CEA level questions
Hi there. I am hoping some of you can respond with your own experience. I just had my first CEA test since starting chemo. Before surgery I was 139, after surgery I was 76 and now after 2 treatments it is 56. In your experiences how much did the levels drop? Does it depend? Does it drop a lot at first then slowly go down?…
Cellfood® is manufactured by Nu Science Corporation U.S.A. in an F.D.A. licensed laboratory. Has anyone heard of CELLFOOD? If you have, will you recommend it for chemo patients??
hey all you awesome semi-colons! I am here at Arthur's office after hours (he's on call so he had to come in) and he got me logged on so I could say HOWDY! to my semi-colon buds whom I miss LIKE CRAZY!!!! Here's the scoop: in July my computer shut down slowly...until I could no longer log on anymore. I could not receive or…
It 'twernt so bad, yet....
OK, maybe I'm over-optimistic, but what the heck, why not! Started out at 8 a.m. at the cancer center today... blood draw, waited, saw doctor, waited, went in for the chemo deal. Emerged 7.5 hours later at 3:30 and went with my husband and youngest son to Denny's for an early dinner. They showed me around at the center and…
The insurance FINALLY responded....
At 4:30pm today, after everyone had already gone from the radiology center, sigh, the insurance FINALLY deemed me worthy to have an MRI. So NOW, because of Labor Day, I can't even make an appointment till next Tuesday.... OK, I'm breathing. In and Out. Nice thing, tho....many people, for years, have been saying I should…
Anyone on myspace ?
I would like to post a link to my myspace, Is this ok Also: I forgot to tell you Duey has not had a cigarette since the morning of his sugery. He has been a heavy smoker since he was 19 I'm so proud of him and he's proud of his self, he wanted me to share this with you all xox
Life Expectancy
My husband has colorectal cancer with liver mets. They operated on him on August 1 and did a colostomy and sewed him back up. They said they were unable to remove the tumor. It has spread throughout his abdominal and pelvic cavities and is attached to his bladder in a couple of places. They plan to just keep him…
Bud's having surgery
Our wonderful Bud, is having surgery today. Let's all shout out some prayers, thoughts and hugs for a speedy recovery!!! Thinking of you, man. Praying for a swift and speedy recovery. All my love, Barb
Pray for me and my family
I have sigmoid cancer. A good Board certified Colo-rectal guy is doing surgery in 9 hours. They have found 1 met on liver, 2 cm. They can not get it because it is on the back side during today's surgery I'm scared but fighting. the plan right now is: Surgery 9/1 for colon cancer PET scan next week to look at liver Meet…
just diagnosed
Found people here. I have a sigmoid colon cancer, 47 years old. CT scan shows one possible spot on the liver. Obviously scared with 2 young kids at home. I meet wih my dr in Santa Barbara today and then surgery is Friday. Please any suggestions?
Now this is curious....
I got my appointment schedule in the mail today for all of my upcoming hospital appointments and treatments, and guess what? It says that when I start chemo tomorrow I am in Arm B of the study and getting Folfox PLUS Avastin. I am certain the onc told me earlier this week that I was put in Arm A and would not be getting…
How do you find the motivation?
I have just finished my 3rd round of chemo. I dont even know how many more I have to go...it hasnt been decided how long. I am waiting for my CEA to come back this week to see if this chemo has been working. I am usually the upbeat person, the positive one, but this week I had to dig deep for my motiviation and it was…
I said goodbye today
Today was the memorial service for my brain cancer friend. I learned many things about him, that I never knew. He was a kind, gentle man. I will miss him. I got up to share my words, and I heard myself say "I thought I was the one giving the support and encouragement, but really it was he to me". As my life continues to…
Friday Giggles
Hi Guys: Here are some giggles to get the weekend started. Since it's a long weekend in the US, I am throwing in 2 for the price of one! Have a great weekend! - - - Lesson in Punctuation A kindergarten class had a homework assignment to find out about something exciting and relate it to the class the next day. When the…
EMLA cream users....
I picked up my tube of EMLA cream today to numb the skin over my chemo port before infusion tomorrow. The package says I should use an Occlusive Dressing over the cream, which is just a fancy bandaid that makes an air-tight seal. I found some, that would cover the rear end of an elephant and are very expensive!!! Can't I…
Anyone here from Los Angeles?
Just curious, Is anyone here local L.A. ? We are and we plan to attand the 34th annual cancer convention Labor day weekend http://www.cancercontrolsociety.com/convention2006.html Coensidence... It will be my husband first weekend home after his colon resection and a.."Cancer convention" umm!
Had my scope
Hi everyone. I'm a caregiver for my husband who is recovering from CRC. I had my second routine colonoscopy yesterday and thankfully, I got a good report. My first scope was done at age 50, so it was time for another. I was nervous, not for me, but for what would happen if both of us had to contend with this illness.…
mistletoe as treatment?
Well, i finally spoke with a naturopath who treats colorectal cancer. Most of the things she's recommeded I've seen recommended before, but the one thing that i'mthinking twice about is mistletoe. I have read that there is some controversy about this. Of course there's controversy about naturopathic methods anyway, but…
Help for Mom
Hello to all. I'm in the midst of trying to find some suggestions from any and all who are able to help. My mom has not been able to produce a regular bowel movement for close to a week now. She has an ostemy bag from her first surgery, where they removed the initial cancer from her colon. Her most recent surgery removed…
Hello everyone
I hope your all doing well We have a question for you How do we know the chemo is working? How do they know if the cancer is coming back, Gone ect.... I did read about a test C.E.A ? that they check but if it's that easy why didn't they check that in the first place or on anyone they think may have cancer ? Thank you my…
That is a question... I saw two article banners today, one from Forbes Magazine that says Celebrex does NOT have a role in preventing colon cancer. The other one from UPI said that it does. Confused? I was, too. As many of you may know, the COX-2 inhibitor pain reliever Celebrex (yep, related to Vioxx although not proven…
3rd delay in a row
well, just back from the clinic and his plateletts are still too low for chemo..that is the third time in a row...very very discouraging since 3 weeks ago we got the news that his liver mets are shrinking then we are in limbo and can't continue his treatment (oxaliplatin/xeloda)...his Dr wan't there today (had just left…
Not sure I can find real peace in chemo....
I know it is often said that being at peace with our treatment plan is key to success. Well, I start chemo tomorrow and even though I am committed to going through the process as my best alternative, I am not at peace about it in many ways. For instance, my mindset is thus: I go in at 8 to draw blood so they can see if my…
Celebration on the Hill is less than 3 weeks!
My journey to Washington, DC is less than 3 weeks from now....September 20 is the 'big relay' day. If there is someone you all would like to buy (sorry, it's $10 each) a luminaria for, you can go to http://celebrationonthehill.org/ and click on the luminaria button. These will be part of the walk of silence around the…
Night Sweats
My husband has very severe night sweats. I'm talking about "wet" bed covers, not damp. He must put something dry under him different times throughout the night and still wakes up with a very wet bed. Does anyone have any idea what causes this and are there any suggestions on how to deal with it? His forehead is damp and…
is this a resonable plan and time sequence?
Thank you so much. It does seem overwhelming. I meet with the surgeon. He is certified from American colo -rectal, very respected, checked his references and feel good. He said surgery is necessary, and quicker is better than any waiting. I was concerned about doing this in Santa Barbara or perhaps going to someplace like…
Call out to KathiM!!!!
Kathi, how are you holding up? Did the doc schedule the MRI yet? Been thinking about you. Hang in there.
one more thing....
I will be doing the following test...Here is my chance to find out if juicing, vitamins ( transfer factor...is vitamins that I take to increase my inmune system..I take 9 of them a day)...alkaline diet,,,no red meat...no sugar...meditation and visualization ( my husband is an expert) reiki ( my husband took the…
got 2nd opinion, feel much better
Hi Everyone, I went for a second opinion today. The oncologist that I saw was in complete agreement with my oncologist though he did have some suggestions regarding chemo after lung surgery. Surgery is scheduled for Sept. 11. I feel much better about the whole thing and am glad that I went for a second opinion. Take care…
Clear PET Scan
Hi Ya'll: Sorry I've been so out of touch lately. Life and work have resumed their pre-cancer pace, and it's just grand! No more nausea, and the finger-tip tinglies are subsiding too. If only I can just lose the 10lbs of chemo-fat :) Anyway, some great news to pass along - I had a clear PET scan!!! They didn't find…