concern about mouthwash
I am one of the caregivers who posts occasionally on this forum. I have not had any radiation damage to my mouth and teeth like many of you. However, I wanted to make you aware of something that I discovered about a certain mouthwash that might be even more of a problem for oral cancer patients. I called my son (who had…
1 year later
As of tomorrow I will have been out of treatment for 1 year so according to my Dr. as he calculates it I am a 1 year survivor!!! I thank God every day for that and for letting me find all of you last year when I was beginning this journey. I learned so much and got so much inspiration from all of you and I can never thank…
Roll Call
I was just browsing and came across something they called roll call,i was just wondering where you might sign up for that,plus where is it posted.Thanks for any info
Thank you !
I wanted to update my previous post. First of all.....the abinormal....pstd, or whatever we each call it sometimes rears it's ugly head where we need to step back and re-evaluate where we are at in life. I recently reached out for some extra help through my county....not hospice....but kind of a transitioning between. Here…
Radiation Retinopathy
Hi, I’m 2 yr post-treatment for Esthesioneuroblastoma and now suffering radiation retinopathy (slight blindness in eye caused by fluid/blood in retina area due to radiation). Retina specialists are recommending steroid shots (yes…in the eye), and wondering how any of you have dealt with this. Thanks.
I learned something new
I went to my ENT yesterday complaining about Thrush and sure enough that is what it was. I told the ENT I was sick a few weeks ago and my Doctor prescribed antibiotics. ENT told me that once you receive radiation to the head and neck we will always be exposed to the possibility of getting thrush whenever you take…
A Lot of Happy/Sad Posts of Late
My children and grandchildren have been here from Oh. I have been reading with great interest/happiness/sadness all of the posts that have been put up the last few days but have not had the time to post myself. Everyone is off doing their own thing now and I get the privilege to stay home and watch my six year old Autisic…
Dysplasia Treatment Successful
Hi all, Just to let you know everything went well at my post op appointment at hospital yesterday. The biopsy's they did after the laser treatment came back "moderate dysplasia" so no worse than the origonal biopsy - No evidence of carcinoma-in-situ - So the final and definative verdict is that I didn't have cancer . They…
PEG gone
Another step in the right direction. Rob got the PEG pulled on Wednesday. Said it burned like HELL for about a minute. He worked up a real good sweat. Walked hunched to the car and was great by evening. Outside pretty muched closed as of today. I wasn't there for it, absolutely thrilled it is gone. He is off all meds…
Ron is done with treatments as of today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RON FINISHED RADS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! long tough road but he got thru it without a peg and one mouth sore. he has lost 35 pounds and looks ragged. terrible fatigue, still having nausea from mondays chemo, which was his last. now he waits, and rests. THANK YOU ALL who have helped with advice…
Pretty Scared Here
Hi All. Here's the deal, as many of you know, my brother, who is 54, just finished up his cancer tx. I would love to put down exactly what he is being treated for, but also as many of you know, my brother doesn't really know, or care. He doesn't know what stage he has, he knows it was in at least one lymph node. He does…
Questions about mouth sores during head and neck radiation
Hi, 7 weeks out from surgery. This is the third regrowth in 7 years. The first two removals were done thinking it was a cyst. The second pathology showed it was a pleomorphic adenoma on the parotid gland. I saw an ENT/head and neck surgeon last August. We Watched the area with MRI’s and decided to go forth with the…
We have at least 3 full unopned bottles of Mugard. Can we give this to someone here whose insurance won't pay for it?
I have heard quite a few people say this on here... that things will never be the same once treatment is over. It may sound silly to ask, but what is it that never is the same again? Is it emotionally, physically, etc... I just kind of want to know what to expect with dad as time goes on... Also, a friend of mine's…
Feeling lost
Feeling a bit lost and unsure. It's been 19 months since my dx of adcc. Many of you know it's been kind of a wild, uncharted ride I've been on. I did a relatively dumb thing...cancelling my ENT appointment last month. I found a pretty large lump just below the resect site of my original tumor. Feels identical to the…
inspirational quote of the day
i read these inspirational quotes every day and every once in while it hits home - so here is todays Once you start recognizing the truth of your story, finish the story. It happened but you're still here, you're still capable, powerful, you're not your circumstance. It happened and you made it through. You're still fully…
Dad's treatment DONE
Hi Everyone, Dad had his last radiation treatment a few hours ago. Now I hope everything goes well and things start looking up. I know you all have said these next few months he may still be miserable, but if that means no more chemo/rads he will make it through! This treatment in my opinion was one of the worst I have…
Scared- please read
I know that I may be a little out of line here since I myself was not diagnosed with cancer. However, about a month ago my dad was diagnosed with a "highly treatable" cancer in his sinus cavity and the doctors found the same type of cancer in one of his lymph nodes. My family has had a really hard time accepting this and I…
Tim6003 Hello CSN family
Hello to my online family. Man do I miss chatting you all up! I'm hoping to get back on and post more often pretty soon. Mom is officially now in an assisted living facility. I won't pretend she is happy and all is well, in fact she is quite mean spirited and downright angry at me right now, but I know it has to do with…
NED is the word
Went in for my results on the pet scan and was told by my doctor that I'm NED .He also stated that I wouldn't have to have another pet scan.I asked if that where true and that i thought i would have to have one every 3 mos. he said usually if your first pet scan came back as a NED then it was around about 90% to 95% chance…
enough is enough
Since my surgery in November 2011, I have put on so much weight I can't stand it! I lost 50 lbs right after surgery, feeding tube, etc, but now, I find myself at the highest weight I've ever been, even while pregnant for a 10lb,1 ounze boy. The Dr tested my thyroid and it came back normal, I've talked to him about this,…
FNA Biopsy Negative
It would appear that the FNA on my slighly enlarged node was necrotic and there were no viable cancer cells...so they canceled the selective neck dissection and said see you in six weeks for my post treatment PT Scan! Great news but still a little on edge about the first Pet Scan... Jon
Yet another PEG question for y'all
Since this board is WAY more informative than anyone or anything else...I need to ask yet another PEG question. Peggy and I have gotten along pretty well. She saved me and I'm forever grateful for a rad oncologist who stepped in and ordered it for me. I am having one issue. It's no secret that I want this thing out, but…
Something little, from the heart!
Well everyone...here is what I decided on! Not sure I shared the story of the mustache, but I was quite sad when dad lost his. I've never seen him my whole life without his...so now he can have one ;) Well ... kinda! Lol, hope everyone has a good one and thanks again for the suggestions. Next to me and my time, this is…
Treatment Unsuccessful
The latest CAT Scan indicated that the chemo did not slow or reverse the spread of the cancer. Therefore, the chemo has been discontinued and the cancer is left to run its course. I should expect "months" to live rather than "years". For a short time, I will feel better as the side effects of the chemo wear off. There is a…
I really thought by now I would be doing great but I'm not . My saliva glands were working then quit was starting to eat getting back to being me then bam quit working no saliva for 3 weeks now the dry mouth is horrible I have tried it all all I can do is sip water all the time. Can't eat or talk have not been out of the…
NED...15 month scan
Woo Hoo!... My 15 month scan was NED!...all is well except the tyroid function is a bit low. The doctors want to wait 4 months to the next checkup and see if it gets better because she said once I start the medication for thyroid I would be on it for the rest of my life. So....I am going to try and eat better. Hopefully,…
Dad's update - 1 year after he started Chemo/rads - all is great!!
Dear friends! I was away from this forum for quite some time now... To tell you the truth time is passing so fast, summer is here, we're really trying to enjoy life. Some of you know me and were a great help for me in times, when it was the worst and when I neede an advice. For all newcomers - this is wonderful place and I…
Thyroid Levels/Blood Counts
It was suggested I have my TSH levels checked. I logged onto my page at Johns Hopkins (why I didn't do it sooner....?) and found that my levels as of 6-7-13 were: TSH 0.50-4.50 mcIU/mL 0.19 I also saw my red and white blood counts and hemoglobin were low as well. RBC 4.50-5.90 M/cu mm 3.20 WBC 4.50-11.00 K/cu mm 3.14…
Timing of first scan post tx
The MO put the order for a PET and it was approved quickly as I got a call to schedule the scan. I am just 7 weeks post of chemo-rads and want to ensure sufficient time has transpired before getting the scan. Does about 10 weeks seem about right to let the rads cool off and things to be stable enough that a scan will offer…