Jen's girlfriend
Hi all. I am pleased to tell you that Carol is now back home and getting better by the day after her bypass surgery. For 3 days things were not looking good as the doctors were not able to get her lungs to re-inflate. Carol was on a respirator for all that time and my friend Gordon(Carol's hubby) was beside himself. The…
New here...
Hi, I'm new here as a member, but have been reading posts for about 3-4 months now. My husband (44) was diagnosed in October 2005 after being treated for hemmorhoids by his family doctor for over a year! He was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer as it had spread to his liver. Right away he began 6 weeks of radiation along with…
treating neuropathy......
Hi all, Just wanted to share some interesting info with all you suffering from neuropathy. I am on my 4th of 8 chemo treatments (folfox and avastin). Have been having neuropathy and major cold sensitivity in my hands since first treatment. Has been getting worse and lasting longer with each treatment. Talked to onc and he…
Sponger and Katie
Soory I missed your recent post guys. Better late than neva. Jen and I checked out the "wedding bliss pic" and clearly you are both very happy. Katie...maybe I better send you some details on how to tie a "bowline" then all yah gotta do is keep him on a short leash! Sponger, bout time you stayed landlocked for a spell! Luv…
TB positive
We've just found out that my niece was tested positive for TB.. and she is now awaiting her chest x-ray results. Should I be concerned with being near her, because of my husbands condition?
Last Call.......
Good Monday Morning, Everyone! Appears we are down to the wire for Colon Palooza 5. The rooms have all been taken, but if anyone is still interested in coming, you can still get a room for the negotiated price of $ 159 until THIS FRIDAY, May 11, 2007. Call the Hilton, downtown Nashville, 615-620-2150 or e-mail your request…
RFA Question
Although I am a cc suvivor, this question is for my Grandmother in law. She is 84 years old and has had a recurrance from stage three colon cancer with one met to the liver and a slight rise in her cea. Liver resection does not seem to be an option at her age, but the oncologist did mention RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation).…
Colon Cancer... Now spots on the Liver!!
Hi, I was hoping to get a little input from some of you. My dad (he is 76) was diagnosed with colon cancer Nov. 05 he had about a foot of his colon removed. While in surgery they found out that he was in stage 3 colon cancer so it was had already made it to his lymph nodes. After he finished with surgery he started his…
afterchemo losing weight
Does anyone have any tips, web sites books that help with eating healthy and losing weight after going thru chemo?
Where can you get financial help in North Carolina.
I've had this disease since 10/04 and still not getting disabilty. Waiting for a hearing for over a year now. It is putting alot of stress aaon my marriage. We are close to losing everything, my husband is doing the best he can, he is working 5 days a week, and odd job on the weekends. I've not been able to work and can't…
Fanny Pack???
Okay, today is the first day I have done outpatient chemo. I've been doing the inpatient deal on the weekends and decided I could not stand the feeling of being "locked up". This is my 4th treatment and I could not bear another weekend, especially with the beautiful weather. Anywho, I now have this "fanny pack" to haul…
nose bleeding
I have a question has anyone had nose bleeding while going through chemo. I'm stage 3 with 2 nodes. I'm on my 4th treatment with oxy,leve,and 5fu. The last two treatments I notice blood when I blow my nose in the morning. It isn't like a bloody nose but any time I see blood lately I freak out now. I go to my onc on Monday…
here's a quick wedding photo from yesterday! http://www.acscsn.org/view/viewer?object_id=csn:rel:feworks234902341001178549248 We tied the knot yesterday - what a BEAUTIFUL day! Each of you were there in spirit and in our thoughts. Thanks for your kind words, Kathi and all who replied to your post! - SpongeBob & USAKat
Intestinal Fistula?
Anyone had any experience with the development of an abdominal abscess and an intestinal fistula while on chemotherapy? My husband has been on camptosar and avastin since late November. He is now in the hospital (since Friday) recovering from an abdominal abscess caused by a tiny hole in his intestine. The doctors suspect…
Chemo treatment
I am a new member. I was just diagnosed with colorectal cancer (stage 3b) in April and had surgery a few weeks ago. I am starting chemo on May 21st. I was shocked to learn that I have colon cancer, partly due to the fact that I had breast cancer in 2003 and have been under the care of an oncologist. I had surgery and chemo…
just needed to dump this off my chest
Hi all. just wanted to get this off my chest. I am having a crappy crappy day. I am sick and tired of chemo, fed up with tip toeing aroung issues at home and frustrated as hell with my partner an the total lack of concern and support. It feels like I may be single after 19 years if this keeps up. I know we drive our own…
canada eh!
Operated on January 2006 stage III rectal 2 nodes involved. Completed Folfox/radiation October 2006 I've had a 1 complete CT scan in November 2006 and 1 lung CT scan done in February 2007. Went for my check-up with my oncologist yesterday (may 2007). Blood work taken - results not yet reported. There was no mention of CT…
Hello I'm Lorraine. I'm a rectal cancer survivor. This is the first spring that I have been pain free in four years. Looking forward to getting on with my life. I would like to meet others who have gone through what I have. Finding it difficult to move forward and enjoy my life, feels like my feet are in quick sand and…
Everyone who watched raise their hands
I really hope that everyone got to see the special "Living with Cancer" which aired last night on Discovery. Between all participants, so many things were said that I have been unable to verbalize, and it was somehow very liberating to have it all out in words. If you did not get a chance to see it last night, it airs…
They messed up the chemo.......
Hi all, We got some discouraging news yesterday from Carl's onc. (Carl dx stage IV w/mets to liver 10/06) His original FOLFOX chemo plan was to do 5 rounds at a high dose of Ox w/ the 5FU, then chemo radiation, then 5 more rounds at a lower dose of Ox w/ 5FU. Apparently the pharmacist messed up and he had a lower dose for…
Simple Question
I was dx with a bad sinus infection on 2 May 07 and declined antibotics because I was on them for about 6 weeks and they increased in my liver counts. I have been off of them since 11 April 07, but my symptons are not getting better. Has anyone had a bad sinus infection with sympstons that mimnic a bad cold? Sore throat,…
Chemo starts on May 14th..info please~
Had first appt with the onc. Said I was not a candidate for surgery or radiation as I had too many spots in my liver(5) and 2 spots on my lung. So chemo it is!! I will be taking Avastin, Oxaliplatin,Leucovorin and Fluorouracil (5-FU). I go once every 2 weeks for treatment. I asked for the stats, what was I thinking?…
2 years today...no CRC!!!!
It was 2 years ago today that I awoke from my resection surgery to the news that none of the stuff they removed looked like it had any cancer. Subsequent lab results confirmed this!!! So, doing it for me... YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA!!!!!!! NAKED HAPPY DANCE!!!!! Hugs, Kathi
Is FAP & Gardner Syndrome the same?
I have been looking into yahoo groups for support and I found 1 gardner syndrome and they are saying that they are the same. I'm very confused, can someone help?
Thanks for the kind words for my dad
I left my first message on here yesterday and to my amazment when I got home from work and visiting my dad I had 5 replies. To finish out conversation... My dad has had Hospice come out now for about 4 months, these people are great. He has been to several drs. but all say that his cancer has spread and is clustered around…
Hi everyone. I'm new to the message board and look forward to our interactions. I'm a stage IV colon cancer survivor. I was diagnosed in September 2004. I've been through two rounds of chemotheraphy, multiple procedures, and three major surgeries. I look forward to receiving valuable information, opinions, and experiences.
For Bob and Katie...I raise my glass....
Sunday is a VERY important day for 2 VERY important people!!! I raise my glass in a toast to a happy, healthy life for them both as they start their lives together.... Great, big, happy, white (yes, I CAN wear white...lol) hugs! Throwing birdseed (earth friendly) shaped as rice!! Hugs, your daughter (Kathi)
Ted Koppel's Cancer survivor tv tonite
For those interested, just a reminder that Ted Koppel is doing a tv documentary on cancer survivors tonite on Discovery Channel at 8pm. I know that one of the features of the show will be his friend Mr Sievers. It's important to know that when Mr Sievers was filmed, he had been newly diagnosed and had not had many of the…
update--- stress at altime high
As I have been reporting my dad is in real bad shape. Today however he has worried us like no other day. We live on a small farm where we built a house 2 years ago to be closer to my dad as he got sick. We live about a quarter of a mile from my parents. Today my mom had to go to town and I went and checked on my and found…
Update on my Dad!!
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to let you know that since we have decided to switch Dr.'s, my dad has been getting all of his records picked up from the other Dr.'s offices. While we were at lunch today I was looking over some of the paper work and was a little surprised with what was wrote on some of the reports. One of the…