Question about GCC-B1 test
Hi everyone! Have any of you had any experience with the GCC-B1 test? It is supposed to be much more accurate than the CEA test in determining whether there is a recurrence or whether there is metastasis before any tumors appear. My onc is willing to do it, however, he said the company that offers the test would bill me…
SpongeBob & Andreae
Thanks for the tips guys...I'll pass them on and head to the pharmacy (can't cross those picket lines you know...they are still on strike out here at the grocery stores) to pick up the stuff. Sponge, you just absolutely crack me up....AHHHHHH indeed. And Andreae, Bert loves the water...retired Navy many, many years ago,…
rectam cancer
can it possible to cure the rectam cancer . The patient is at 3rd stage position.
How do you feel about your cancer?
My first encounter with the term "fighting cancer" came when I watched Robert Urich on TV talking how he is going to "fight cancer" and give it all he's got. He was talking like it was a boxing match, and he was going to win. Next thing I heard he died. That put a doubt in my mind can we really take that attitude, can we…
bowel retraining after colorectal surgery
I recently had a ileostomy reversal( 2 mths ago). I take 2 tsp metamurcil two times a day. I have to go numerous times to the toilet, but each time there is only a small evacuation. can anyone tell me about their experiences and how they have improved it. thanks
For Those Bad Moments
Home Remedies Archway Coconut Macaroon Cookies For Diarrhea January 11, 2003 This is one of the tastiest and most unusual home remedies we have ever collected. Donald Agar had suffered from Crohns disease for many years. Diarrhea was a constant problem. By accident he discovered that Archway Coconut Macaroon cookies…
Traveling and nervous
Hi everyone, So, I'm packing up my chemo, colostomy and myself and bon voyage! I'm heading to Vegas for a week, followed by a week in Montana. Needless to say, I'm super excited. I already have my tickets to "O", zoomanity and Celine Dion (like all good Quebecers, I have to see Celine!)! And the week in Montana is actually…
I note that two of us now report being prescribed Celebrex by the oncologists. This drug, already used for arthritis/rheumatism and general pain, apparently helps with chemo side-effects. It is also on trial for treating the actual cancer as a "fighting drug." Is anyone else taking it ?
CEA 24
My CEA is 24. I know the normal range for non-smokers is 0-2.5. How bad is 24? How high was yours before the treatment and how the treatment affected it?
Cancer, looking good, dating, sex, etc...
I haven't even thought of looking good or let alone dating or sex, but I think I should do something about it. If I loose my hair, I will get a wig, one lady at the cancer center told me she hated the wig, it was itching her sculp and she was uncomfortable, she just wore a scarf on her head, in fact all the women at the…
I am taking care of my 72 year old husband and we found out in late October that the rectal cancer has metastasized to his lungs. He was on CPT-11 for three treatments and had two weeks rest. He was supposed to start a second treatment of CPT-11 last Friday, but they didn't give it to him because his white count was too…
ileostomy reversal - Problems after surgery
June 2003 - Rectal Cancer - Started with chemo & radiation, had my rectum removed with a temporary ileostomy, had reversal Oct. 2003 and have been partially obstructed since. Symptoms similar to Crohn's Disease. Anyone know of such a scenario? Thanks for your time.
Recurring colon cancer
I've just been diagnosed with inoperable Recurring colon cancer, it's stuck to the outside of the colon and other organs. They are talking second round of chemo, this time to try CPT-11 first and see if I respond, if not - then Oxaliplatin. Chances of respond between the two drugs is 40% said the onc., that's complete and…
I came across this this morning and liked it enough to share. Thanks, e.e. I thank You God for this most amazing day; for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes. - e.e. cummings ps, Washington, DC's weather today does not include…
Hubby w/ Stage IV. HELP
I am new to this site and very happy that I found it. My husband was found with colon cancer after being taken to the hospital bleeding. They did the colonoscopy (I don't spell very well) and found the cancer. A couple days later did the surgery and took out about 12 inches of the colon. Cancer had spread to the liver and…
I've had my barium cocktail
I had my CT scan last Monday. I had to drink about 30 ounces of barium (vanilla flavor). I took advice and drank it through a straw and it was very cold. The first bottle was OK, but the second bottle was a little hard to go down. It's a good thing I didn't have to leave home for almost 2 hours after having my "cocktail".…
Does anyone know what it is or had it? And is anyone doing anything besides chemo? Can you please share if and what alternative medicine you incorporate to help you cope with chemo or feel better or even get better?
new kind of treatment
Hi to all my fellow semi colons, I just had my visit with my onc about my latest ct, not real good but not real bad either. There are 2 spots on my lung and 2 spots on my pelvis that have been there for a couple of months which I knew about but they have not grown any. So I asked him what are we going to do about these I…
Brain metastases
Hello, My wife was recently diagnosed with multiple brain tumors and a spinal chord tumor from colon cancer. I would like to know if anyone has info on the preferred method of radiation treatment, i.e. Linac vs. Gamma Knife. Also, what are your recomendations for centers in the New England Area that specialize in…
Cartoon Cancer Cure
So I watched Spongebob thinking it might show me the way but it raises more questions than it answers. 1. Why is the crab the colour of a boiled lobster? Is it simply a matter of brightening the palate or perhaps there is some more nefarious reason. Red is for Satan and communism and it makes animals attack. 2. What is up…
Follow-up tests after colorectal cancer?
Hi to all, I had rectal cancer, surgery which resulted in an ileostomy, then had chemo/radiation. Could not finish all my chemo due to anorexia. My question is--after you have had surgery/chemo/radiation, what follow up tests do your doctors order for you? How often do you get a CT scan, colonoscopy, blood tests, etc? Just…
Radiofrequency Ablation Anyone?
Hi everybody, I hope all is well and everyone is in my thoughts and prayers. I will refrain from any movie suggestions because I have created anarchy on the message board (he,he). In the future I will know what topic to bring up if I ever feel like stirring up some controversy (he,he). On a more somber note, I was…
The kinder, gentler message board
I thoroughly enjoyed our frivolous discussion about movie stars, Andreae. We all need a little rest from wrangling with our disease. I joined the Literary Fiction Lovers group over at yahoo because I like to lose myself in a book to forget about...you know. Well, didn't a cat fight break out there? Secret e-mails and all…
Feeling Alive
Hi everyone, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I was initially confused because us Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in October, so I thought maybe you were all suffering from chemo brain or that I was losing it but then I remembered the American Thanksgiving! He, he, I'm so lost sometimes! Anyways, I hope you all…
Hi Margo, Welcome to the SEMI COLON CLUB I hope you enjoy your membership here . My name is Lisa and yes I am a stage 3 like yourself . However I had 10 positive lymph nodes , and that took me a long time to accept . Yes , I had a portacath and it was great when it worked even though I had some trouble with mine I would…
When will I start to feel like I'm not on chemo anymore
Hello again everyone. As I said recently I just finished my last chemo treatment. Only problem is I still have some problems with diahrea and this troubling gurgling in my abdomen. To top it all off, my appetite isn't too good. Maybe it is because of the accumulation of all the chemo medication that it will take a while to…
Ablation of Liver and Lung
My Mom was diagnosed with colon cancer in January 2002. After surgery to remove the tumor and surrounding lympnodes, she began treatment with 5FU/Lycoveren combination. She became extremely ill with the typical dose so her dose was adjusted to 70% of the typical dose. She completed treatment in October 2002 and ended up in…
Constant Hiccups???
My father in law (stage 4 colon with mets to liver and stomach) can't seem to stop having the hiccups. Does anyone know what this is caused from? He had these constantly after his colostomy and so we attributed it to that. He battled them off and on for about a month then, he quit having them. Well all of a sudden, they've…
Xeloda - A love/hate relationship
Hi everyone, So I received my oxaliplatin and fistful of Xeloda on Monday. I was prescribed 6600mg of Xeloda daily. I took one dose on Monday (3300mg), two on Tuesday (6600mg) and I woke up in the wee hours of Wednesday morning in horrible pain and nauseous. I went to the ER knowing something was awry. The oncologist on…
Looking for Advise for Mom
Here's the shorten version....My mother was diagnosed w/ colon cancer back in February. Part of her colon was removed and fortunately the cancer had not spread to any of the surrounding organs. After 6 weeks of chemo/radiation, she started, and is now in the 5th month of a weekly preventive chemo program at a local…