Still NED
Yesterday's PET scan was negative, and the doctor said there were no polyps to be found during today's flex sigmoid exam. So I guess I'm still in remission. Now I just hope that everyone else can have negative PET scans ... Rodney
NED, NED, NED !!!!!
Should I say it again ??? NED !! Recap...Dx with stage 4 colon cancer Jan 2005. ( and then breast cancer in Dec 05...but caught at a very early stage )Going to Puerto Rico to celebrate !!!! God bless you all Ileana
Hi everyone, Just wanted to let you all know that my dad is doing okay with his chemo. He will be getting his 3rd treatment on Monday. He's had some tingling and numbness in his hands when it is cold out, but over the last few days, it has been warmer and he hasn't had that problem as much. We still aren't sure about that…
Cool PBS special last night
I just watched a PBS show on patient care last night. Dealing with pain handling and mind set and how it affects not only during cancer treatment, but after and for anyone else (heart patients, etc). Studies currently being done all over the country for this. Duke, Scripps, MD Anderson. BIG breakthru....HOPE makes a big…
Tapeworms Part II
Hi Guys: Ever since my little discovery on chemo and tapeworms from the other day, I've developed quite the morbid curiosity on the subject :) For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, search for a previous thread titled "Chemo Humor". So, here's more trivia on tapeworms, and with that, I lose my last bit of…
more info on genetics
I know that there have been some posts about genetics here...especially from our resident "salty", SpongeBob. I thought a refresher(prompted by a mail from Debralla) might be usefull especially for our newbies.Check these pages. cheers Ross n Jen COLON CANCER http://www.genetichealth.com/Colon_Cancer_Home.shtml…
Crazy with worry...
I've been writing to the group for sometime about my friend Mark. Today he finally went for a follow up CT scan (two month wait!) after his Feb. 2nd rectal surgery. During the surgery they found a nodule on his liver; a biopsy showed it was cancer. It has been agony waiting and wondering if Mark has more cancer aside from…
colon cancer comedy show in Toronto
Hi there, Not sure how many of you are from Toronto but for the learkers who are there is a 'Colon Cancer Comedy Show' April 8th in Toronto. I realize the illness is not a joke but this is in support of the Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada. http://www.ccac-accc.ca/crack2.asp julie :)
My mother's story could save your life.
Some have asked for more information about the amazing story of my mother's healing of stage 4 ovarian cancer. RESVERATROL. Shout it from the rooftops. For all cancers. There is evidence that it is useful against colon cancer. There are studies EVERYWHERE. Go to Google. Type in your type of cancer and the word…
PET Scan Wednesday, Flex Sig Thursday
Yep, I got two big tests over the next two days. As a reminder, I was diagnosed stage four last May, with seven liver mets and a suspicious lung nodule. Six Folfox sessions (three months) later a PET scan showed no evidence of disease -- that was in September. Another PET scan in November also was clean. This is my first…
My NIH Experience
Hi all - Today I completed 3 days of testing and consultation at NIH for purposes of evaluating me for participation in a Stage I trial involving RFA and the delivery of a heat activated liposome encapsulated chemo drug (doxyrubicin) directly to the liver. (Note to Claudia - Libutti is the PI - Brad Wood is the…
Remembering Grandma 07
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to share with you all today would have been Judy's Harmons Birthday. Even though Judys no longer with us I know she's watching over us. Lisa Rose
cat scan
hi all, just wanted to share good news . cancer has not spread past rectum. yahoo!!! thanks for all your support, it helps so much, cherri
A Change in Side Effects?
I've done 60 chemos since March 04. I did 12 FOLFOX, had surgery and a hepatic pump installed. I did 12 more with CPT 11 and FUDR. Liver was clear. Then in June 05, I found I had some lung mets. I started on Erbitux taking it every week and CPT 11 every other week. Up until chemo #55, I had problems with constipation only.…
What can I eat?
I posted this in another topic, but wanted to make sure that people have a chance to see my question. I have read several different opinions in several different places on what you should eat to prevent cancer. The trouble is, I haven't seen anything that translates into what I should be buying at the store. For example, I…
depressed to the max!!
1)Just finished round 2 of Oxiliplatin (folfox) round 1 was a breeze however round 2 I spiked a very high temperature 38.8C. Oncologist now says that I may not be able to continue this treatment. I'm really upset because I wanted to go for the most aggressive-progressive treatment available. 2) I was supposed to start my…
Pre-Austin Humor
A Texan is drinking in a New York bar when he gets a call on his cell phone. He hangs up, grinning from ear to ear, and orders a round of drinks for everybody in the bar announcing his wife has produced a typical Texas baby boy weighing 25 pounds. Nobody can believe that any new baby can weigh in at 25 pounds, but the…
hi all, i have yet to start chemo-rad or surgery for rectal cancer.will find out results of cat bone scan hopefully tommorrow. will also decide between 2 docs by thursday. 1 says chemo then surgery other says surgery then chemo. any thoughts on this, not medical advice just your thoughts. also has anyone had severe cramps.…
Good News - 4 Years NED!
Hello everyone, I haven't been able to get on here for a while. I couldn't log in! I have been battling every cold, stomach flu and sinus infection that I could get my hands on this winter, so I bet I have missed a lot. I want to tell you guys that I had my bi-yearly check-up and I am 4 years NED!!!!!!!WooHoooooooooo! I…
Not a Good Day
Hi all, after reading Erika & Gabor's posts, I am even more down today. Things have not been so great for me lately. I thought I was doing so well, but this past week has just proven that I'm not. I went to my PCP Wed. and he diagnosed me with depression. He is starting me on Lexapro. I will start taking it this weekend…
Deciding to stop the Avastin
I have been on a one year clinical trial of Avastin for my State IIIcc. During the 6 months of chemo, I had no side effects that they could specifically point to the Avastin BUT, since I have finished the chemo and been on the Avastin only, I have experienced a great amount of pain in my joints/bones. My wrists, arms,…
Decision Guide
Although I found this on CT of A's website, it is not in any way an endorsement of their clinics..I know nothing about them. The guide is a nice tool tho; for newbies or others just wanting to organize their thoughts about treatment options, questions to ask your doctor, Selecting a treatment center, or just organizing…
More Good News
Whoops, I forgot to tell you in the other message, I got into Graduate School!!!! I start in June. I can't tell you how excited I am. Sorry about the two posts. Love, Taunya
veins turning brown?
Hi, My husband is receiving 5fu for 4 cycles..1 week on, 3 off. Since his first treatment, his veins have turned brown. The nurses do not seem to know if this will be permanent or not........some say yes, others no! So, has anyone else had this happen, and if so did it eventually fade away? Thank you once again for your…
some good news for my daughters!
hi everyone. i haven't posted too often but i read everyday and you have all helped educate me about so many aspects of this disease. i don't think there's a more intelligent and caring group out there. so thank you all for being my teachers. (never wanted to be in this school!) anyway, long story short, my daughter was 22…
thank you to all those who replyed. it feels so good to get info from those who have been there.one more of probaly many questions, has any one ever had severe leg cramps with burning and tingling sensation.doc says caused by the cancer but it has worsened over the weekend.know of any relief for this besides the pain meds?…
hair loss
I will be starting chemotherapy in 2 weeks. A combination of 5FU, Leucovorin, and Oxaliplatin once a week. Has anyone had this combination, and did you lose your hair??
rectal cancer diagnosis
hi all, just have been diagnosed.one says a colostomy is a must.i go for my cat and bone scan on monday.get my port put in for chemo right after.im going for a second opion today.i would appreciate any input on what to expect from the chemo and rad, also colostomy
just a note to say hello
Hi This is Amy, aka slammer, and I hadn't been here for awhile. Just a check in, I go in April to oncologist, so hope all is ok, feeling good. Remember, I was stage 4 colon ca and so far I am beating this!! Hope the best to all, Love Amy
Avastin/Erbitux-(see Susanbm post 3/26)
Reply to a Message Subject: Re: Deciding to stop the Avastin(see Susanbm post 03/25) Message: This is interesting: I have been on Avastin/Erbitux, bi-weekly, 450mg IV/840mg IV respectively, for about 6 weeks.(stage IV,mets to Lungs) The past week I've experienced extreme joint/muscle pain in legs, knees & back. Labs are…