Hiya all....I hate to take up line room here but I think most would agree that it is extremely valuable to us all for members here to make use of the "personal web pages". Many of us who have been coming to CSN for quite some time have seen a large influx of newly diagnosed people(actually less people here would be…
In The News......
I thought some of you might be interested in this.....Susan. Colorectal Cancer Can Be Treated With Irinotecan, Oxaliplatin and Raltitrexed NewsRx.com March 30, 2006 Colorectal cancer could be treated with irinotecan [Camptosar (C)], oxaliplatin (O) and raltitrexed [Tomudex (T)] (COT). According to recent research from…
Cancer and Depression
Aside from diet I have a stong suspicion that extreme sadness can destroy the immune system and bring on disease. Mark was very depressed for many years. His diet was good - no meat, garbage, coffee. He's never smoked, doesn't drink. What do ya'll think about this? I think it is as important as diet and excercise in the…
My mom reminded me lastnight that it is my one year anniversary from finishing chemotherapy. I was dx One year, six months and two days ago. It's amazing to look back over the year and see how much I have progressed and changed. I have many of you wonderful souls to thank for much of the progress as I was an absolute mess…
Andrea, Jana..
Where are you...? Nanuk
My hubby and I head down to St John's, Virgin Islands for 2 weeks tomorrow. I am so looking forward to this. We went last year, but i was fighting an anal fissure (amazing how difficult that little tear can make your life) and effects from chemo. This year I only have the effects from chemo to deal with. Yippee! My…
Surviving !
Hi, I'm a first time participant. Have seen messages from people with recent Stage II dx and just want to let you know that my dx in 1999 was Stage III. Subsequently,3 metasteses, 3 courses of chemo and one of radiotherapy later and I'm still here fighting back. The message is, don't ever give up, there is life after…
Thank You! Thank You!
Thank you for the warm welcome! I will try to answer some of the questions that you ask. I am going to see the oncologist on the 14th (Good Friday) and I hope it's just that. Anyway as far as the staging goes, the surgeon said it was a B and I think he must be talking about the Dukes, because the nodes were clear and no…
any attorneys in the house ?
No, no, I'm not looking for advice. Just a question. What would setting precedent mean to your career, if anything? Do you get published or something? Just trying to understand the drive behind my attorneys' actions. ( good actions ) Thanks for any input. Have a great day. Barb
Physically Exhausted, Help!
Hi everyone, hope all are doing well. I have a quick question. To those of you that where on Xeloda, where you physically exhausted. My dad is on 3500mg a day and he says if he even makes a sandwich he gets so exhausted. Of course he thinks it is the cancer kicking in. I tell him its the Xeloda. Also, since he started the…
Reply to Kathi
Not at all Kathi...please let them know straight out that this disease, just like other cancers, does not discriminate, especially not based on age. Most people here, including my Bert, need never, ever have had this disease if proper screening (the gold standard colonoscopies) had been performed. Come on folks, we all…
Had colon cancer surgery on 3/16/06
I just had surgery on 3/16 and I would like to talk to other people about it. It was not in any of 18 nodes. Therefore I think its a stage II my surgeon said a B whatever that means, but I go to the Dr. on the 14th to find out what treatment I need.
Hello all you semi-colons, I feel compelled to respond to the macrobiotics are scary post. I have such a complete opposite paradigm than most of you since I never walked the chemo line. I have remained cancer free having not done any chemo and only used alternative therapies that focused on diet. As most of you know I…
colorectal cancer stuff
A dear friend sent me a packet of wonderful items for colon cancer. There are blue pins, bracelets, key chains, magnetic bows, beautiful pamphlets, etc. Just go to www. choosehope.com Best Wishes from a semi-colon
Scaring myself to death
I wrote to a Kushi counseler after I read her amazing testmonials helping people with cancer, etc. - http://www.minadobic.org/testimonials.php#4 She sent me a very disturbing answer. This is the eve of my friend Mark's surgery and reading this really made me nervous. I would like all your thoughts on this. The decision to…
To Musiclover
unable to reply to your post, so thought I'd try it this way.. Subject: Re: Anyone have/had mets to lungs? Message: You have to have confidence in your doctor, and continue to explore all avenues of treatment..watch out for the people who lurk and take advantage of your tendency to look for a magic bullet. Look for the…
Yeee haaaaaw
Hello all Just wanted to say that we are now in San Antonio Texas . We arrived here yesterday . I have my first Texas appt. tomorrow at Brooks army medical (yikes) Iam so nervous .As some of you already know I had to skip a treatment because my platelets were to low . Sure hope that they have come back up .I also found out…
all semi colons just wondering...
hi all, hope all is well with everyone fighting this beast. i was just wondering are we all classified disabled for the rest of our life or does that change if we are in remission or "cured". any and all feedback is always welcome from my semi-colon family thanks all the best bruce
To Ross and Jen
Sending those positive vibes, that you are both so well known for, your way! Hoping that Jen feels better soon! Mary
Yes!!! Good results..
I have just returned home from my folfox 6 treatment and am wearing the pump for 5FU.. The pet scan showed 2 tumors in the liver which are both in the right lobe and not near any blood vessels etc..My oncologist just kept repeating.. " I'm so excited..I'm so excited "..He had called the liver surgeon at OHSU this morning…
Anyone have/had mets to lungs?
Part of me thinks Mark will do well on this chemo, the other part is terrified and wondering if I am being overly optimistic. Has anyone here survived or known anyone that has survived rectal cancer with spots on the liver AND lungs? Mark starts chemo tomorrow. I'm going to do my best to see that he has as little stress as…
Stage III - Note of Encouragement
Hi Everyone~ It's been a good while since I last posted, but I read the board frequently, and I always keep all of you in my prayers. A little about me, I was caregiver to my 60 year old Dad who was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer (4 out of 15 nodes positive) in January of 2004. He was treated with FOLFOX 6 for six…
worry is on the other foot
Hi guys...Right at the moment I too have a lot on my mind. Jen has been having diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramps and not really feeling too good. She saw the doc yesterday and has had to submit 3 faecal samples today. His dx at the moment is that he is pretty sure it is not cancer or colitis and thinks she may have a…
Chemo and scan results today..
Hi everyone, I had a pet scan on Monday the 3rd and will get the results this morning. I hope that the liver tumors are all in the right lobe so I may be considered for resection. I had surgery on March 7th to remove the rectal tumor and I have had a great recovery from that and today I start Folfox 6 and 5FU..I also see…
A carers biggest nightmare
How does one watch someone they have loved for 28 years who has always been so vibrant and full of life lose the ability to walk due to the mets to their bones from rectal cancer. How does one watch the person they love struggle for breath as they breathe due to lung mets. How does one cope with inability to help the…
a stupid topic???
Maybe this seems strange to some of you, but I was wondering if there is a place that sells colon cancer awareness "stuff". Everywhere I look there are items for breast cancer, pink ribbons, M&M's, shirts, hats, etc. Not that I have money to blow or anything, but several of my friends have asked, and I am curious too. All…
Re; Kerry's news
I posted this for Kerry 'cos this reply has now dropped off the page.Geez...is that a relief gal...I was worried 'bout yah! Hope you don't mind.Just wanted to be sure everyone knows you are ok.luv Ross n Jen from Kerry;My doctor reported that I am doing "excellent". Hooray! My CEA dropped again, now it is 2.6 and he…
CP-3 Reminder
Hi Everyone, Another reminder that the final date for making hotel reservations is coming soon - April 6!! Colon Palooza 3 is April 27 - 30 in Austin, TX. Some folks are coming early to take a side trip to the Texas coast. Hotel: Marriott at the Capitol 701 East 11th Street, Austin, TX 78701 Reservations: 1-800-228-9290…
how do you stay strong?
Hello to all. How do you stay strong for your loved one when you don't feel strong yourself anymore? A quick recap of our situation is that Mike was diagnosed back in Sept. with stage 3. Had chemo/rad, then surg. in Jan. There was no lymph node involvement and they said no signs of it spreading. Of course we were to say…
colostomy recovery
My dad had a colostomy 2 1/2 months ago and is still having problems with infections and the past few weeks he has come down with a fever. He has to go to a wound center 3 times per week to stuff guaze up his bottom because of excessice drainage. His stomach gets red from time to time, and now this fever of 103. I am so…