rick, i'm hoping u get on to read and just haven't posted. just wanted to say we miss u being on here. i hope u r feeling ok. u r always n my thots and prayers. take care my friend. dj
Hi all, I have been lurking/learning for the past 5 weeks. The stories and information here have been a huge help. My wife is in week 5 of 7 of her treatments SSC IVA BOT (chemo once a week and reds mon. thru fri. weekly). Here is where I need help, she will only make a token effort at taking in nutrition (her ENT rec. a…
Preexisting condition?
Hi All, My husband is contemplating a new job offer. He is 7 months out of treatment and so far, cancer free. He has really good life insurance that we got through his current employer before his tonsil cancer diagnosis. If we switch companies, he will have to get new life insurance I assume. So...here's my…
Skiffin16 ~ Presence or Lack Of...
Hi all, just wanted to let you know that I'm alive and OK... It's just been a rough week or two personally... My sister Colleen that many of you have known has her own battles going on with cancer..., isn't doing so well. She went to a hospice a few days ago, last Dx with more than likely having only a few months left. But…
Today I Celebrate
It’s sobering how we can go through such an ordeal and come out the other side with war wounds we thought unimaginable prior to our battle allowing us to call ourselves survivors. The people on the staged TV series don’t have a clue in the true meaning of becoming a survivor. Two months prior to being told I had cancer I…
Pain after biopsy
As you all know, I had a biopsy on July 2nd. The ENT to pieces of my lfet and right lingual tonsils. I still feel some throat and ear pain on the right side. How long should it hurt after the biopsy ? This scares me, because I keep thinking that he awoke the beast and now it's running wild in my throat and ear. Thanks for…
Prayers Requested
Today the city of Prescott , AZ lost 19 hot shot firefighters , high winds reversed the direction of the fire and blew over them. May God bless their souls , and bring comfort to their families during this difficult time.
Slept through the night!
This may not be as exciting to anyone but y'all who truly understand. I slept through the night the last two nights in a row. 7 straight, solid hours of sleep. I've been waking up every 2 hours to gag/choke/rinse and spit. But, these last two nights I slept right on through and the gagfest once I got up wasn't too bad. I…
Suggestions for reducing mucus?
Hubby is 8 weeks post-treatment and improving. However, the mconstant still constant (although changing in viscosity and taste), so he can't tolerate taking anything but water by mouth. Not on pain meds, so only issue is mucus. he is using NutraSal constantly plus Mucinex twice daily. Any suggestions for anything else that…
NED!! CAT SCAN IS CLEAR! Dr. says everything looks great. Will have another one in 6 months. Saw both the Radiation Oncologist and the Medical Oncologist today and they were both very pleased with how I am doing. Going out to eat soon with a few of the friends who stood beside me and cheered me on thru out this journey. I…
my daddy has passes
26 March 2013 1710 my beloved Daddy has passed away. He will be missed. I love u Daddy.
C and me
Got home at 5 this afternoon, had been to Penn State hershey to get results of a biopsy I had on my prostate 3 weeks. Doc said that in two of the 12 needle biopsy cores there was a couple of cancer cells in each one. he went on to state that this not uncommon in most men my age and then gave me options. Do nothing and keep…
day 1, 2hours in.
Ok here goes. Starting my first day of chemo with 3 types. Cisplatin, taxotere and 5fu. Looks like a long day in the chair with wonderful wife by my side im ready I think. just a little Nervous for the most part. Tony
Office Visit Tongue Biopsy
Went to my 3 month appt expecting NED but getting a tongue biopsy instead. It was my first visit without my wife as she had to stay home with our daughter who wasn't feeling well. As soon as my doc started pokling around in my mouth I knew he saw something he didn't like. A small little legion was visible on the lower left…
Feeling good
I just want to tell everyone that might be starting on this journey or just finishing treatment that I will be 7 months out of treatment in a few weeks and that I am finally starting get my taste back and my life is finally beginning to get back to normal('whatever that means) so hang in there and listen to your doctors…
PapaPaul's journey continues
Hi everyone! Again I need to apologize for not posting is such a long time. I have been checking in (almost) daily, however just haven’t taken the time to do any posting…Please forgive my laziness! Tomorrow (Monday) will be 15 weeks post treatment! I wish I could say that it went ok, but there were some setbacks and issues…
Chemo option left up to us - 1 week to decide
Hi everyone. My dad was diagnosed with SCC Stage 4 T1N2bM0 back on June 3rd. He had surgery to remove what they thought was a benign cyst. Come to find out it was cancerous, the primary was in the tonsil and it had spread to 3 lymph nodes. His margins were clear and there was no extracapsular spread. We are definitely…
Delayed Onset Neuropathy?
I'm 9 weeks post Tx. two weeks ago I started getting nerve pain in my upper body from my head to my chest and arms. It's as if my skin is over sensitive, much the way my neck felt for weeks after my selective neck dissection. Touching my skin is painful but not in a deep tissue way. It's more like painful over-stimulation…
Hi Everybody .....sure do miss you all ..UPDATED ENT Visit
Hello all .... I know this may sound corny ..but I sure do miss "yapping" and seeing all your posts. I so wish I could get caught up. UPDATE: As many of you know, I have mom in my care right now trying to figure out where to go and what to do for her detiorated state of mind (moderate dementia is the word the neurologist…
Papapauls news
Hi All! just a quick note to share my good news! I had my first post tx PET scan yesterday and today met with my ROC. The report............No Evidence of Disease!!!!!! Yep, after 15 weeks, I finally got to meet NED officially. ROC says everythings looks great and that the report was one of the best he could give. I won't…
Dad is a little over half done
Just wanted to thank everyone again for all your advice and support (from me and my family). The past few weeks have been rough, but we are trying to hang in there as best as we can! As of today, dad has 16 (out of 35) rads left and 1 chemo here in a few weeks to complete. Oddly enough he was feeling a little better this…
WBC's Down - 6 mon out of tx
Hi Folks.... Kreg had some routine blood work done that his MD has him do for his heart and we noticed his WBC's were down to 3.1(has low written beside it) and his RBC's at 4.27. Does anyone know if this is normal to have low WBC this 6 months out from tx ending? During tx they did have to give him boosts of neulasta to…
Biopsy this morning
Hi again, The biopsy went well and my ENT says that he is 95% sure that I am ok accordind to the samples he took. He had told me before the biopsy that he usually knows byt the samples if the tissues are malignant. I am changing jobs and told him that prior, so that if it was bad, I would stay where I am to get the health…
2nd pet scan tomorrow
Wish me luck team- I am going in for my 2 nd pet scan tomorrow -
Relapse "AA" style
Hello friends,so far Im Cancer free,for that Im grateful.....I Had stage 3 or 4 Patroid Cancer....it varied WHICH docitor I talked to,first they said 4 then 3 one even saidit was said stage 2!!!...but my problem is im an Alcoholic AND drug addict....when they told me I had Cancer I was coming up on 4 years soberity,going…
ENT and radiation Onc visit
Yesterday I had my appointment with the ENT at Penn State Hershey Cancer Institute. They first did the videostrobe of my throat, then the doctor came in and we went over it, everything looked great. He felt all around my neck and felt nothing, (the numbness has now gone) he said it has now been four years since treatment,…
Not what I want to hear...
Everyone following my dad's progress kind of knows where he is. I was talking earlier about him not wanting to eat and that is the biggest obstacle. Now there is talk of a feeding tube. I will probably know more tomorrow, but it is somewhat upsetting to hear that it's still early sort of. I know that most of you say, it's…
My computer or this site?
Am I the only one who has been fighting getting in here the last 3 days? I tend to blame my computer more often than not, but it's not having problems at any other sites....and....it may be my provider, too.....they've been known to have problems with optic-fiber lines and say nothing nor notify a soul of what's going on. p
through to the other side
Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a while and wanted to thank you for your support and to report good news about my friend. Although I had no idea about his treatment or care, I learned via the grapevine that he's NED - and I saw him Friday at a work function! We spoke briefly, and then we spoke on the phone later that day.…
I am looking for information (any) reguarding necrosis of the mandibul. four years after tooth extraction it appears to be on the lower jaw bone. i have not had a problem till now. any information on how they treated it would be helpful. thanks john history.... SCC in neck with 38 rad. treatments, chemo, radical neck…