Felt like a big baby today
Let me preference this with normally I have a great attitude about what's happening to me but today I must have torn through that. Seems like I was angry today. Was wondering why then realized...I have a chemo treatment tomorrow. Later on....I dropped a glass canister on my toe. That sent me to the roof! Sat down and…
Its been a really long time
It has been a long time, since I last posted a message on the site, I don't have to have a colonosocopy for 2 years, and also I do not have to see the oncologist anymore. So far no problems. ladybug52
Well guys I want to start off by thanking everyone here for all your thoughts and prayers, they both thankfully worked. I was absolutely positively sick with worry for the past couple of weeks, but I am ecstatic to be able to say that Dad remains NED after three years (originally diagnosed stage 3, 5 pos nodes on July 4,…
Got PET scan results today, good news
Well, we got the results today of my husbands PET scan. Good news,only one site lit up and that was the 3.6 cm x 1.4 cm area in the mesentary. It rated a 3.7 (what ever that means) I know the onc explained but I was just so relieved to hear the news. He made an appt. with my husbands surgeon for next week cuz he wants it…
Aww, sis is at day 3/chemo....
Well, despite her positive thinking (she was CONVINCED she would NOT get sick like her sister did...lol), my sweet sis had to use some of my tips for heading off the upset tummy.... The one that worked for her (and ME) was scalloped potatoes...for each chemo week, I would bake up a big bowl before hand (couldn't STAND…
cat scan report/not good
Yesterday I got a call from onc saying he wanted to see me to discuss cat scan report of Monday. I told him I had appt for the next day (Wed). He said he didn't want to wait that long. GULP! Called my husband at work to meet me there and cancelled my massage (darn!) Onc told me I had 2 -4 tumors in the brain. I usually…
radiation side effects
Hello everyone, My mom just finished 10 treatments of radiation on her pelvic region (they have told her there is no cure for her cancer, so they are treating the symptoms), however she is feeling to say the least, LOUSY. She is having really bad cramping, and is extremely fatigued, along with being light headed. Mike and…
ileostomy take down -1 year
Its been just over a year since I had the reconnection surgery, very low, about 1 cm. The first 8 months were pretty bad, lots of burning, and so many small bowel movements I'd lose track of how many. Found a diet program with psyllium husk to basically cause a controlled constipation to retrain the bowel minus the rectum.…
LIMEY your a star
Your picture is on the welcome page! Nice looking guy!
Delay of Surgery?
Hi All. A little history: Stage II colon; surgery August 30, 2006 w/9 rounds of Folfox ending Feb 2007. Dx'd w/endometrial ca June 2007. I am scheduled for surgery (hysterectomy) next Wednesday and have contracted a cold. Will they delay surgery if I show symptoms at my pre-op on Friday? I'm trying hard to get rid of the…
Show of Hands...
Since there seems to be an unusual influx of "newbies" to the site, (VERY impressive since this isn't even Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month!) I think some time needs to be taken for everyone to complete their web pages on this site. In addition to being a great therapy tool, a web page allows us to learn more about the…
Has anyone heard from roxie46? The last visit to this site was 1/07.
Getting Port today, 1st Chemo tomorrow
Its 5 am and I am up and heading to the hospital for my port. I will have my first chemo treatment tomorrow. I am scared to death not knowing what to expect. I spent pretty much all day yesterday crying. I remember reading a post where someone said that the worst thing about this cancer is it seems to take control over our…
last day!
I am getting ready to go to work. During the day, I will go and have my pump disconnected for the last time. When I come home again, I will be a person who has completed 6+ months of FOLFOX! Now I just have to wait 2 weeks for the CT scan. I am celebrating with my knees knocking just a little. Oh, scan, be clear!
3 year anniversary, with thanks
July 9 is the 3 yr anniversary of my completion of chemo (stage III, colectomy in Dec 03, 6 months chemo). Looking back, it is amazing what the first year following diagnosis was like. I found this site right after surgery, and don't know what I would have done without all the support and info I found here. Thank you to…
once again, it rears it's ugly head
Hi all, I hope you all had a great 4th vacation, time off or whatever. I have been without the internet for the last week and feel a bit out of the loop. Before I left I mentioned I was having a scan again due to back pain. Well once again the original site is lighting up and they believe it is cancer again. I will be…
Done with Chemo!!!!
HALLELUJAH! Carl talked via phone to his oncologist today and he was told that his last treatment 2 weeks ago was his final one! (History- dx 10/06 stage IV mets to liver & 12 nodes) He was able to finish 10 rounds (scheduled for 11 but said he was done at 10!) We will be meeting with the onc on Wed. to find out what…
Getting ct results today
It's that anxiety time again. Haven't been on for while. Been crazy with the new puppy! (who is a handful -what was I thinking???!! LOL) Husband goes for 7th treatment and results of last weeks scan. He did develop a small blod clot a couple weeks ago and I'm worried he will be taken off the clinical trial he's on or have…
Am I Stage IV?
Hi All. I have only posted a few times and quite frankly I thought this board was in my past. I would appreciate any insight you might have regarding my current battle. July 2006 (age 46) I was diagnosed stage II rectal cancer. At that time my treatment was 5-FU/radiation. No surgery, as there was no evidence of tumor…
Looking for Treatment Options
Hello. My mom age 61 was diagnosed with Stage IV Colon Cancer in February. Colon resection, ileostomy and now into second month of chemo (Xeloda). We are not real happy with treatment she is receiving and are looking for advice from others. She has had a very difficult time. We are currently at the University of KY. Seem…
Hair colouring
Hello again all you inspirational Semi Colons Apologies first of all for the triviality of this post .... I just wondered if anyone knew how soon after chemotherapy one can colour one's hair (I've actually got some left! Only two treatments to go!)? I have had highlights since I was 18 and had long forgotten what my…
One year down, 40 to go!!!
Greetings all...It's been over 1 year since I heard my doc say "remission". For those of you who are new,here's my story. In Dec 04, I was diagnosed w/ crc and liver mets. Started my chemo (folfox) in January 2005. After 3 doses, the 3 spots on my liver seemingly disappeared and the primary tumor shrank about 15%. In May…
Life DOES go on...got a new ride!!!
Well, now I must survive...I have car payments for 5 years...lol! I got a new Saturn Aura today...6Cyl, all the trimmings!! I must say, during my treatment, I was very hesitant about making any long term commitments (except for my beau...it's 16 years, lol!). This is my first...YEA! It feels soooooo good!! Hugs, Kathi
Blood Thinners & Cancer
Hey all, I am hoping everyone is doing GREAT!!! Haven't posted in a while but wanted to get some opinions. Had a PE during my last surgery of 27 Feb 07 which made the surgeon and doctors agree I should go on blood thinners for about 9-12 months per industry standard, but now the doctor I am seeing for my blood thinning…
The Bowels of Compassion
This may be more than you ever wanted to know about your colon and rectum! Ever wonder why there is so much compassion on this board? Well... did you know that in ancient days the bowels were considered to be the seat of compassion and love. Before they were usurped by the heart! The bowels have fallen out of favor of…
I found a clinical trial
Hi all, I found a Clinical Trial at the Univ of PA that I think is the next logical step for me to take. Its a Phase I Trial of a new drug KOS-1022. Its a protein inhibitor. It comes in pill form which I will take every other day. Most of my time will be spent getting bloodtests and ECGs. I will be monitored very closely…
what is the cost for AVASTIN
Well avastin is given $412 towards each prescription (300ml of avastin),towards the drug, when ever my mom starts it, how often do they give the Avastin? she gets chemo folfox and Oxaliplatin every second week, does that mean she gets 2 prescriptions of it ? how much is Avastin ?I heard around $3000 a month Canadian? is…
Has anyone heard from JADot?
Canadians help find colon cancer gene mutation
Canadians help find colon cancer gene mutation Updated Sun. Jul. 8 2007 1:39 PM ET CTV.ca News Staff Canadian researchers are announcing a new genetic find that may help them in the hunt for early signs of colon cancer. Researchers at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Cancer Care Ontario and Genome Quebec joined…
what is the difference between the two, my moms oncologist is changing her to folfox/ox , she was on folfiri for 6 months and it didnt work..any advice