wedding was great!
Hi Everyone, I hope that you're all doing well. Just thought I'd share that the wedding was great! My daughter looked beautiful, everything went smoothly and all the guests seemed to have a good time. To answer some questions from my previous post, I have 4 more children to marry someday, hopefully not soon, sons who are…
Father passed away
Good evening, I've not been posting a lot lately, my dad was really sick and lost his battle with cancer on March 30, 2006. Thank you all for your prayers, and I continue to pray for you, as you fight or watch others fight this horrible disease. This website was very useful for me. Thanks again for everthing. Julie
Rectal bleeding from hemorrhoid 1mo being off Xeloda
Hi all: My father (Stage 3 colon cancer and 3 out of 16 Lymph Nodes positive for metastatic adenocarcinoma) was working outside this past Sat sitting on grass painting the fence. He experienced some rectal bleeding from a hemorrhoid when he came in. He says it stopped bleeding right away. This really worries me. He had…
our palooza host
I know our dear Kerry is off to Houston today for tests. I think the tests are to determine the extent of benefit from her 6 weeks of radiation. Kerry....come back to us smiling darlin. Jen and I want so much for things to work out well for you. It's 3.00am here now and you better believe that my insomnia has a lot to do…
Need help - re: lung mets and chemo
Thanks to all that posted to my plea below. I felt like my friend WAS being pressured into this decision. They need to move fast - CT results showed mets, several now, in liver and some in lung. Doctor could not tell me how many and how big! The new trial that they just threw at him (after he agonized and signed papers for…
Complimentary/Alternative Medicine
This is the most comrehensive and informative site I have ever seen; the writer/creator of the site is a colon cancer patient, and created the site at the request of his nurses/medical staff. Any cancer patient who has been overwhelmed by the amount of information on the Web and it's lack of organization will benefit from…
surgery Tues
Hi everyone... sorry I was gone for so long. Had serious computer/internet meltdown - but I am back. My surgery is this Tues. I am actually ready to have at least 2/3 of my right lung removed! I went hiking all weekend and feel so good. (I LOVE chemo breaks). I am eager to see how I feel post-op. The surgeon said I should…
Uplifting item for women
Hi everyone, I don't usually post but wanted to reach all the women here with this. (sorry guys) Flaw In Women By the time the Lord made woman, he was into his sixth day of working overtime. An angel appeared and said, "Why are you spending so much time on this one?" And the Lord answered, "Have you seen my spec sheet on…
What's so wonderful about this board
I just read a few posts and the replies again. WOW, you guys, what a plethora (sorry, movie fan) of informed posts! Example: musiclover's post re: is this normal w/friend's stool spillage. Another: the protective spirit of the group, with this latest controversial post... I REALLY love you guys!!!! (Maybe the oncs and the…
Avastin used alone
Has anyone been treated with an Avastin-only regimen? I know someone that did this, but I cannot seem to get in touch with him lately. I'm curious if this is an effective treatment to use Avastin and no other drugs. Rodney
Supplement Overdosing???
Hi all, I just finished chemo and am desiring to start back on some supplements. I get really nervous about taking supplements...well taking any pills in general. I see a Naturopath at Seattle Cancer and Wellness Center. She has told me about a variety of things I can try. I have bought all of them (ouch! says my…
Stacy girl...how the heck are you? Been wondering about you too along with so many other folks (Emily, Sponge, Kanga, Nanuk, too many to mention). Hope all is still well with each and every single one of you and I just know it is. Thanks for all your kind words. October in Halifax....haven't been there in years, not since…
Hello all. I know that it has been what, at least a year and a half since any of you have heard from me, but I want you all to know that there truly has not been a day that has gone by without my thoughts wandering to some of you, if not all of you guys here on this fabulous board that helped me so much through my up and…
Any recommendatons for ND in L.A.?
Several posters have encouraged me to seek an ND who specializes in cancer for my friend so if anyone out there knows of a good one in the Los Angeles area, please let me know. Thanks! Kathryn
colorectal seminar
Sorry guys to be so late in responding. I check my email as often as I can. First in response to some of the posts that were on the first posting, this seminar was sponsored by Piedmont Hospital in conjunction with Pfizer and some other, however all the speakers with the exception of Steve Bartkowski were from Piedmont…
Early Chemo
Hi all. One more question. My FIL had his first chemo treatment using the Folfox and avastin. He was really ill from all of it (much may also be stress I'm sure). But, he had to be hospitalized to be rehydrated via saline IV. Since this is his first treatment, does it get better? I've read some suggestions here that the…
Is this normal?
My friend Mark has an iliostomy since his rectal cancer and now is having an odd symptom. He's passing some stool from his rectum - not a lot but I'm surprised there is any since that part of his body was sutured. As you can imagine, this is messy and he has no control over it. I've emailed his doctor but wanted to see if…
into the belly of the beast
well, I'm off to my 1st day of work since surgery on Feb. 10th. I don't know how I'm going to fit both naps in! I haven't spent a whole day awake in weeks. Fortunately my co-workers are a great bunch, just happy to have me back. Of course now I have to tell them that I start chemo next Friday! Wish me luck.
Post-Chemo Monitoring
Hi, I'm in the middle of treatment number 8 of FOLFOX and am planning to ask my oncologist the next time I see her about what kind of monitoring she'll plan to do after chemo is over. (I had stage IIIA cancer of the sigmoid colon, 3 nodes positive, and had surgery in 10/2005.) Before I talk to my oncologist, I'd like to…
Any suggestions of how to alleviate thrush? My sister has started chemo and has developed thrush. Thanks.
bilirubin & liver
My sister has colon cancer with liver mets. Her liver is functioning very poorly so they have had to modify her chemo regimen as not to cause excessive damage to the good liver cells. Anyway, my question being they cannot get her bilirubin level down and aside from saying it is the cancer have not been able to determine a…
may interest some people
http://www.aloedipadreromanozago.it/eng/padre_romano_zago.htm.Check out this page
Now that I have your attention, I'm really just curious where people are located geographically. I started getting curious with all of the planning for another colonpalooza, bringing people from different places together. It's realy a great idea, which I'll unfortunately have to miss as I am planning a different trip in…
Fir those of you who have a port, just out of curiousity, does it hurt when it is accessed when they use freeze-spray? I have only been accessed twice, and both times I had emla (sp?) cream. Just curious about whether I should take that with me. Thanks
A "Lab" Horror Story
Hi all - Well maybe this isn't exactly a horror story, but if you have ever had Lab work done at Quest Diagnostics, I suggest you no longer do that. Here's my tale........ As some of you know NIH has been evaluating me. As part of that they wanted my blood work - CBC, Chemistry, CEA from the time of diagnosis. Well, I got…
off topic, something positive
Hi Everyone, I hope that you're doing well. I thought I'd share something positive, even though it's off topic. My daughter is getting married Saturday. I'm very excited and looking forward to the fun. She is my third daughter to get married in less than 5 years which explains my lack of money! Sometimes I need to forget…
As suggested by Bud (as in "nip it in the ___") Here's a daily positive energy shout out to all the CSN peeps from the Semi-Colons! Happy Colon Cancer Awareness Month... Live Strong - Be well. - SpongeBob
Attention JADot! Re: Mushroom extract
JADot, can you please tell me more about the extract and where I may be able to buy this? My friend is facing an aggressive chemo regimen and I think he could benefit from this. Thanks! Kathryn
having a bad day---another insurance dilema
Hi to all: I just had a good cry, my first in months. I have a colostomy and want to learn to irrigate. I have an appt. to have the stoma nurse help me in May. I have been ordering supplies to be ready for the big day. I ordered an irrigating kit in Jan. Now I want to order another to have a spare. The company that I get…
My Colonoscopy
Hi All, Well I had my 2nd colonoscopy in less than 2 years. I have to say they were as different as night and day. I felt everything during my 1st scope and was in the hospital all day waiting for my blood pressure to come back up so they could release me. I felt NOTHING this time and I do not remember the conversation…