Great Article in Paper
This was posted in the Rocky Mountain News today. Fight against cancer turns doctor into patient Diagnosis boosts empathy, idea of quality of life By Bill Scanlon, Rocky Mountain News April 28, 2007 When you treat cancer for a living, and suddenly you get a rare, deadly cancer yourself, well . . . it can change a person.…
Sharing my Good News!
Wow, I just got off the phone with my onc nurse who told me the results of my latest scans/blood work! I am still NED and my CEA is LESS THAN 0.5. I am so relieved. I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but I always feel like I am going to have a nervous breakdown waiting for these darn results. Some of you might…
How does one cope?
Hi All, My name is, Mary from WI, and although I haven't written to you (my online family) in awhile; I am on here almost everyday reading about how everybody is doing! And I truly hope each and everyone of you is doing well; as well as has a wonderful upcoming weekend, too! ; ) And I guess I've been feeling down lately. I…
Antioxidant supplementation generally safe during cancer therapy
I take USANA suppliments and just received this article via e-mail. I think someone was asking about suppliments recently. Limey. The January/February and March/April 2007 issues of the journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine published a two-part article which concluded that, contrary to long-held beliefs,…
So Calif-NPR shows CRC survivor...
LIVING WITH CANCER What: Colon cancer survivor and NPR commentator Leroy Sievers talks to his good friend Ted Koppel about the unexpected highs and gut-wrenching lows of his ongoing battle with the disease. Where: The Discovery Channel. When: 8 p.m. May 6. In a nutshell: Sievers was diagnosed with colon cancer six years…
Verdict is back - no liver mets!
My dear CSN family, For all of you who have provided me with prayers, healthy vibes, kind thoughts and gentle encouragments, I am so happy to tell you that all of your positive thinking worked its magic again. I just found out that suspecious spot on my liver is not a liver metastases, and in all likelihood just a cycst.…
Intelligent Therapy
Hi - just wanted to let you all know that I will be travelling to South America to discuss the possiblity of intelligent therapy as an alternative treatment for me. Intelligent therapy works on the premise that each one's DNA profile is different therefore requires individualized treatment. The therapy is also reputed to…
Supplements during Chemo
I wonder what people feel about taking supplements during chemo? Ever since I came out of hospital I have been taking an ever expanding range of supplements - some of them taken on the advice of an oncology nurse turned medical journalist, some I've read or heard about elsewhere. They include: Selenium, Vitamins A, C and…
Just wanted to check in and let everyone know that long term survivors are still around and kicking! For those of you who are new...I was diagnosed at 36 years old with stage 3 rectal cancer. After a lot of treatment, surgery, then treatment...I am now more than 8 years into a wonderful new life and am considered cured. It…
New Symbol of Hope For Colon Cancer Cure
http://www.nccrt.org/News/NewsDetail.aspx?article_id=413#ordering This might be a good idea for the upcoming Nashville trip.
The past few months I have been thinking about "chemo brain" and wanted to open a discussion on it and see what others think... I know that several noted physicians have said "yes; chemo brain really does exist". I believe it does, too. Lately, however, I have been beginning to wonder if "chemo brain" might not be adult…
Getting awareness out there
Hi everyone first thank you all for always being there when needed. I am planning on getting the "STAR" logo for colo-rectal cancer tatoo on my lower leg with hopes to make others more aware of this disease. As we know it doesn't yet receive the attention as other diseases which keeps the funding for research down. Not…
Neat Website
Wine Question
Hi, Does anyone have any info on the negative effects of drinking wine while undergoing chemo? I'm not sure if it has any significant effect on the effectiveness of the chem. Any thoughts? Thanks
Had a Scare
Hi all, Over the weekend I had extreme abdominal pain. Went to Urgent Care yesterday morning where they stuck, poked, prodded, and CT scanned me. They were looking to distinguish between kindey stone and blockage of the colon primarily at the site of the enastomosis. Fortunately (I guess) it is a kindey stone. The…
Should Stage II Be Treated?
One Down / One To Go
Saw my surgeon 18 April 07 and asked if I could begin to jog again and he said YES, so I took his word and began on Saturday and my body is sore. Now all I need is his approval and okay to get back to weight lifting.
Prayers for me to finish last chemo
I have been geting chemo for colon cancer stage IIIc for 6 months and my last chemo has put on hold due to the chemo side effects, low blood cells and a hospital stay. I have been so inpatient to go back to work, but now everything has been put on hold.
Genetic receptor medicine
Hi - I remember seeing a while ago an article on treating people with cancer according to their genetic makeup and thus eliminating the need for chemo. Can anyone point me in the right direction of where to find that article? I have an opportunity to meet a doctor whose research is based on this premise but I'd like to…
Update - Please Help Me
First I want to thank all of you that responded to my message a week ago. Your kind words brought me and my family much comfort. Just a quick review of the history - last week I went in for a routine screening colonoscopy as I was having minor bowel changes, and wanted to be extra safe (the doc did not even really want to…
CEA Level and # of liver mets/Need to Hear from Others
My dad has stage IV colon cancer (diagnosed 05/02) - multiple resections *April 2006 - CT scan was normal, cea was 2.? - ct did show a few small spots (needed to be watched) *June 2006 - cea rose to 5.?, had pet scan (clean scan) - went off of treatment *September 30, 2006 - pet scan (multiple spots - not sure how many,…
Ahoy, fellow (and I mean that in the most gender-neutral, androgynous sense) SemiColons! Sorry to have been AWOL again. I seem to be doing that a lot lately but I am just so wrapped around the axle of transfer, promotion, cross-country move, and wedding plans. Katie (USAKat) was here last week to hostess my promotion party…
Questions from CT scan, on to a PET:(
Hi all, I'm one of those folks in "the waiting room"...nearly 3 years out from chemo (come July); stage III, colectomy, 6 months chemo, NED since. Colonscopies have been clean (last one in Feb); this CT scan shows a "thickening of the colon wall near the site of the anastomosis", and a 1.5 cm lymph node in my left armpit.…
Columnist Chronicles Life With Cancer
Columnist Chronicles Life With Cancer By FRANK ELTMAN (Associated Press Writer) From Associated Press April 22, 2007 1:45 PM EDT GARDEN CITY, N.Y. - A sense of humor helps, Lauren Terrazzano says, when you're dying of cancer. If there's a heaven, the newspaper columnist wrote recently, she plans to have a drink with John…
Need Positive Thoughts/Prayers
History: *Diagnosed 5/02 *Has been on multiple treatments and had three liver resections (last one in 10/05) *In September 06 - Pet Scan showed multiple spots in liver and cea was 55. Rose to 181 by end of October and went down to 57 by March. Now it is up again to 74. At first Dr. did not seem concerned and scheduled pet…
Hi Everyone!! As you may know, my mom (stage4/with mets to both adrenal glands) had a PET/CT scan last week. On Tuesday of this week, my mom, my dad, and myself drove to Denver to Rocky Mountain Cancer Center to see Dr. Allen Cohn. My mom has been fighting this beast for almost one year. She stopped chemo 3 months ago with…
Stage IV? Out of options?
I just wanted to let you all know that the Cancer Treatment Centers of America are conducting a clinical trial of IV Vitamin C, which some of you may have heard about. This has been approved by FDA. The theory has been around for a while, that if the immunity of a patient is boosted the body can heal itself.…
Bloodwork / Liver Counts
BRIEF HISTORY: DX with Stage II (NO/MO)colon cancer in July 06. Finished FLOFOX treatment on 3 Nov 06. Had colon reconnection surgery on 27 Feb 07. First 3 month check-up CT Scan was on 22 Jan 07 - ALL CLEAR/NED along with good bloodwork results. CEA was 0.5. Don't know if my CEA is a good marker because I am 99% sure it…
I am in my 5th year after having stage II rectal cancer. I have a nausea problem that doesn't want to go away. I have tried eating differently, having smaller meals more times a day, just munching all the time to mask the feeling. Nothing makes it go away. I am on a few medications, but remember feeling this way before I…
Positive News
Finally got the results of my husbands ct scan last week when going for his 3rd treatment today. The oncologist says that there has been some shrinkage in the liver mets. We are so grateful for this positive sign after two treatments. (Thank you God)and thank you all for your support. He will have another treatment in 3…