Friday Riddle Answer
This weeks winner is phillieg. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: What is the largest possible number you can write using only 2 numbers - just 2 numbers, no other mathematical symbols? ANSWER: 9 to the 9th power = 387,420,489.
Hi everyone !! The last discussion I initiated 'kate58 and irinotecan day one' I had just had my first dose on nov 30. My next dose is scheduled for this tuesday dec 15th. My doctor only gave me 50% dose as she wanted to see how I do on it. She also gave me Atropine. Atropine is EVIL,EVIL,EVIL. I was so hyper I did not…
Spilling the beans on Craigs gift!!
:) :) :) It was so hard to wait to say how much I loved the christmas CD filled with the best Christmas music you could ask for. I will bet your favorite Christmas song is on this CD. We all listened to the songs together. My husband thought it was so thoughtful that you would take the time to make a CD and send it to so…
How to: How to send Email from this site
I made a little video (using Jing) to show how to create an email from this site. Here is the link. Either click on the blue word "Here" above or copy and paste the link below into your browser. http://screencast.com/t/ZTM0YmRkNjk This should help all of you who are having a rough time sending the emails.
ARRGGH- How to wade through several Opinions on treatment? such diverse opinions
I posted a few weeks back that my cancer team suggested a chemo break and that I am a candidate for Theraspheres. I met with radiologist and it was a frustrating session and I didn't feel he was able to "sell" me on the efficacy of the treatment, if it was a good next step etc. I was under the impression it is my only…
Thanks for the cards
Thanks for all the wonderful christmas cards I am getting from members of the board. Members of the board sounds like I`ve been receiving cards from a large business firm. Thank you for the many cards and letters. I regret to inform you there will be no Christmas bonuses this year. Eric
I got an A!!!!!!!!
Thank you all for your concern....I did my stress test yesterday....and my cardiologist said "Yes, there are some wierd beats showing on your 24-hour holter, but, all in all, I am giving your heart an A". So I told him I guessed that I could keep carrying the luggage for Hans and I...and HE said, with a completely straight…
Bone Marrow
Has anyone had problems with their bone marrow after chemo? My husband finished chemo a couple of months ago. He was hospitalised a couple of weeks ago with an infection and he was also anaemic. They say his bone marrow isn't working. If it doesn't start then the prognosis will be very grim as he won't be able to have more…
Someone just sent this and I wanted to share it, hopefully it will work....
This is an amazing Video Clip . . I suggest you first read it because it has quite a story.. This video shows the winner of "Ukraine’s Got Talent", Kseniya Simonova, 24, draws a series of pictures on an illuminated sand table showing how ordinary people were affected by the German invasion during World War II. Her talent,…
scan on monday
hello my semi colon family l have my scan on monday all your good wishes and prayers are needed and appreciated l get my results on the 21st dec love to you all sonia
Is anyone familiar with the Cellsearch Circulating Tumor Cells test?
I guess I'm at the stage where I'm questioning everything. This time last year I didn't take the possibility of getting cancer at all seriously, and never had a coloncopy. Waited until I was 67 for that and then I got the bad news. Now I take everything about colon canser very seriously. My doctor thinks the Cellsearch…
half way into chemo need advise on cat dander
I am 3 months into chemo for colon cancer had a lg tumor on my colon had it removed along with my colon and 34 lymph 19 were cancerous now my stepdaughter has moved in with us for 2 months now and I am haveing a hard time with the cat dander I have told everyone I can't be around them but they say it won't hurt me I am…
Where in the world is Winnie the Pooh
Hi everyone, Just wanted you all to know you are in my thoughts daily as i go thru my treatments and i have read a few discussions over the past month but i have been under a tromendouse amount of stress from life with cancer and i have found it difficult to cope lately. I have finished my radiation and i am very sore, i…
Radiation to liver
In Sept. I had a liver met removed, but because of the location of the tumor, there was a small area where the surgeon couldn't get a clean margin. I have gotten an opinion from MD Anderson that they could do radiation to that area. Has anyone out there had radiation to the liver? How bad are the side effects?
Sometimes you're lucky and meet a true angel (eric38)
I am blessed to have met a true angel. Many of us will go through life and never met one or see one but I have. He calls himself eric38. I hope he see's himself for what he truly is.. An Angel without wings. Brooks
Friday Riddle
Okay, you guys should know the rules, but just in case, no searching the internet allowed. RIDDLE: What is the largest possible number you can write using only 2 numbers - just 2 numbers, no other mathematical symbols?
How well do we take care of ourselves?
What do you eat for breakfast? What do you eat for lunch? What do you eat for dinner? What do your snacks consist of? How do you excercise and what time do you excercise? What vitamins do you take? Do you feel you have energy each day or feel sluggish? Do you think of cancer most of the day, half of the day, a quarter of…
$30,000-a-Month Cancer Drug
$30,000-a-Month Cancer Drug A newly approved chemotherapy drug will cost about $30,000 a month, a sign that the prices of cancer medicines are continuing to rise despite growing concern about health care costs. Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times Preparing an anticancer drug. Many oncologists question the value of expensive…
Hi, everyone, or at least those who read my post and my lovely trips for my 8 bazillion mammograms and ultrasounds. I didn't even know the cysts existed until I was mashed and smashed and pinched and twisted this way and that.lol I know they are there NOW. Geez!! Biopsies show just liquid cysts. Yeah, Mr Murphy, just had…
Friend list
If some of you wonder why all of a sudden I want to be your friend; it's because I just found out that there is a friend list. I seldom go beyond the discussion board. And I will be adding more friends....I just wanted to let you know that I'm not stalking. Sandy
Not as Cool as Craig's Gift
but here is my contribution. I made this little "movie" back in 06. I titled it with one holiday name "Christmas" but I wish EVERYONE a very Happy Whatever the Hell You Celebrate and a Healthy, Happy New Year to all of you and your friends and families Love you folks -phil
Going Home Tomorrow!
Fever is gone. Vomiting has stopped. We are outta here! Flight is tomorrow afternoon. Even though I wish I was home in California tonight instead of typing this from NYC, I think it was good that we stayed another day. Brant has stopped leaking from the drain site and seems a lot stronger today. We have been pushing the…
social security
Interested in anyones experience with social security. I'm stage 4 and it seems to be getting harder and harder for me to continue working. I have no experience with social security or even have a clue how much I would qualify for if I even qualify.
OH MY GOODNESS! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. The kids and were leaving and they love to check the mailbox. But today was different, you have never seen two 4 year olds, acting like crazy fools, jumping out of their car seats dancing to music. They have been asking for Christmas music all week and I keep telling…
Thank you to all who have sent cards
I want to thank all of you that have sent holiday cards. They brighten my day and are displayed on my card wreath. My husband just gave me yesterday's mail which had a few more. In this season of doctor bills, it is so much fun to find happy greetings instead! :) I intended to send cards out to all of you, but never…
Ok All...
My internet and phone may be getting shut off today, so I just wanted to let you all know that instead of you all worrying that something happened to me, I'm ok, and not in a hospital, and just having financial difficulties like the rest of the world, and being honest, but I will try and get to the library now and again to…
Good news
I want to share some good news with everyone. I just got my CAT scan results and everything was clear the onc told me to come back in 6 months for another scan. I will be dancing tonight. Thanks to all of you for the support.
This time off chemo sure isnt what I expected. I just got discharged from the hospital yesterday. Food is no longer appealing, nothing wants to stay down. I got so weak from lack of food/ dehydration that I could barley walk. Not sure whats going on with me. I dont know how I can not eat and not be hungry. Struggling to…
Neuropathy /chemo/ostomy/stoma and winter;s coldness:
Its starting to get cold in New York and this morning, when I went out to get a Sunday News, the tingling in my toes and feet bottoms became worse; it was only in the low thirties. I had no gloves on so I know it wasn;t THAT cold-it will get much colder. Does the cold intensify neuropathy? Should I be wearing extra socks…
To have corrective Surgery?
Hello Semi-Colons, I have not posted for a while but wanted to throw this question out and would value your opinion. I a currently NED, diagnosed in 2007 stage 3. The doctor used a laparascope for the surgero so was not too invasive bit still ended up with a surgical hernia. I am scheduled to go in for surgery in late…