Patient Advocate Organizational Tool
When my husband was diagnosed with Cancer I had issues with all the paperwork involved with being his caregiver. Through trial and error I came up with a system that helped me organize paperwork regarding test results, second opinions, insurance issues, doctor bills, Chemotherapy treatments, etc. I purchased a binder and…
round 1 down
hi all, havent posted in awhile, just been lurking in the background. been dealing with alot of issues on top of the cancer but just finished first treatment of folfox today. bad constipation but feel ok. was wondering if this metal taste in my mouth is normal, dont remember getting that with the 5fu. anyways i wish you…
Question about blockages in colonoscopy
Talked to a lady the other day who told me she just had a colonoscopy and it was interrupted cuz the doc ran into a "blockage." She said the doctor didn't seem concerned about this and she sees him again this week. He made no mention to her of possible cancer. I just advised her to keep her appointment. I am worried for…
Great News ! (I think)
Hi Everyone, My mom went in for her chest and CAT scan results yesterday. (for those who don't know, she was diagnosed as stage III in Jan 2003). The doctor said she was all clear - yipee ! But, then she said "we see the same mark at the juncture of the large and small intestine that we saw in February 2005, which is…
back to the board
Hi everyone - I was looking over the posts and see lots of new names. I needed to take a leave of absence to find lots of good energy.... and then I traveled for a bit. I had some crazy medical stuff go on, but it is all ok. My last CEA was elevated, but I refuse to get excited about it. I will get another CT in 3 weeks to…
PET Scan results
I spoke last night with the surgeon about the PET scan results. There is some hope but it is a long road. The scan shows that there is 1 cancerous tumor in my liver. This puts me at Stage 4 colon cancer. They could not get it out this last surgery because of the location on the back of my liver. That staging determines…
Check them out - http://www.colonclub.com/colondar.html This year's cast of characters include college students, a vetrinarian (and CSN member?), an attorney (no comments, you'll hurt Runner Z's feelings), and a former NBA player. Good stuff! - SpongeBob
Hello everyone
How are you all doing ... Good I hope I have a question is it common for colon cancer to spread to the spine? Thanks everyone HUGS!
'Normal Brain'---NAKED HAPPY DANCE!!!!
Got the results today....MRI says normal brain....no mets!!!! Now, I want NO COMMENTS about my normal brain...I HAVE IT IN WRITING!!!!!!! YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA!!!! Naked happy dance....WHEW! Hugs, Kathi
Good news so far..........
I went for the scope and all went well until he went to make that last bend downwards and the scope would not flex enough and i was hollaring ouch(even though i was out of it) he said he sees that sometimes in women and especially thin women. SOOOOOOOO, he said he was gonna send me for a barium enema to look at the last…
A MUST read for cancer patients!
I just finished reading Ty M. Bollinger's new book, "Cancer -- Step Outside the Box" and I honestly could not put this book down! I really thought my first post here would be about my 27 year old son being diagnosed with colon cancer, stage IV with mets to the liver, but instead I wanted to pass this on to all of you…
1st onc suggestions for Stage 4
Thanks for all your great advise everyone. The first onc basically said treatment wise Folfox + Avastin for the 1 met in your right lobe (2.8 cm. They will continue this and moniter the tumor. Then transfer me to UCLA to a liver surgeon for surgery or radiofrequency abilation. The met is on the back side and to get to it…
Abdominal blockages
Hi all, Although I don't post often I do read everyones messages daily. I am here to vent today. I am currently NED 2 years 7 months now from stage 3. However, as some of you may remember, I suffer with occassional blockages. I had a bowel resection for this last year and I still get them every now and then. Sometimes I…
Surgery done -next steps
Thank you to those who responded eariler to my pleas for prayers. I had my sigmoid removed, margins are clean. They preliminary diagnoised as Dukes C or D (Stage 4) 21 nodes removed with cancer in 1 node. The tumor was contained but they do have at least 1 liver met. I had a PET scan done yesterday, the day I was…
CAT scan results...
Hi everyone, Well, just want to let all of you know that my dad is NED for sure this time!!! For those who are new, my dad was diagnosed last December with stage III cc, then restaged to IV in March with two liver mets. He has been on chemo since March (standard treatment-5-fu,leuco,oxy, avastin then switched to xeloda and…
See onc today
I had sugery 2 weeks ago. Tumor and 18" of colon removed stage 2a (no lymps). I see the onc today to talk about chemo. I've talked to him once and because of my age (54 - young) and size of tumor (big) the thinking is that 6 months of chemo would provide some benefit (fu4/folfox). I think most of the discussion today will…
chug a lug.................
Tomorrow is the big day! say a prayer for me that all will be normal! I am a nervous wreck! I just ate breakfast and that will be it until after my procedure tomorrow. My appointment is at 8 am. I start my first drink at 3pm today followed by another at 6. I will update you all tomorrow after the procedure! Danielle
Tick Tock...
Has anyone looked at the calendar? DO YOU REALIZE THE RATE FOR THE HOTEL IN HALIFAX CAN NO LONGER BE GUARANTEED AFTER TOMORROW?!?!??!?!?! If you need the details, read my post entitled "JUST DO IT!!!" It tells about what you need to do to secure your place on our field trip to Halifax, Nova Scotia. You really will regret…
superior vena cava syndrone
I have svcs do to a blood clot that formed, blocking my port. The port has been removed due to the symptoms of swelling in the chest, neck, and face, but I can't find anything on the web that tells me how long it takes for all of the swelling to subside. Anyone ever had this? My onc said to hold off on bending over very…
Those Lovely Medical Bills
I was just wondering if anyone has ever planned a fundraising event to raise money to help pay those medical bills. My dad is a stage 4 colon cancer patient for the past 3 years. I am trying to help my parents pay off the current 15,000 owed, thanks to our lovely insurance system. I tried researching but don't know where…
I find I can not sleep well at night. I woke up last night wet with sweat. I take a tylenol PM instead of Vicodin 1 week after my surgery to remove the tumor. I am just a mess waiting for results Tuesday from the PET scan. I know I have at least one 2 cm lession on my liver in a difficult location to access. I pray, read…
colon cancer
I recently had an allergic reaction to Oxaliplatin. Has anyone else had a reaction and if so, what was recommended as a replacement treatment?
In the News - genetics
Scientists tie about 200 genes to cancer The Associated Press Published: September 7, 2006 Last Modified: September 7, 2006 at 01:55 PM WASHINGTON (AP) - Scientists mapping genetics of two of the nation's leading cancers have found almost 200 mutated genes in breast and colorectal tumors, many of them never before…
Hoping for 'Canceritis'
MRI was done this morning bright and early, 8 am....I got to pick the radio station...and, but for the trouble breathing when the contrast was injected, all went well. The tech said I would know within 2 days.....speedy service! So, then went to my primary care, still having trouble with my 'special' breast...red, warm,…
Prayers for a friend...
Hi everyone, My friend's mother is suffering from liver cancer and has only been given weeks to live. She is in liver failure and was told that there is nothing that can be done for her. My friend is pregnant and trying to stay calm for her baby, but through my own experience, I know how difficult that can be. I'm asking…
relentless colon spasms
Trying alternative therapies and eastern medicine after 4 months of uncontrollable colon spasms following takedown of a temporary ileostomy. (See previous posts on this subject on 8/30/06). Has anyone had any success dealing with this problem that doctors believe is the result of radiation to the colorectal area prior to…
I've seen a lot of references on this list that sugar is related to cancer. I love ice cream, cakes, sweets, etc. I had rectal cancer. Can anyone refer me to information relating sugar to cancer?
Permanent Epidural Pump for Pain Management
Hopefully, someone can give me some quick answers regarding a permanent epidural in the back with a pump to control my husband's intense abdominal pain. The doctor is looking at this as a method to attempt to give him relief from the horrible pain he is enduring. Anyone know anything about this - pros and cons? He must…
Hello everyone
I hope your all doing good! We went to the Surgeon yesterday He was shocked how quickly Duey is healing! He wants Due to have Radiation to the bladder area since the tumor was pressing up against it. All the doctors keep telling me he's gonna be just fine I would like to thank you all again for all your help, I would have…
Trip to Disney
We made the trip to Disney and to say the least, in my opinion, it was not a good thing to have done. My husband suffered terribly. He was able to enjoy a few things now and thing and I think he is thankful he went but also thankful he's home. He wanted those memories with his daughter so he's happy he went. His pain level…