We MUST be 'more than 1%' by now!!!!!!
I remember going to a conference a year ago where I was politely but firmly told that because of my age, and my sex (hummm, wasn't...oh! TMI), that I fell in the "less than 1%" of all colorectal cancer patients!!!! With my sister, and other women I know in the 45-55 age range 'aquiring' this rare rectal cancer, even with…
AVASTIN and Ambrotose Mannateck product
Has anyone ever taken the Ambrotose for the immune system? what about Avastin for stage 4 colon without surgery? does it work ? what side effects did you have? Thanks
Hi everyone: Diagnosed Stage IV with mets to liver and lungs, currently in Buenos Aires trying out a new treatment along with six weeks of chemo (Erbitux and Irinotecan). Latest scan results show that the lungs are clear (yippee) and there has been shrinkage in the liver tumors. The doctors are considering liver resection.…
low hemoglobin
I had my first 3 month check up after finishing my treatment. The blood work came back with a low hemoglobin level. I had my last chemo on 2/28 and had my ileostomy reversed on 4/16. My onc is having me redo the CBC to recheck it. I do have some minor bleeding from a fissure. How much do you have to bleed to impact your…
Looking for Hope AGAIN
Well, chemo got put on hold because of hgh liver studies due to oxali (since I'm not drinking anymore) and low platelets (also due to oxali) Probably just as well because my CEA level went up despite treatment. CEA has always been a good indicator for me and now it's at its highest level yet. Have an appt to discuss with…
How many cycles are enough?
Hi to all, Please forgive me for, again, coming to you guys w/your comments and experiences regarding the total number of cycles one needs to finish the chemo Folfox regimen and feel okay about the decision and outcome. This is becoming a real issue for me since I'm winding down with the treatments. I'm going to be doing…
Improved Eyesight
My optometrist says that I am much less near-sighted than I was 4 years ago and possibly attributes it to chemo (Folfox 2 years ago) and that the changes were 3 times as much as normally seen in someone my age (69). Maybe there is a small silver lining to chemo;-)
Now that I have calmed down....
So it's been a few days since I was here last and I just want to thank everyone who answered my last post with encourging words. Replay...husband had his CT scan after finishing his 6 months of chemo and it wasnt' so good. So I have a copy of the CT report and this is what it says.. R upper lobe in lung 3-4 cm nodule, also…
Another Dip In The Road :(
Hi to all my wonderful semi-colons- I have not been on this site for quite some time. We are still right in the middle of moving, and don't have wireless yet, and because my mom is not doing very well. Five weeks ago, my mom started having some pain in her lower back that radiated through to the front. Over the last five…
Trouble sleeping
Hi, My husband has gone through soooooo much in the past 1.5 years. Chemo, radiation, surgery for removal of the rectum, colostomy, surgery for liver resection, now back on chemo, waiting for tumor to shrink for another liver resection, that he's been having trouble sleeping! Major trouble... He has not slept in 3 weeks!…
OH SO NAKED.........
Hi friends, just wanted to say I had CT scan today and I am happily danceing with NED!!! Thank you God for so many blessings! Recap:Dx Nov 2003, St 4 w/liver mets, colon resect, liver resect, rads, chemo Oxali/5FU/leucovorin for 11mos. Remission end of Oct 04. Recurrence Jan 06 in liver w/2nd liver resect, chemo…
Yo, Limey!
Hey Limey, I've been thinking about you...how are you? I've been hoping and praying your scans went well. Oh, and by the way...great picture of you on the CSN start page. Hope all is well and Happy 4th of July!
Oh Speedoman and Thongman.......
Yes, the pool is open. Come on in. And George, I don't want to hear anything about any shrinkage. Excuses, excuses. Elaine
your first post
Hello semi's, I was looking back at old posts and found my first post back on 7/23/2004. Here are the names of the first members to respond to my post,Stacy Gleason,Judiths,Steved,Jana11.these were the first family members to touch my life here on this wonderful site. Do you guys remember your first post and the family…
Hope for unresectable liver tumors
Largest Study to Date Confirms Effectiveness of Radioembolization for Unresectable Liver Tumors 02-26-2007 CARY ÃÂ Radioembolization is considered a safe and effective treatment for patients with liver tumors that cannot be surgically removed and can be safely applied to a wider group of patients, according to the…
Hi friends, I'm at work and I'm craving Cheetos...you know the puffy kind....Is it Ok when you have colon cancer to eat Cheetos or is it a big no no??? Let me know and if OK I'll run to the store!!! Thanks, Christele Stage IV, 11 mos old baby, 36 yrs old and 3rd chemo next week
Thanks to all who responded!
Thank you to you all. May those of you still fighting finally hear those wonderful initials, NED, and to those of you who know NED. May s/he hold on to you for a looooong time! Mary
Once a semi-colon, always a semi-colon!
I just got back to visiting these pages at CSN and it was great to see names I reconized from posting before. Names like Scouty, Sponge-Bob(yeah I know your're out there giving us Freedom),2behealed,I remember, so Holla! As far as my colon Ca, I am still being checked every 6 months, and I am still in remission. I was…
Welcome my sister...sigh
Well, as another twist of fate, my sister (who lives in Seattle, Washington) called today to say that she has just been diagnosed with the exact same cancer I had....squamous cell carcinoma of the rectum.... We spoke for quite a long time, and she is encouraged by my 'cure' that the fight will be worth it. The medical team…
Happy Canada Day!
I want to wish all fellow Canadians a Happy Canada Day tomorrow! Where is everyone from? I live in the Nation's Capital where it will be wild with celebration tomorrow! Hope you all have a great day....also to our friends "South of our border"!
finished chemo!! hoorah!!
Writing to share my JOY. Just finished 6 mos of chemo -- 12 cycles of FOLFOX + Avastin. Yippee!! Brief history: diagnosed with Stage III rectal cancer Dec 2002. Chemoradiation, surgery, chemo. Recurrence in left lung spring 2005. Surgery then chemo. Recurrence right lung Dec 2006. Surgery, then chemo. I had a PET half-way…
C-diff AND sepsis... please help
Here is the 'nutshell' of my mom's story 6 weeks ago- severe weight loss, ink stool, diagnosed with colon cancer 18cm. Totally blocked colon. Too sick to be treated for the cancer in any way, so they chose to do a colostomy. 5 weeks ago- legs began to swell and feet- looks anorexic on top and 'poofy' on bottom- since they…
Clinical Trials
Hi semi-colons, I don't post much but I thought I would post today about recent events in my fight against stage 4 CC (inoperable mets in liver and lungs). Over the past 3 years, I have been on five treatment protocols and according to my latest CT the tumors are still growing. I basically have exhausted all available…
"Store Wars"
I've posted a great clip for all you cheeto-eating, cancer-fighting, organic semi-colons. It's been around for a while but always worth another look. www.rob-pollock.blogspot.com Rob; in Vancouver.
Thank you....little stats
A lot easier that way...thanks for the response.Do you guys know that there are at least 12 people stage IV that have been NED for more than a year and up to 14 years ? This will sheer up a lot of people !!! God bless
Can we give blood?
Hi Everyone, Before my diagnosis I gave blood at least twice a year. I am O positive that everyone can use so I feel obligated not to mention growing up, my Mom had all 6 of us kids donating blood as soon as The Red Cross would take it. For some reason I am thinking I can no longer give it since I have had cancer. I will…
one good thing about colorectal cancer
Well I've found at least one good thing about my cancer. It got me out of jury duty. I'm 49 and had never been called for jury duty. I missed 6 months of work because the treatments made me too sick to work. The week I go back to work I get a summons for jury duty. What are the odds for that one? This week I got the…
want to run away
This AM on my way to work, I had an overwhelming desire to run away and just keep driving (preferably toward some beach). I was driving my adorable miata with the sun shining, cool temps. It was marvelous! Then I realized what I really want is a break from this diagnosis. I am so sick of dealing with it. 4 years now. I…
CT-Scan Clear
I had my one year CT-Scan last Sunday and the results were out today- I'm still NED in what the onc called completely clear. However my Plateletts and White Blood cells are still in the low range of safe. ONC said he's not surprised a year just isn't enough to recover from all the patient gets put through. I know my fight…