gotten some attention from people who did not know I'd had surgery, treatment or cancer in general. Here are a few of my…
Single Digits
Hi everyone. My brother finished his last double digit radiation tx today! Yay, he is into single digits. So far he has lost about 35 lbs, has one mouth ulcer, lost the hair in the back of his neck, needs to use his tube and had to spend one day in the hospital because of constipation (not fun), but other than that, I…
How long will this pain last??
I am 3 weeks post chemo and radiation. The pain when I swallow is excrutiating, so I use my G-Tube for nutrition. I swallow little bits of water or tea, but that's all I am willing to do for now. I rarely take my tylenol 3 for pain, because I don't like the way I feel on the meds, and it constipates me. I do feel less pain…
test post - ignore
having incredible time with the site, being blocked from responding to my own posts but ok with others. Oh well