HI 3month PET scan today


Had my 3 month PET today.  The results are online and of course I read them.  Tomorrow I have appt with RAD ONC, MED ONC and ENT.  The good news is my neck did not glow.  Not the original Pyriform sinus tumor or the other two cervical lymph nodes.  Nothing.  I am shocked and very hopeful.  There is however a new enlarged lymph node, on the small side 8mm which had SUV of 3.9 in the subpectoral region same side as my cancer.  Not sure how worried I have to be about that.  I have to worry in advance though so I wont be blindsided tomorrow.  I wonder if that is cancer on the way to my lung?  Oh well have to find out tomorrow.  Still glad about the neck.  Thanks for reading :)  Other than that I am good, working 3 12s a week and resting in between.  Dry mouth and taste is mediocre.  Funny thing is sweets and chocolate are HORRIBLE.  My BFF says this is a GOOD thing lol.



  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    It sounds like good news! I've had areas that lit up a little bit (3.9), but they were gone on subsequent scans. The oncologist felt it was infection or irritation.  Celebrate with something non sweet, non chocolate, and not too dry.

  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    Great news! Hope the docs

    Great news! Hope the docs think the node is nothing to be concerned about. you know what is funny? My husband never liked chocolate before, and now he likes it. Crazy tastebuds you guys all have! Good luck tomorrow and please keep us posted! <3

  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    Worry is interest paid on

    a debt you don't have. Focus on the good news first and foremost Karen! Wait and see what the doctors say and celebrate the clear scan for the original tumor site. Prayers always for your continued health!


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    hard to wait

    I know the anxiety especially at scan time. But a scan at 3 months post is often showing false positives so try not to worry. This will be a recurring exercise for awhile and everytime you may wonder what they might find. It's far easier to say not worry than live it, remember the vast majority survive HNC these days. S, odds are you are AOK. good luck, don

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I understand the pre-worry....

    that's how I think....I hate surprises! :)  I really don't think, tho....that at this stage of the game....3 months out....that they'll say much more than "we'll watch it".  Lymph nodes after treatment sometimes do light up....and it's from radiation ripples...the rads that fan out from the place they were aiming for. 

    I think you got this one, missie... :)


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    That is good news.......

    That is good news and the gland being inlarged at 8mm is not really very big, and it could just be doing what they do, fight infection and you did have that. Even with the worst case it will be easy to take care of. Just be positive for now.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Here’s hoping for good results.

    By the way, it took me 7 months for my taster to go back online and just a minute ago I enjoyed a brownie.  My BFF says this is a delicious thing.


  • tomb247
    tomb247 Member Posts: 54
    Hope All Went Well

    Hope the appointment went well.

    Saying prayers for a good report.



  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    tomb247 said:

    Hope All Went Well

    Hope the appointment went well.

    Saying prayers for a good report.



    Positive Thoughts

    Here's to throwing positive energy your way~~~~~.  It's probably just left over swelling from all the treatments you've received.  We don't want to think otherwise until the docs say different.


    Please let us know how the tests turn out.  NED is great!

