No Avastin for me
I just heard from my oncologist and I have been randomized into Arm A of the study that provides the 6 months bi-weekly regimen of Folfox but does not add on the Avastin. That would be Arm B. I had told my onc that I hoped to be in Arm B and he held up his hand and said, "don't say that. When we did the tumor testing you…
Thanks for your response....went to my oncologist today....he gave me a few options...Surgery (which he doesnt recomend because it will just be to biopsy the lymph and the recup time is a month ) or to wait 3 weeks and have another ct...and blood test..if it grow, then we know what it is...I'm not blaming my oncologist at…
A surgeons OOPPSS..need advice
well..here's my update...for the ones that dont remember...had ct..found 2 spots on psoas muscle..had Pt scan...same results...had biopsy last Friday....and results today...they made an ooppss !... they pulled the wrong tissue...I'm pretty upset because if I want to make sure that my cancer is back there is no other way to…
I was told 2 weeks ago that I have colitus. My CEA count went up as of Monday. I was hoping with the medicine that it would go down. It's now at 35 it was 17 4 weeks ago. I have to go back in 3 weeks for more blood work. I'm not sure what the plan is going to be if after 3 weeks it's up some more. I'm guessing CT scans…
Or at least very close to it. Our own Rodney from this site has made huge progress on our very own WEBSITE!!!!!!! Colonpalooza.com...... check it out to learn more about the paloozas that have already occured and about the upcoming ones. Rodney has worked his tail off on the site and has done a phenomenial job and I can't…
question about prep for colonoscopy
she told me i will be using the fleet something soda ? She said I could have breakfast that morning(day before) and that was it. It it nasty? is there alot of it? Thanks Danielle
Guess I'm NED?
Hi all, Colonoscopy this am. Removed a less than 1/4 inch polyp. Doc said not to give it a second thought.( and he gives me the straight dope!) Sent it out for testing, but regardless, it's out. 6 month sigs and 1 year colonoscopies. Yea! I think! Barb
Please don't let it be 3!
Saturday night I had a visual aura...but no migraine headache after. Blurry vision. Then Sunday morning, nosebleeds off and on for the morning. Smelled burning when nothing was Sunday evening. Called and saw my gentle, dear primary care doc today. Bless him, he sat and listened to it all, including my clumsy attempt at…
I'm getting a tat
of the dark blue ribbon on my wrist, That's the right color for colon cancer right? I will be in touch and I will keep you all up to date, I'm sure I will have many question........Thank you ALL once again xox
Fentnyl Patches for Pain
Has any one out there had success using the Fentnyl pain patches? They have my husband's at 75mg and plan to increase it today to 100mp in hopes of keeping him more comfortable. He is using Oxycodone for break-through pain. It seems his pain is increasing daily. When they first started the patches, he remained quite…
Duey is home
Hey everybody My Duey is home and feeling really good, He can't wait to get back to work....That's how he is I will talk to you all soon and tell you more Much Love to you all
The Big Dig
No, not Boston. Colonoscopy. Tomorrow morning. 9am. I'm so excited, I can't contain myself. Not. But, I can't contain myself. Ick. Later. Peace. Barb
Only 2 more weeks
To get the great hotel rate for Colon Palooza 4 in Halifax, Nova Scotia Oct. 12-15. We lose the $127 USD rate Sept 11th (rooms will be $200 per nite after then). A colon palooza is a semi-annual reunion of anyone that has been touched by colorectal cancer and the people here on CSN. It is a wonderful time getting to know…
Hey Semi-Colons!
Hey y'all! I am so outta the loop on here that I am sure most of you won't even know me! But if any of my old buddies are still posting I send a big Semi-Colon hug!! I am on my friend's computer and I only have a minute, but I just had to pop on here to say HEY! I hope you all are well. I pray for you every day. Anyway, I…
I had the radiation with xeloda (low dose) six weeks then surgery and then 5 cycles (15 weeks of xeloda)high dose. I was stage 3 low grade no node involvement but some spread into my fat by the cancer site in my colon. While on Xeloda I had severe hand and foot syndrome and my white blood cells along with platelets fell…
cancer back in lung
Hi Everyone, It's been a long time since I posted. I was originally diagnosed with rectal cancer in March 2004. I had radiation and chemo, Zeloda, followed by surgery and another 6 months of Zeloda. The tumor was large, but had not spread. I was clear until October, 2005, when it showed up in my right lung. I was put on…
Rectal bleeding always mean cancer?
How often does this mean cancer? I'm afraid to get it checked out. Thanks, Scott www.patient-network.com/msuscottie
Thank you, my dear friends!
Thank you, everyone, for your very kind thoughts. In my quest for the answer to 'Why?', I received my answer back...."Because". I was playing a self-elected "Joan of Ark of Cancer". I guess I just felt like a child feels...if you work hard enough, believe strong enough...the victory will be yours. I was forgetting one of…
Too funny...had to pass it along....
A nurse was on duty in the Emergency Room, when a young woman with purple hair styled into a punk rocker Mohawk, sporting a variety of tattoos, and wearing strange clothing, entered. It was quickly determined that the patient had acute appendicitis, so she was scheduled for immediate surgery. When she was completely…
New info on my Duey
Hello everyone, How are you all Duey wants me there to take care of him all the time, lucky I use to be a nurse's aid, all the nurse'e keep telling me I'm on the payroll now. So far they have told us that out of 10 lump nodes 2 had cancer I will know more on Monday. By the way Duey is feeling much better he took a shower…
Is it just the steri-strips?
I removed the over bandage on my newly-placed port last night and I was surprised to find it kinda "bumpy" like a wash board road after a heavy rain. I expected a bump, to be sure, but more like a smooth quarter under my skin. I haven't removed the steri-strips (been told to let those fall off naturally) so I am hoping…
Anyone taking Panitumimab?
Are they almost out of names? "Panitumimab" is supposed to be good stuff, working to block one of the pathways for the cancer to get new blood supply (anti-angiogenic). I was very satisfied with results from Avastin (anti-angiogenic) last year (actually worked to stop cancer growth for about 11 months until the cancer got…
To Betsy,Eleonora, Lee & Lisa
Thanks for the information & kind words.. Surgery is scheduled for Aug 30 AM Bud
Pain Worsening
It's been a bad two days. My husband's pain has worsened. He is on Fentynl 75 mg patches and taking Oxycodone every 2 to 4 hours and still huring terribly. How do you know when he's getting too much medicine or whether the meds need changed or increased? It's terrible watching him suffer like this. Also, I'm frightened to…
Removal of tumour on Monday
Hi all! I've found so much comfort from this board and I'm glad I'm not alone in getting rid of this 'beast' inside of me. I go into surgery on Monday, August 28th, for the removal of the rectal tumour I was diagnosed with back in May 2006. My surgeon said the chance of a temporary ileostomy is over 50% so I'll probably…
Cost of Neupogen injections?
Does anyone have any idea how much Neupogen injections cost? Pepperdog
Erbitux and Avastin anyone?
My oncologist is recommending Erbitux with Avastin for me. Has anyone had great success using erbitux? If so, what did you combine it with? How was quality of life? (acne, fatigue, etc.) I have had metastatic colon cancer for almost 4 years and have had surgery to both lungs, colon, and liver. I used Avastin with low doses…
second opinions
Hi everyone! I was wondering if any of you have gone for second opinions regarding your initial diagnosis. I will be looking at MD Anderson. Have any of you been treated there? I have been told they are the best. Of all the cancers they treat, colon cancer is the number one cancer they deal with. Right now, there is no…
Broken bone...will it mess up chemo schedule?
I fractured a bone in my left foot Wednesday night at the baseball game. I thought I had just sprained my ankle, and I was icing it and keeping it elevated. But, a few hours ago I had it x-ray'd, and I fractured a bone.....Now I have a cast up to my knee, and crutches, until I can get to an ortho doc. Anyway.....I was…
My heart is breaking....
My very frightened young friend with the brain tumor passed today at 4pm. He had recently been responding well to the new chemo, and was going to start Physical Therapy today....no regrowth on the tumor... Brain swelling is the preliminary cause of death.... So very, very young....what a waste....36. I HATE THIS BEAST...IT…