Over the Top!
Hey Everyone! In reading through the array of e-mails I have saved on this site, I'm noticing SO many people who have shared their stories and looked for support. Again, I know I sound like a broken record, but I really want everyone to consider heading to Nashville for the reunion in September. There are SO many of you I…
neuropathey post chemo
I finished with chemo almost 2 years ago and am one of those who never completely recovered from the oxaliplatin neuropathy. Just a question: do any of you experience good days and bad days with the neuropathy still? For me, sometimes it seems almost gone, very unnoticeable, then other days I'm right back into some pain…
Question regarding temporary Colostomy
Hello everyone. Quick summary, My dad was dxed with Colon cancer end of March. His surgery is scheduled for May 17. He has had a CT and blood all normal. He had his appt with the surgeon yesterday and he mentioned that he would be trying to do the surgery using the laproscopic (sp) method (if possible as my Dad has a spare…
Hello, I had my first clonoscopy at 55 (july 2004)and was diagnosed w/colon cancer. I had a sigmoid resection at that time and was given 5 Fu & Leuvocorin for 6 months. Which I completed w/o any major problem, other than bleeding nostrils. My Dr. recommended sigmoidoscopys yearly & told me a FULL colonscopy wasn't needed…
need info on fap
i have 4 kids and was just diagnosied with fap. at first it was rectal cancer that was never staged. i am so confused please can someone help?i have been dealing with this for 3 years and have a ileostomy. can't get any answers from the doctors just test after test. they are doing a egd on 3/23/07, hope they don't find…
Scared of the future
I have spent the last 2 years fighting to survive stage 3 colon cancer and after lots of chemo and 1 recurrance I have had clear scans for about 9 months. But I am so scared to even think about the future and what that might be. My wife and I are seperating partly because I can't even discuss the future and what I may want…
Another Delay
My husband was to have his last chemo treatment of folfox last week but his WBC were too low. We were to wait until this week and get his blood checked again. His bloodwork today again revealed a low count so we will be delayed again until next week. Will there be some point when they just decide to forget the last…
Lung biopsy confirms mets
Just got the results of my lung biopsy done on Friday the 13th. Positive for low grade colonic adenocarcinoma as we suspected.Pet scan shows its in my liver also. I wish the Onc had recommended adjuvant chemo therapy as a precaution when I was diagnosed as Stage II in 2005 and just had surgery to remove it. If I only knew…
CEA levels up
Dr. just called to tell me that my CEA level was up from 5 to 19. I have been going thru chemo since Dec. I only have 5 more weeks to go. He wants to do a pet scan. I had a large tumor in the transverse colon. I had a resection in Oct. of 06. Only two lymph nodes were positive. What do I do now?
Second Cycle
Hi to all, I just got home from the hospital after completing my second cycle--can I do 10 more?? For some reason, I'm am so down, I guess what I'm feeling is normal. I have been so upbeat and optimistic but seems like this weekend has been tough. I'm tired from the treatment and hurried the drip to get out of there which…
#3 & getting results today
Today is treatment 3 and we will be told results of ct scan last week to see if there is change in my husband's liver mets etc. Your good thoughts and prayers mean a lot. Part of me wants to know and part of me doesn't. I'm sure you can all relate to the anxiety. I'm really trying to stay positive and hopeful.It can be…
Another bit of encouragement needed!
Hi and I know this has been discussed several times before. My hair is thinning, noticably after this weekend (cycle two). Just curious how many actually lost all your hair versus how many had just thinning during treatment. I'm doing 5FU and oxalplatin. This is a tough time for me right now and the loss of my hair is…
I don't write often, but I read almost everyday. I'm heading for some sun tomorrow am. I have a 2 wk vacation in St John VI. I will miss you guys. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Good health to you all!!!! Mary
Liver enzyme tests
Hello all. We just got word that my husbands liver enzymes are elevated. ALT is 220 and AST is 90. This has me very concerned, however the doctor says before we do anymore tests we will have him discontinue is Lipitor that he takes for high cholesterol. He also said it could be because of his FOLFOX chemo that he is…
Lung nodules
I would like some advice. I am a stage 1V colorectal with mets to liver have done all treatments and surgery and all looked good until I just had my one year pet/cat scans and now there is "nodules" in my lungs which were there before however one grew from 3mm to 5mm and now a new one at 5mm. My oncolgist said too small to…
Double Lumen Ports
I am scheduled to have a double lumen port. Anyone have experience with 2 versus 1? Any problems or suggestions?
Bunch of stage IV survival stories
I guess I'm just a dizzy broad!!!
Still no cause of my dizzy spells...all my blood levels are actually the best they've been since before meeting the beast. DID have a visual aura the other day....after it was over, I noticed a feeling of released pressure in my left sinus...hummmmmm....maybe the culprit.... During the aura, looked sort of like a disco…
Sugar and Cancer
Hello Semi-Colons, I am posting an article about something very basic to cancer healing and could be all the difference in someone's outcome. It is worth the read. Just know I am always thinking of you all when I read these and want to share the knowledge. For some you have never heard this and others you know this is my…
CEA Level and Treatment
My dad is currently on avastin and 5 flu (??). His cea went from 189 in October to 57 in February to 59 in March. We are concerned about this two point increase; however, the oncologist is continuing the treatment. In the past (previous oncolongist), my dad stopped treatment if his cea level rose at all and had a pet scan.…
Please Help Me
I am a 41 year old married father of 2 (with 1 on the way). I just went in for a colonoscopy this morning due to some bowel symtoms that I have been having. After the procedure I got the shock of my life - the Doctor said that I had multiple (at least 40) polyps. He said he removed one of the larger ones (thumb nail size)…
New to site
Hello everyone. I've just spent the last hour reading the messages on here and figured I would post a message too. I am 26 years old and am an HNPCC carrier. Can anyone here relate to that? My grandfather had colon cancer at age 38 and passed away at that time. My mom's oldest brother has had colon cancer, my mom has had…
Hi all, I'm not around too much anymore...but just wanted to poke my head in to tell my good news. Got scan yesterday that was clear (well besides the usual little weird things that they don't seem to be concerned about). Yay! I'm at my 2 year mark from DX, so onc tells me that is real good milestone to reach. I was DX…
Now that I have your attention... I wanted to send an invite out to the Washington DC-area SemiColons: This Friday (the 13th - yeah, I know...) I am having a Going Away/Clean Scans-still NED/Promotion/Meet the Future Mrs. party at Sine Irish Pub in Pentagon Row. Drinks and munchies are on me from 4:30 to 7:30 (the things I…
You were right
I finally got my test results back and there was a change in my CEA. It dropped from less than one to what the lab termed non-measurable. Stacy, Kathi, Monica, and Betsy you optimists are always going through life with an attitude I find frustrating to understand and at the same time deeply admire. Thank God for people…
Prayers Really Needed
Just found out a co-worker who just returned to work from by-pass surgery just found out that he has cancer in the lymph nodes, back and also in the colon. I don't have any other information but waiting on more details. His name is Jeff. Please pray as much as possible.
Graviola info
I just had a PET scan and it looks like it's back in my liver and lung now. I had a clean CT scan a year ago. Had surgery in 2005 after dx of Stage II without nodal involvement. The onc did not recommend chemo. I do a liver biopsy this Friday the 13th! So I don't have the official dx or tx from the onc yet. Doing tons of…
It's THAT time again!
Happy Friday, everyone! It's time for that weekly reminder to book your room at the Nashville Downtown Hilton for COLON PALOOZA 5!!! I realize everyone is busy with family, work, treatments, and life in general, but time is ticking!! We have a good number of folks reserved, but there are still a few limited number of rooms…
chemo brain
Help- I think I'm going crazy! Just a preview- I am a 43 yr. old mother of 3 boys. I was DX stage 3 in Oct. 2005 and after a resection started treatments of oxaliplatin and xeloda. I finished my treatments in May 2006 and spent last summmer healing. I had noticed a bit of chemo brain (recently my sister told me that when I…
In November of 2005 I had surgery for a malignant tumor attached to the right side of my colon. I had half of my colon removed, the tumor (baseball sized) removed, 29 lymph nodes, appendix and gallbladder removed. I started chemo approx 7 weeks after my surgery. I was scheduled for 12 chemo infusions. I also had a…