How Do I Cope?
Good Morning, My Dad, 62 years old, has been dealing with stage IV for 3 years. He has done exceptionally well until recently when it seemed like everything started to go wrong. Last week he was hospitalized and they drained 20 lbs of fluid from his abdominal area. Apparently there is cancer in the omentum now and it is…
I appreciate this board...
Greetings Semicolons!! I just want to say how much I appreciate this board. I've been connecting for the last month or so while recovering from surgery and undergoing chemo for a liver met recurrence. Between the nausea, diarrhea, and low white blood count I've been spending a lot of time at home (at a time of year when…
my father
I realize this is stressful for everyone involved. But feel I must explain my use of words in my last post as not to look like a male pig. My sibling is my fathers primary care giver. Shes a nurse and actually works in the hospital where my father is now. Well I could go into a long 3 page explination as to what lead to…
So, What do I make of this?
My mom has colon cancer- I posted about 3 weeks ago. She had a colostomy which 'fell apart' due to her health and nutrient level (she really hid how thin/sick she had gotten in order to care for my dad). They re-worked the colostomy. Now, they are waiting for her bloodwork to 'improve' so that they can do the required…
ileostomy reversal
Hello all My husband got through his ileostomy reversal about three weeks ago. He is doing well for the most part. He continues to have frequent stools and leakage. Of course this is very bothersome for him and also causes alot of soreness and pain at times. We can't figure out why he does really well some days and others…
restage from stage IV to stage III ???
can someone explain this to me like I am a 5 year old ? Talked to my surgeon before the surgery...To start, this is a new surgeon ( very well know in the area )Before the surgery he ordered a new CT, x rays and a MRI. After he got the results he called my old surgeon and asked him if it was posible that my cancer was a…
chemo and menopause
I just finished 8 cycles of Folfox 4 and was wondering how women are dealing with the mentruation/menopause issue. I was "peri-menopausal" prior to chemo...I'll be 49 in a few months and wondering if I am menopausal or not. I know I'll need to find out from my gyn., but I wanted to hear from others how chemo affected their…
Abdominoperineal Resection
Hi, I have a T2 rectal cancer that is being removed later this month. I'm having this rather radical procedure not only because the cancer is very low, but because, having HNPCC there is quite a good chance of it coming back. Well, it can't come back is there is nowhere for it to live. ( yes, I'm in denial about Mets ) I…
For IIeana and all newbies.
Hello, I am now in my 14th year since stage 4 Colon Cancer, amd am NED. A brief history. 1993 Dec. Diagnosed with Colon Cancer. Hemicolectomy and wedge resection of large liver met Dec 20th 1993. I had 52 weekly infusions of 5fu, plus levamosole every second week for 3 days. Next year I had a partial mastectomy,…
Insurance Coverage for Avastin
I posted some time ago that our insurer, Blue Cross of California, had (retrospectively) denied coverage for Avastin chemotherapy my husband has had for stage four colon cancer. A number of you were kind enough to post responses that were generally supportive and encouraged me that that everything would work out. Our…
just started
I just started radiation and after the first day became so nauseated I haven't been able to eat much. Nurse said that is very unusual. Would someone comment on the best anti-nausea drugs or has anyone tried acupunture?? My name is Robin and I have stage 3 rectal cancer, already had surgery and was suppose to be taking…
background: Stage IV April 2005, recurrence October 2006 in stomach, in remission as of April 2007. I'm still taking Avastin every other week. Does anyone else have pain thru out the body? I take pain meds and muscle relaxers and I wish I didn't have too but I couldn't handle the pain without them. I was just wondering if…
Hmmm, what is going on?
Ok, maybe it's me, but has anyone noticed that there seems to be some element of "weird" going on lately? What prompted this is that some folks who have recently appeared are giving others the feeling that they are not what they appear to be. I guess my question is why on earth would someone not disclose their relationship…
thanks for all your replies
I am sitting here crying tears of joy at all the replies I got from my posting. This is a great way to communicate with others that are going through this cancer thing. The replies will be a great help to me in more ways than one. Bless each and everyone here. Love Robin
how do I e-mail people?
Hi Everyone, I cannot figure out how to e-mail people on this site unless they have e-mailed me first. Help! Thanks, Jamie
Hello everyone, Today I finished my last round of chemo (#8) Folfox but no Avastin!!! I can't believe I am done. Last September I never thought I would get to this moment. I set a ct/pet scans for September to hopefully be NED. I'm am hoping for a better outcome this September. Anyway I was talking to the nurse…
surgery scheduled
Hi Everyone, To all who posted suggesting coping strategies, thank you. After a lot of thought and research I have decided to have the surgery which is scheduled for July 6. I have decided not to go on the cruise in August as I know from previous surgery that I won't be ready. Hopefully, I'll get to go another time or on a…
Scaring myself
Ok... I'm probably going to give way too much info for some, but I'm starting to freak myself out and I can't get in to see my primary care until the end of july and her PA until next monday. In Sept of 2006, I had my annual women wellness exam; everything came back normal. Shortly afterward, when my period should be…
I am so scared at this time. I had an MRI done on Monday. I have this big bump on my head that keeps growing. My oncoligist called me yesterday. There is a mass in the skull. I have to have a needle guided biopsy done.He said he never heard of colon cancer metasizing to the skull. There are several lesionsbut don't appear…
Port Leak?
My husband is on his 2nd round of chemo, (State 3 Colon Cancer) and is on the portable pump of 5FU for 48hrs along with all the other Folfox meds. After being on the pump for about 24 hrs., he started experiencing SEVERE pain around the port, in his neck, down his arm and chest. After calling doc, goinging to er, and being…
Free Denver, CO Patient/Caregiver Seminar
Conversations about Colorectal Cancer: Finding HOPE (Healing. Options. Peer Support. Education.) in your Community presented by the Colon Cancer Alliance are free one day seminars intended for colorectal cancer survivors and caregivers. These seminars will offer information about the latest treatment advances and give…
ileostomy reversal questions
I completed my thirteenth and last round of Folfox two and a half weeks ago and am having my temporary ileostomy reversed next week. I am aware that as with most medical treatments and procedures, the recovery time and difficulties vary greatly from patient to patient. But I am still hoping to learn from some of your…
close your eyes....
and please send me some prayers....(and of course let's include everyone else that have cancer)... My "big" surgery is tomorrow.....they are going to open my cute belly from top to buttom to take those 2 suckers out.....then....NED right ???? A little bit scared ( not ready for the pain) but looking forward to it... Thanks…
I"m waiting for radiation therapy to start for rectal cancer...treatment is 8-10 days out. Need to hear from those how survived treatment and can share with me some secrets of how to endure. josie
my father
I have written several time about my father in the past. I guess if for nothing else this will be where I come when I forget the happenings and complications both medically and family wise that has happend. He has been on a very agressive chemo regiment. oxal, FU-5, FC (leucovorin), c225 (cetuximab) and avastin on the long…
lacking coping strategies, help!
Hi Everyone, I am having a lot of difficulty coping with my situation and the need to make a decision about treatment. I am trying to keep really busy with my kids and friends, but nothing is really helping. My brain just doesn't want to stop. I'm surprised at myself because I usually choose the most aggressive treatment…
Reading material
My stepson, stageIV, is finally ready to start some research and read some inspirational material. Of course we have Lance Armstrong and also Pat Quellin. Any other recommendations. (He's 34) He's starting some nutritional changes also. Would appreciate any recommendations.
"A Cancer Journal"
Greetings from beautiful Vancouver!! Yesterday I started a weblog called "A Cancer Journal" to share some reflections on this journey of life and healing. I'll be posting frequently with survival stories, reflections on healing, prayers, resource links, personal health updates, laments, celebrations, etc. My first post was…
I have nothing to say
So I just wanted to say hi to everyone and wish you well on your journey today. It has been a particurlary uneventful few weeks and for me, that is weird. Hope all is well. I do have one story for you. A Woman is caught stealing and her husband takes her to court so she can go before the judge. Why did you steal the judge…
saw surgeon
Hi Everyone, Thanks to all of you who responded to my last post. I saw the surgeon today and found out that there is more than 1 spot in my lung. He is recommending surgery, the sooner, the better. Of course, the final decision is mine and I will decide next week after talking to the oncologist again though I'm leaning…