New Oldie

cmt54 Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I am not sure if I'm doing this right. Hope so, would like some support. I am new to this, at least in my body. I had surgery last Tuesday / 10th to remove cancer from my colon. I came home Saturday. I'm doing well but starting to feel like a brat because I have never had surgery and I thought when I came home, well it would be normal, it's not. The Dr. said I will need some Chemo. Took 35 lymph nodes & two came back with cancer, area around tumor on both sides, clear. Is it normal for depression to set in? I am so very blessed with love, family. friends and God, I just don't know why I am feeling like this. I was not afraid until yesterday. I lost both parents to lung cancer (at my very age) and both grandmothers survived what I have so...I think it's the chemo that rattles my nerves and not being who I normally am this time of year. Sorry to whine, could some just tell me what it's like? I thank you so much.


  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    Welcome cmt!!
    To our wonderful beautiful family here! You will find some great people here who can help you cope with this journey.

    What stage were you diagnosed at, and it takes time to heal from surgery, sure depression may set in, it's a shocking diagnosis, and we've all been through it, but please also do not be afraid to ask the onc for anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pill. I am on Zoloft, for anti-depression, and Ativans for anti-anxiety, it takes the edge off of you, made me feel less weepy, and doesn't let me linger in those dark areas too long, you want to keep a positive attitude, that things are goin to be alright, you are still here, and will be here for a long time, but surgery hurts, and I hope you got good painkillers as well. I have been in and out of the hospital with blockages, infection, since I been diagnosed in January, and now I am setting a record, I haven't been in a hospital since September, which is a record for me! LOL!

    If you have anything you'd like to talk about, please don't hesitate to ask. We are all here for you, and we love to laugh, bicker, talk, poke fun, you will be fine here. You are not whining at all, this is a place to vent, to make you feel better, and we hope we can make YOU feel better as well :)

  • mcsauder
    mcsauder Member Posts: 68
    Donna is 100% right anxiety and depression is normal
    I was diagnose 3 years ago and sill get down just remember that you have loved ones and friend I am new in here as well and find a lot of support
  • thready
    thready Member Posts: 474
    You are feeling what is normal
    Dear CMT54,
    Your feelings are normal, you have been through a major event, they have taken part of you and remodeled your insides, you have a right to grieve. We all have and have had these feelings. We are glad you found us and you will find so much support here. The people here will ask you questions and give you the best advice available, but mostly they will provide you with love and encouragment. Most of us have had surgery of some sort and many of us are currently doing the chemo thing. There are also some very special people who come here who are caregivers of those like us and they also give so much knowledge and support. Please ask questions, ask for advise, vent, etc.

    I had surgery September 14th, and had one lymph node with cancer and the tumor had left the bowel, that made me a stage IIIB. I have started chemo, I have had 2 of 12 treatments of Folfox every other week. I have told others who are new here that I had first decided not to do chemo mostly because I was scared of what chemo would be, but the folks here were very encouraging and let me know that if I wanted to live that chemo would be my best option. I am grateful for everyone here because they helped move me on past my surgery into the future. Without them my future was in question.

    One thing I have learned is no matter what I am still me. Still a bit flakey, still love to laugh, still a mom, a wife, a Grandma (I like saying that), still a human being. I am not cancer, I had a tumor that was cancer-that is it. You are still you and we all look forward to getting to know you.

    Chemo seems to be different for each person. I think the unknown was the worst. Once that first treatment was finished and I was back to feeling like myself I knew I could make it. You can make it too.
    Take care, and please do not be shy!

  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    Join the club
    As others have said already and more people here will, depression, anxiety, fear, every emotion/feeling you can think of will hit you and its all part of this. Don't know exact nature of your op (mine was colostomy 3 1/2 months ago),I'm stage 3, been thru chemo/rad prior to op and just started post op chemo. If you need to,seeing a psychiatrist/psychologist/social worker may help, talking with your current doctors, getting medication(s) if need be for pain, anxiety, depression, to sleep, etc may help. Most importantly, you MUST be strong to fight what you have. As for chemo, what exactly, if you know yet will you be getting as effects differ and others who are more knowledgaeable will be betteer able to respond to you here/........Steve
  • cmt54
    cmt54 Member Posts: 10
    Thanks everyone, I already
    Thanks everyone, I already feel like I just heard from some old friends. I'm stage three. I see my surgeon next week and the chemo man in two weeks.
    Not really good drugs Donna, still have flinches of pain but hey, I AM WOMEN, I have birthed babies, I think that hurt worse. (there was just a better prize at the end)!
    I am so happy to have people to share with that "know".
    So what's up with the little guy next to everyones name? What's he for?
    Thanks everyone,
  • tiny one
    tiny one Member Posts: 465 Member
    cmt54 said:

    Thanks everyone, I already
    Thanks everyone, I already feel like I just heard from some old friends. I'm stage three. I see my surgeon next week and the chemo man in two weeks.
    Not really good drugs Donna, still have flinches of pain but hey, I AM WOMEN, I have birthed babies, I think that hurt worse. (there was just a better prize at the end)!
    I am so happy to have people to share with that "know".
    So what's up with the little guy next to everyones name? What's he for?
    Thanks everyone,

    Feb 1, 2007 I was diagnosed with colon cancer. Feb 19, 2007 they did my resection. My polyp was lower than they expected, so I woke up with an ostomy. I had one lymph node that was positive,I was stage3. My surgeon then said I would need chemo and radiation. I did 5 1/2 weeks of chemo and radiation. That was 5 FU or folfox. I had a mediport put in, this enabled chemo to be done 24/7. My side effects were very mild. Then second course was for 6 months, twice a month, they did oxiplatin. I had mild side effects from this also. I had my reversal Dec 21, 2007. The reversal has been harder than all of the treatment I went through. I am cancer free. This has been a long hard road. I have very bad days, even now. I go to a wonderful support group. My husband has been so supportive of me all through this. Tears, fears, pain, worry, it's part of the whole journey. A lot of people say you're really brave or you're really strong. They don't see the days that we fall apart. Seek a good support group, and counseling. We're all here for you!!
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    cmt54 said:

    Thanks everyone, I already
    Thanks everyone, I already feel like I just heard from some old friends. I'm stage three. I see my surgeon next week and the chemo man in two weeks.
    Not really good drugs Donna, still have flinches of pain but hey, I AM WOMEN, I have birthed babies, I think that hurt worse. (there was just a better prize at the end)!
    I am so happy to have people to share with that "know".
    So what's up with the little guy next to everyones name? What's he for?
    Thanks everyone,

    I think
    They just have that little man there to click and add the person to your friend list, not that we're all not friends here anyway :)

    I take Oxycontin for pain, and Oxycodone for breakthrough pain, I know, we are women, and I actually have a high tolerance for pain, but once it was surgical, and when I had blockages for pain, it was horrible, and I had to give in, I love the painkillers, they actually seem to give me more energy as well. I've also started on some probiotics, flaxseed oil, vitamin D3, and Vitamin B complex, which seem to be making me feel real good.

    I am a Stage 4 with mets to my liver, and am going through chemo, since this past February, so my one year anniversary of having this horrible disease is coming up in January, and am blessed to be here everyday, I also have a colostomy. :)

    You'll see most people are at different stages here, with alot of different treatments they are going through as well.

    Have they put you on chemo as well? which one are you doing?

  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    Welcome to the board. My hubby is Stage 4 and just finished his first round of chemo. It is tough but the pre-meds work well. George was able to continue working full time throughout treatment even with the pump on but for the infusion days when he worked half days. Go ahead and have a full blown freak out, get it out of your system. Everyone does it. Do you know what chemo you will be on? Lots of info here, feel free to ask anything. Best of Luck - Tina
  • cmt54
    cmt54 Member Posts: 10
    Shayenne said:

    I think
    They just have that little man there to click and add the person to your friend list, not that we're all not friends here anyway :)

    I take Oxycontin for pain, and Oxycodone for breakthrough pain, I know, we are women, and I actually have a high tolerance for pain, but once it was surgical, and when I had blockages for pain, it was horrible, and I had to give in, I love the painkillers, they actually seem to give me more energy as well. I've also started on some probiotics, flaxseed oil, vitamin D3, and Vitamin B complex, which seem to be making me feel real good.

    I am a Stage 4 with mets to my liver, and am going through chemo, since this past February, so my one year anniversary of having this horrible disease is coming up in January, and am blessed to be here everyday, I also have a colostomy. :)

    You'll see most people are at different stages here, with alot of different treatments they are going through as well.

    Have they put you on chemo as well? which one are you doing?


    Yes I will have chemo but
    Yes I will have chemo but don't know which one for a couple weeks. You sound like a very strong women. I am honored to have you as a buddy to talk to.
  • TLG320
    TLG320 Member Posts: 167
    Sorry you have to be here, Claudia. I'm new here as well. It actually sounds like you and my husband are on the same schedule! My husband had his resection the day before you. He is home recovering well! We'll be meeting with his surgeon next Tuesday; he's going to give us a list of oncologists he's worked with and recommends and then we'll most likely be starting chemo shortly thereafter. His surgeon diagnosed his as an early stage 2, so determining treatment isn't so cut and dry.

    This board has been a God-send for me this past month. You will truly find such a supportive group of friends here. Welcome and please keep us posted on your upcoming appointments. Prayers and positive thoughts are coming your way!
  • Muzzy
    Muzzy Member Posts: 175 Member
    First sorry we had to meet llike this. Secondly your not alone there are alot of great people on this site who are going thru or have gone thru the same thing your going thru.
    I'm a stage 4 and 3 months out of chemo. Everyone has different reactions to chemo but we have all made the juorney. I not going to lie to you it tuogh, but you can do it.
    Ask lot of questions and take notes. Remember we are all here to help you thru it. Hopefully you will find us like a second family, like i do. There is alot of support and love on this site. all for the asking.
    just happy to be here!!!
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    One of the best pieces of
    One of the best pieces of advice I received was from a nurse in the hospital after I was diagnosed. She said "take it one day at a time". If I am feeling overwhelmed I remember her saying that and I say "I can manage today". I have been on chemo for awhile & have found it manageable. My worst side effect has been fatigue & I get annoyed with myself for not doing as much as I would like to during those days. Then my energy comes back & I feel better. Good luck in the next step!
  • AceSFO
    AceSFO Member Posts: 229
    welcome aboard!
    Hi, CMT,

    First of all, you're not whining - it's what we're here for and Donna's right, you're going to love the folks on this board - they're an amazing and caring family who really understand. I think that the other responses have all pretty much covered what I might have said, so I'm just weighing in to introduce myself.
    go easy on yourself and take care,
  • Aud
    Aud Member Posts: 479 Member
    Welcome, Claudia.

    Welcome, Claudia.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Hi, Claudia.

    You're not being a brat. You're scared, confused, surprised by the turn of events. Your emotions are going to be all over the place for awhile, but you WILL regain a sense of normal in time. We're here to help you, so ask away.

  • claud1951
    claud1951 Member Posts: 424 Member
    Welcome Claudia..
    I am

    Welcome Claudia..

    I am Claudia , too!! >>grin>>
    I was stage 3 with 2 out of 28 nodes that tested positive.
    Had chemo for 6 months and have been NED (no evidence of disease) for 2 1/2 years!

    As everyone has said, your reactions are normal. We all have our processes that we go through.

    Let us know what chemos you will be on. We'll help you through it.

    Just remember to keep moving forward with a good attitude. Sounds like you have good support as well in family.

  • cmt54
    cmt54 Member Posts: 10
    TLG320 said:

    Sorry you have to be here, Claudia. I'm new here as well. It actually sounds like you and my husband are on the same schedule! My husband had his resection the day before you. He is home recovering well! We'll be meeting with his surgeon next Tuesday; he's going to give us a list of oncologists he's worked with and recommends and then we'll most likely be starting chemo shortly thereafter. His surgeon diagnosed his as an early stage 2, so determining treatment isn't so cut and dry.

    This board has been a God-send for me this past month. You will truly find such a supportive group of friends here. Welcome and please keep us posted on your upcoming appointments. Prayers and positive thoughts are coming your way!

    One day before me. I think it's in 1 Peter of the Bible it say's "for you know your brothers all over the world are going through the same sufferings as you" (close to that), and now I am sharing all of this with people who truly are going through it. I already feel so connected to ya'll.
    So your husband feeling OK as far as moving and such? I feel better today, physically and emotionally. I think my binder they gave me is harder to give up than the meds! Boy do I feel strange when I take it off. LOL
    Thank you for connecting and please keep me up dated.
  • cmt54
    cmt54 Member Posts: 10
    claud1951 said:

    Welcome Claudia..
    I am

    Welcome Claudia..

    I am Claudia , too!! >>grin>>
    I was stage 3 with 2 out of 28 nodes that tested positive.
    Had chemo for 6 months and have been NED (no evidence of disease) for 2 1/2 years!

    As everyone has said, your reactions are normal. We all have our processes that we go through.

    Let us know what chemos you will be on. We'll help you through it.

    Just remember to keep moving forward with a good attitude. Sounds like you have good support as well in family.


    Thanks Everyone
    What great support from ya'll! My day is going to be great today. I am so happy to have this site in my life, you have no idea...whoops yes you do! Thanks everyone.
  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    cmt54 said:

    Thanks Everyone
    What great support from ya'll! My day is going to be great today. I am so happy to have this site in my life, you have no idea...whoops yes you do! Thanks everyone.

    HI Claudia!
    Welome to you, my sister in Christ!

    Stage III is very curable and you'll be getting the same chemo all the Stage III's get. It's quite 'doable'. I'm almost 59 and completed 12 tx in August.

    I hope you have a fantastic day! This is the day that the Lord has made! Rejoice in it!

    Diane Tavegia in Villa Rica, Ga.

    Facebook as Diane Weldy Tavegia
    Have hubby befriend me for you. :o)
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    HI Claudia!
    Welome to you, my sister in Christ!

    Stage III is very curable and you'll be getting the same chemo all the Stage III's get. It's quite 'doable'. I'm almost 59 and completed 12 tx in August.

    I hope you have a fantastic day! This is the day that the Lord has made! Rejoice in it!

    Diane Tavegia in Villa Rica, Ga.

    Facebook as Diane Weldy Tavegia
    Have hubby befriend me for you. :o)

    So sorry you had to find us but you have joined a great message board with wonderful, caring, and loving people. Sounds like you already have a game plan in motion so at least you know where you are headed. You can bring up any subject you want on this board, belive me we have covered them all. Just keep us updated on your progress and how you are feeling. There are a lot of people than can say they've been there too and give you some pointers. Just wanted to say welcome to the group.
