stupid question probably but where does all the mucus come from

farmgal Member Posts: 22
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Last surgery for my husband was in April to reverse bag but he discharges lots of mucus-is this normal. Doctor does not seem concerned. Where does it come from???


  • cyndi2324
    cyndi2324 Member Posts: 72
    Hi farm girl,
    I have a

    Hi farm girl,
    I have a colostomy now and sometime pass mucus from where my bowels once went. Although it is not connected to the rest of my intestines. my surgeon told me that this is normal as there are small mucous producing glands all along the large intestine. The purpose of these was to help move the stools along and out of the body. Ask your Dr. but they may just be trying to get balanced again after not being used.
    It scared me the first time it happened to me because I not hooked up for that to work now.
    Take care and cngrats on being hooked up again that is great.
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    cyndi2324 said:

    Hi farm girl,
    I have a

    Hi farm girl,
    I have a colostomy now and sometime pass mucus from where my bowels once went. Although it is not connected to the rest of my intestines. my surgeon told me that this is normal as there are small mucous producing glands all along the large intestine. The purpose of these was to help move the stools along and out of the body. Ask your Dr. but they may just be trying to get balanced again after not being used.
    It scared me the first time it happened to me because I not hooked up for that to work now.
    Take care and cngrats on being hooked up again that is great.

    The colon and intestine.....
    will draw out the nutrients (moisture) so that the body can sustain life and if it is upset then the backup is the mucus that lines the whole intestine walls. It does along with the activity of the colon move it along until passage. It shows up a lot more when there is a complete cleansing of the colon in which some of the alternative madicines users and some juicers (Im not one so if I say something wrong I don't mean to offend, Im just ignorant of that type of treatment style)say that it is a lot more than people think when it starts to leave the intestinal system through cleansing...Buzzard