hair loss
Thank you very much to all the people who answered my post about hair loss. Janet
Infected Port?
I have been reading here for several months and have found answers to all my other questions - but now I have one I couldn't find an answer - so I worked up my nerve to ask it myself... My husband is stage IV and is currently on a chemo break. His last scan showed that the chemo seemed to have lost its effectivness so the…
Thank You
Hi all. Thanks for your words of encouragement. I am feeling better today. I haven't gotten the results of the x-ray yet. But this morning I'm not feeling as anxious as I was yesterday. Wanted to tell you a funny story. The wonderful people I work with have been with me through all of this, so they all know my problems.…
Chemo Humor :)
Hi guys: I found a funny piece of trivia which gave me a good chuckle, so I thought I'd share it with you guys :) We all know that 5FU has been the chemo mainstay for colon cancer since the 1950s. Over the years, doctors have been mixing it with several other drugs with the hope to increase its efficacy. In the late 80s,…
Hi Dot...in answer to your question about our stop-over in San Fran. We "return" via SF on 2nd May(that is if we don't extend...that is a possibility) We have a 13 hour stop-over in SF. As for doing any sightseeing etc., well, I guess it depends on if things are running to schedule. I have been told that airline holdups,…
Hello again!
Hi everyone, I am back from the colonoscopy and thank god..all clear. Doctor said I can cut back on my going for sigmoids every 3-4 months also. So all I have to do is go once a year for the colonoscopy and every 6 for the sigmoids. I guess I will still have to go for the ct scan and chest xray every 6 moths also. I will…
ct scan
Hi all you may remember us from previous postings-my husband steve d was diagnosed stage 3 rectal cancer in mar 04. He had chemoradiotherapy pre op and chemo post op. He last had a CT scan in July 05 which thankfully clear. we haven't posted for a while as we have been trying to get on with our lives and have been busy…
My initals are B M. :) Barb
scan results
I got basic scan results y'day. Shrinkage of liver mets and increased lung nodule activity, will get more accurate info next week from Onc. Just recd patrick quillans book. Question for stage 4 survivors. I know that some of you were able to have surgery for mets, some of you achievedNED through Chemo and or Radiation and…
Wrong treatment?
I was treated with Cisplatin and 5FU mix, 4 days in a row, three weeks apart, 2 times. Radiation during whole time. Then surgery. Nothing else. Stage II squamous cell carcinoma of rectum. After reading alot of you guy's experiences, I worry I was not treated enough. I feel great (except for the breast cancer I'm now…
Looking for Guidance
My partner of 2 years has colon cancer. He has had it for approx. 5 years now. He was very upfront about his illness at the start of our relationship. We talked about it openly & frequently and I was prepared for anything. To be by his side whenever and where ever ,however in Jan 2006 he stopped calling me. The…
got my hepatic pump
I had my hepatic pump put in 2 and a half weeks ago. It was a bigger surgery than I expected and it really took all of this time to recuperate. As of this week, I had my first infusion of FUDR which will pump into me for 14 days. I will also continue with Erbitux. They will add avastin in a few weeks. I'm hoping that the…
just want to introduce myself
I'm new here. Diagnosed in October 05 with rectal cancer after routine colonoscopy at age 51. I had 30 days of radiation therapy which was intended to be combined with a 5FU infusion. Unfortunately I had a cardiac reaction to the 5FU which landed me in the hospital for 2 days, so most of the radiation was given without the…
time of recurrence
I have been reading messages on this sight for three years now, ever since my husbands diagnosis in 1/03. I posted only recently but reading messages and support that you all give to each other has been extraordinarily helpful to me. In my earlier post I explained that my husband was diagnosed stage 4 with one nodule in…
Good News....
My mom who was diagnosed with Stage 3 rectal cancer March 2004 got her scan results. ALL CLEAR! 18 months and counting :)
Early Symptoms
Hi: I am new here and just would like to know what your early symptoms were. I have had six stool tests and two have shown traces of blood. I was also anemic but now taking iron. Should I have a colonoscopy? I am a 41 year old female with no history in the family. Thank so much.
Questions - chemo starting
Hi, I've read many of the threads and am familiar with what side effects many of you have had on FOLFOX. I'm stage III and start chemo on Monday. I'm concerned about the issue with cold fluids. Does this mean that a cold glass of water is pretty much "out" for the upcoming summer? And on a completely selfish note, will I…
Pre Colon Palooza 3 Fun
Hi everyone!!!!! Kanga, his lovely wife Jen, Lisa Rose and her handsome husband Andy, and I are all getting into Austin early. We have rented a car big enough for the 5 of us and will be off to the Gulf of Mexico. I will be the token one that speaks southern and drives on the correct side of the road. We will leave Austin…
Hello all. don't you just hate when you write a long post and you hit the wrong button and it disappears !!! Anyways yesterday I had my cat scan . Boy was I a nervous wreak !!! Plus stupid me when I made my dr. appt. a month ago I made it for the week after the scan !! I told my dr. I cant wait a week for my results I'll…
Elevated Alkaline Phosphate Enzyme
I have had elevated liver enzymes a couple of times and then when I go back to the dr they are normal. Have any of you had this issue. Also the week before the bloodwork, I was sick with what I thought was the flu, stomach ache, low grade fever, but no throwing up. I do have diverticuli and I believe that was the problem.…
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers
Looks like I made it thru again. Sigmoidoscopy and bloods are all good. Next stop colonoscopy in June. I don't really think it has sunk in yet. I am usually very positive and upbeat about these stupid-**** tests.( pun intended) But, this time around I felt very different about everything. Was bracing myself for the chemo…
Colon Palooza 3
Hi Everyone, I'm sending another reminder that the deadline for hotel reservations is fast approaching for CP-3. We would love to see everyone who can make it here in Austin. We have some things planned and some suggestions for sight-seeing. Hotel: Marriott at the Capitol 701 East 11th Street Austin, TX 78701 Reservations:…
I Need A 2nd Colonoscopy
Hello, My Dad was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer in June 2004 at age 59. It was recommended that my sister and I have early colonoscopies because of his age. Well I had one in October 2004, 1 day after my 40th birthday, and they removed one polyp and said everything looked fine. For a few months now I have been noticing…
My mom is dying
Well as unbelievable as it is my mom is losing her battle to stage 4 cc and is currently making it hour to hour. They are going to do everything possible to get her home today with hospice so she at least will be here. It is so devastating. She did everything to win. She did Folfox, Ironotecan, avastin, erbitux and even…
Thank you everybody for your kind thoughts and vibes. I had a big fishermans net to catch all the prayers and positvie thingies. Will let you know when I get results. I don't have the besst of luck in this dept, things seem to get lost, just for me! Byeee and happy rest of March to y'all Margo
1 year & not sure how to feel
3/18/06 was the one year anniversary of my Stage III colon cancer surgery. It's hard to put into words how I should feel. Happy?--yes I'm happy that I've finished my chemo and I'm almost through with the Avastin. I'm also happy that I've made it this far as I know that some are not so lucky. Grateful? Yes, I'm grateful for…
For MarkWalz
Hi Mark - I saw your CSN email, but somehow can't get it back. I'd be happy to email you. If you are not comfortable posting your email here, mine is elizlwil@hotmail.com (not worried about junk mail as I get so much anyway). So, email me and I will respond. Betsy
My 4th Birthday...
Today is a very special day here in our little household as it marks the fourth anniversary of Lisa's surgery to remove the diseased portion of her colon. When we look back 4 years it seems like a lifetime in some ways as they were very dark days with no light at the end of the tunnel. When Lisa had her surgery we had not…
Hi everyone, I'm a little worried about the new chemo drug (avastin) that my dad's onc will be starting him on today. I've just been reading about some negative side effects associated with the drug. I know that it increases chances of blood clots and strokes in addition to bowel perforation. I'm mainly concerned because…
Results are back
Hi again. Well. I got my CT results and PFT (pulmonary function tests). Basically - I kick serious butt!!! My PFT's are all greater than 100% for someone my age!! Yahoo. I have had a total of 6 wedge resections and my surgeon said the CT showed that my right lower lobe tumor has grown a tiny bit - it is now cutting off a…