Discussion with Onc and results of Pet/CT scan
Finished chemo in April. Recently had both a Pet and Ct done and was quite worried as i have had alot of back and abdominal pain and twitching, and even alot of muscle cramping and charlie horse like pain in my side and back muscles. All my liver enzymes are back to normal, my white blood cells are still slightly low as is…
Clinical Trial
Hi Everyone. It has been a long time since my last post. I do check in all the time to read your posts. Just an update on my treatment plan. After 12 Folfox+Avastin and 12 Folfiri+Avastin, the scan shows a mixed result. The nodules in my lung are stable. The biggest one is 9mm. The lesions in my liver show some shrinkage,…
Discussion boards should be fixed now.
Hi all, The boards should be okay now but if anyone continues to have a problem, please use the "Contact CSN" link in the top right corner of the CSN page to send me an email. Sorry for the inconvenience and frustration! Greta Your CSN Staff
Oncology recommendations in/near Baltimore, MD
Hi All! I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the kind and encouraging words I've received since I (unfortunately!) joined this board a few weeks ago. My husband's surgery is scheduled for Nov. 9th. Both his surgeon and gastrointerologist said that chemo is a possibility. CT scans indicate…
Yummy in tummy raw choco pie!!
This pie is soooo good! And so simple! For the crust: Blend 1/2 cup walnuts in a food processor, set aside. Blend 1/2 cup organic pitted dates in a food processor. Use just a tiny amount of water to blend it up. Put the date mixture and nuts in a bowl and mix well. On the bottom of the pie pan, sprinkle some crumbled up…
CT Scan on Friday
Hello everyone, just asking all of you to keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I'm having at CT scan on 10/30 to see the results of 12 rounds of Folfox. I see the oncologist on Monday for the results and plans for further treatment. I'm thinking positive thoughts, but could use some from all of you!! Pat
CT scan
Hi everyone! I had a scan on thursday. I had a met to liver that was large. It appears to have shrunk some to 4.5 cm x 5.5 cm and is less prominate?? Not sure waht that means for sure or how much it needs to shrink before surgery resection. That is the goal of my surgeon. It previous measured 5.7 x 6.9, and the scans were…
An FYI on what I have decided to do about my cancer
Hi to all my friends, Some history...stage IV colorectal with 2 maybe 3 mets to liver and 1 to my right lung. Dxed in March and went on folfox 6 w/ avastin since end of March. Since then I have read tons and done lots of research on alternative plans to compliment my chemo. Until the chemo side effects really started…
Chemo memories
Oh memories! One year ago today. I was 4 days into my chemo cycle. And I was struggling. My bowels were moving, which was fine accept my colostomy bag needed to be changed 5 times. And I was sooooo dizzy, that blackout feeling that comes right before fainting- tried to change my colostomy bag, but wasn’t quite getting it…
Good news and bad from CT Scan and PET Scan
I had a CT Scan and PET Scan last week and the results are in. Some good news, some bad. Six of the seven tumors have shrunk by 1/2 or 1/4 of a centimeter. One tumor has grown about 1/4 of a centimeter. My CEA was down to 2.6. I won't have to have radiation now, but the doctor wants to keep that as an option if the tumors…
Third opinion tom. say a prayer:)
Hello everyone, I will be seeing an Interventional Radiologist tomorrow at 2:30. This comes after my appt. with the GI Onc. at Emory that sais chemo forever! My Dr. actually set this appt. up with the IR tom. I am hoping that he has ideas for my liver, and soon. I know I have been at this since June with chemo and…
For All Mothers
Before I was a Mom, I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations. Before I was a Mom, I had never been puked on. Pooped on, Chewed on.Peed on. I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts. I slept all night. Before I…
Stage 1 recurrence?
Has anyone every had or known someone who had Stage 1, and have the cancer come back? Did it come back in colon or somewhere else?
Limey - Our Dear Friend Mark
It pains me to write this and through tears - tears of love, respect, friendship, and an aching heart for Mark and his family - Mark has transcended to the next part of his journey. Mark left us yesterday morning to make his way to where angles are no doubt laughing it up with him. Mark touched so many people during his…
Promising Treatment for those with aggressive colon cancers or for those who are out of options
i haven't been on here in awhile so i apologize if this has already been posted, but some of the medical community that i am friends with thought it exciting, so I though i would post for you all to check out: Nashville, Tenn. (Vocus/PRWEB ) October 8, 2009 -- A patient who had inoperable, stage 4, colon cancer is free of…
Our Buddy Craig is having lots of pain. He was doing good when I went to see him but after that I guess everything caught up with him and the next day he started having breathing problems. Now, he is home but having lots of pain and discomfort. So I am sending out another prayer call to all of you are prayer warriors. Eric…
Heavy heart, newfound conviction!
I was a little bummed out today knowing that I was starting my FOLFOX Tx tomorrow. I got a call this evening from my mom that one of my favorite aunts(stage IV breast cancer w/mets) lost her fight today. She got pneumonia and was taken to the hospital today. She got fluid on the lungs and didn't have the strength to fight…
Balancing CEA results vs. CT Scan results
Just curious what you all think about my mom's situation and what it could mean... When she was first diagnosed with Stage IV CC (with approx. 3 mets to liver), her CEA was at 86. After surgery, it went down to 7.8 and continues to drop downwards, to 3.26 and now to 1.53. HOWEVER, in her 3-month CT scan followup, it showed…
MRI's and CT's today
I do my MRI and CT's today. Let's hope and pray for clear scans. Peace and Blessings, Amy
Frustrated with this board
A note to the people that run this site. Please post - and make it a sticky at the top of each forum - when you have fixed the problems for posting to these boards. I'm fed up with typing out replies only to have them disappear over and over. This is very sad when I want to give a little encouragement to someone, or add to…
So I bought this $30 bottle of Probiotics to help with my family's immune system, this is ok to take, right? even though I'm on chemo? and it's ok for kids? The pharmacist told my hubby it be really good for people on chemo because it replenishes what chemo kills? I just want to be sure! Hugsss! ~Donna
CT Scan-Folox6 (not working---next?)
Need advice - should we get a second opinion and where and how? My husband dx'd with rectal cancer June 09 with mets to liver. xeloda / radiation - 6 weeks - took care of symptoms. CT scan - liver mets, still Systemic chemo (mFOLOX6 / 5FU pump 48 hours / Avastin - 4 treatments CT scan today - mets left and right lobe.…
Anybody had Immunotherapy?
I never heard on this board that somebody was undergoing onc prescribed Immunotherapy alone or together with chemo and/or radiation. Specific drugs stimulating the Immune system, Cancer vaccines, high dose of infusional Vitamin C, etc., many of these therapies approved by the FDA, successfully applied somewhere, as we…
The Reading Room: Are Cutbacks on Surgeons Risking Patients' Lives?
This is an interesting article. Who knew? Link: Time Magazine: Are Cutbacks on Surgeons Risking Patients' Lives? Hatshepsut
Friday Riddle Answer
RIDDLE: You are on a spaceship with 2 computers. You have 2 doors, one leads to a room with the spacesuits, the other opens directly to outer space (and certain death). Both computers know which door is safe and which is not. One problem is that one computer can only tell the truth and the other can only lie. The other…
can't reply to anyone's thread
Hi, Is anyone else having trouble with replying to other threads? I wasn't sure if this post of mine would show up or not, but thought I'd try. I've tried to reply to other threads yesterday and today and it won't work. I type my reply and then click on "submit", and absolutely nothing happens. This has never happened to…
My restaging update... NOW WHAT?
I emailed my cancer doctor and my surgeon about a restaging of my cancer after I read some restaging information on the board. This is the repose from my chemo doctor "JONATHAN A POLIKOFF MD Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:29 AM Signed Stage is based on the original diagnosis only - hence Stage III. The postop path only showed…
Colon cancer and Ovarian problems
I had my scans and they were o.k.except for an ovary that has a problem. The radiologist suggested an ultrasound. It is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. I am a stage IIIB. Just wondering if anyone has had a problem with colon cancer moving to the ovaries. I have read some reports that say this is rare so I am not all that…
Same thing happened to me I could not reply to Usakat post,I just want to say that Mark is going to be so much missed, he was very active on this board when I started my journey,he was such a proud father, I admired him a lot May God give Earl courage and acceptance to continuing raising that beautiful family that Mark…