Feeling the gift of Christmas
Hi Everyone, I haven't posted for a while, been here and there but I try to pop in on the board every so often. I had a lung biopsy done(vat) in September and they removed the largest nodule confirming it's colon cancer. I got depressed after surgery and tried zoloft but it gave me bad acid reflux and anxiety. I seem to…
PET Scan???
I was diagnosed in Oct 2007, Stage IIIc( 8/32 lymph nodes positive), had chemo and resection surgery. I have only had CAT scans and I was wondering if I shouldn't get a PET scan. I am NED but still having problems, headaches, nausea,chemo brain,constant hot flashes then cold, etc. I have had all kinds of tests for these…
plasmonic oncolgy
I've been really jazzed up ever since I came across this new technique. If this is available I'll be packing my bags soon. The czech republic is one of my favorite places and this is the perfect reason for me to go back.
inexpensive generic drugs at Walmart and Sam's Club pharmacies
Hi everyone, To those of you who have been following what I've written about starting on Dr. Cantrell's treatment of Lovastatin and interferon alfa-2b (also known as Intron A), I've discovered that Wamart has some amazing low drug costs & so does Sam's Club. For the Lovastatin, which is a generic drug, my monthly dose cost…
Heading to Sloan
Just wanted to update everyone...I am heading to Sloan on Thursday..I need to have blood work done and a CAT scan..Then on Friday I go back there to get the results and a plan of action...I am just walking through this like a zombie but I am still working cause if I stayed home all I would do is cry...That would get me…
Santa Craig---THANKS!!!
Thank you so much! I have been wanting this and have not had the time to pursue it! I am sure my family is going to want to enjoy it too!! You are so dear and a have a great spirit! Just wonderful! Nana B
tingling in fet and hands
I had my last chemo treatment 3 months ago. My fingers and toes are still tingling and have a numb feeling. has anyone had this after chemo? how long does it last?
Question for the ladies
I've had only 2 infusions of FOLFOX and my hair is falling out like crazy. When my doctor said thinning I was ok with that but I think her definition of thinning is very different than mine. I don't want to sound like a brat but I can't grasp the idea of going bald. Please share with me how you were able to cope. I know…
Update and thoughts
Hello All: I've haven't posted in awhile because I have been in ths hospital for a week with Pleurisy plus I have been feeling bad before and after that. If you read this Craig, thanks for replying to my voice-mail messages over the Thanksgiving holiday. I will try you again, probably this weekend, like on Sunday -…
Johnybegood, I read your post on the thread about taking care of ourselves. I saw that you said that you can't work @ what you did BC (before cancer). I know from some of your posts that you are heavily involved with horses; is there anything you can do to earn a living through your love of horses? I know we are at our…
reporting in from Nashville
Hey Everybody! This is for all of you who were following my posts about going to seek alternate treatment of Lovastatin and interferon for cancer treatment. This, by the way, is something you really should save for if/when the "standard" treatments have run out/failed. So, here I am! I'm writing this from the hotel lobby's…
How many ways to say 'Happy Holidays'?
In dutch, it's Prettige Kerstdagen en Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar or, Prettige Feestdagen en Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar (the more generic....Merry Holidays and Happy New Year). Anyone else????? Hugs, Kathi
Christmas Tree Pictues
I've posted pictures of our Christmas Trees on my Expressions Page. Post Yours so we can all see!
laser resection of lung mets
I want to share something with all of you who have lung metastases.My wife is diagnosed with CRC in march last year, 3 mets to the lungs.She have FOLFOX,avastin,tomudex,cpt,erbitux.Last three scans showed 16 mets.We was devastated.I search on the net most of the time and found this procedure,in Germany.I make contact and…
does anyone collect anything?
Just a little break from cancer here this afternoon. Does anyone collect anything.??? I grew up in the 50's so I am collecting Christmas stuff starting from the 40's up till about the 70's. I have bought a few things on ebay but mostly I just let stuff come to me through yard sales and thrift stores. There's a lot of light…
December Birthdays
Would like to take a few minutes to wish ALL the December babies and VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Julie44 - 1 Dec StacyGleaso - 2 Dec Sandi1 - 20 Dec Sfmarie - 22 Dec Dianetavegia - 29 Dec
Jeff B
Thank You so much for the gift, what a lovely thought, I love it, and UPS just delivered it, I wish I can be with you to give you a HUGEEEEEEE Hug!!! it's absolutely lovely! and it smells awesome! A gift from Pennsylvania, one of my favorite states! You are so sweet! Hugssss! ~Donna
I love the gift!!! I won't ruin it for everyone, but will post how much it means to me after they all get it. :) Your a real sweetheart! Love ya, Patti
What non-invasive surgery can be used to remove a few lung mets?
Hello semi family! Hope you all had a terrific turkey day. I have not ate so much in quite some time.... and my bowels know it! LOL.... Anyway, I have come to a point in my treatment where I feel it may be time to consider an alternative to chemo. I had a PET/CT last wednesday and get results Dec. 1st. 3 weeks ago I was in…
Ugh!!!!!!!!!!! Colonoscopy tomorrow. Update
GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!! Even the wine glass does not help!
Ouch!! My Scalp!!!
The crown of my scalp is just killing me, is this normal?? or a chemo thing? I swear, I wash it, brush it, even leaving a towel on it to dry hurts it so bad. I do put my hair up sometimes, but haven't lately, because it's been hurting so bad, I was wondering, is anyone else's scalp really tender? Hugsss! ~Donna
another juicing question
My friend brought it to my attention that all the sugar in fruit could not be good for me, she said that cancer loves sugar. What do you think about this? I know that it is natural sugar so, I wasn't sure about the answer to this question. Any advice would be appreciated. Patti
need the name or location of the place to stay in boston please
im in boston and because of the study im in i need to be here for 8 hours today and tomorrow..and i here we are having a snow storm tonight so instead of driving back home (2 hrs away)and then back in the morning i remember someone posting about a place to stay in boston but i cant remember the name of it. i am at the…
Sometimes it just blows me away
I don’t know about the rest of you but sometimes I'm just blown away that I HAVE CANCER!!! In life you kind of make plains on what you're going to do and when you're going to do them. THEM BLAAMO.... You have CANCER. What.. me have cancer? no, no no, Not me . this only happens to other people. But no, it's me this time.…
when the words wont come out
i know a lot of us have this problem and it is due to chemo and we refer to it as "chemo brain". i never had this before i was dx at age 44.now at the age of 45 i dont think it is because of age.how many people have this and how do you deal with it?...Godbless....johnnybegood
victim of this monster?
thought l would come to my second family online just really down today my husband has had a nervous breakdown he actually cried in my arms today doctor has told him because lm the main cause we should be apart for a while so he can get stronger.so for two weeks maybe more lve come home to my dads lm just so down that l…
My oncologist - Full of good news today (NOT)
My oncologist told me that I am probably in remission ( Good news ) but that the cancer will return (bad news) and that maintenance chemo will improve the length of remission but not the overall survival time because I could die from a myriad of other complications due to a compromised immune system or damage from the…
MSNBC Colon Cancer Deaths Drop Drastically
The battle against colorectal cancer has been a growing success story: The death rate dropped roughly 20 percent in the last 10 years, according to American Cancer Society figures. The new report — by researchers at the advocacy group and other organizations — predicts that death rate will drop even more over the next…
welcome back i missed you. michelle
2 stage liver resection
We had a consultation with a liver surgeon at UVA who feels my husband is a candidate for a 2 staged liver resection since he has tumors on both sides of his liver. I am grateful we are able to be considering this option since he wasn't considered a candidate for surgery before he started chemo (he had 6 rounds of FOLFOX…