AMCP's husband newest CT scan update
I have not posted much lately but have been keeping up. Frank has been going weekly to Vanderbilt for a Phase 1 clinical trial...D-1MT was the name of the medication. It was to build up immune system to fight off the cancer. We went Sunday to Vandy to have a CT scan to see how the trial was doing. Frank has gained weight,…
lisa, I sent you a pm amy
Take Control of Your Cancer and Your Life Free Webinar
Dr. Barbara Murphy Medical Oncologist and Director of the Cancer Supportive Care Program at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center This webinar is presented by the leading voices in the fight against colorectal cancer The Colon Cancer Alliance is the oldest and largest national nonprofit providing support and education for people…
dating and cancer
As far as I know I am still NED. I was not dating anyone when I found out about the cancer and I feel ready to get back out there and start trying again. My question is when do you tell someone about the cancer? It feels a bit heavy for 1st date conversation, yet it has been a huge part of my life for the past year. Not to…
Liver resection Is a GO!~ New York Here I come- UPDATE, Now what should I do?
March 17th, 2010 - Confirmed Liver resection surgery date. Not only is it St. Patrick's Day, it is exactly ONE day to the year that my world changed forever, the day I was officially told of my cancer. This past Monday, My husband & I met with Dr. Yuman Fong at Sloan Kettering, to see if he deemed my case as resectable. He…
end of chemo
well I go to my onc friday and if all goes well I will end my chemo treatments on Feb 13th I have always had good reports so not expecting and thing to be wrong but have learned that in this desease you never know. The good thing is the 13th is not on a Friday LOL...
Scan Results
Hi everyone! Just wanted to give you guys a quick update on my progress. Well, the scan results weren't as great as we had hoped for, especially considering the last scans were pretty good. The good news is that there are no new tumors! It seems that 3 of the tumors have grown in size so that wasn't a good sign. As you…
Udate on me...
It's been a while since I've given you all an update and thought I'd do it in one fell swoop instead of many little posts. Talked to my onc for the first time on Monday the 11th of January. Our appointment was about two hours long and he wanted to make sure that we didn't leave with any questions unanswered. We didn't. I…
News of a colostomy
Today we went to meet my husband's surgeon prior to his surgery fo a rectal cancer T3N0M0. He answered all of our questions since we hadn't seen him since October. My partner underwent 5 weeks of radiochemotherapy.Then he came out with the subject of a temporary colostomy. He had never talked about this possibility before…
The Reading Room: Is ‘electrosmog’ harming our health?
Electrical pollution from cell phones and WiFi may be hazardous "..."That's when I sat down with another teacher, and we remarked on all the cancers we'd seen," she says. "We immediately thought of a dozen colleagues who had either gotten sick or passed away." By 2005, 16 staffers among the 137 who'd worked at the new…
kapper48 spouse-want to say thanks
Hi, my name is Carrie and my husband is Pat (kapper48). I just "joined" myself to this board last week. I know none of you know me but I feel like I know all of you as I have read story upon story with Pat since he joined this board in 2008. When he first started doing this, I have to say it bothered me alot because in my…
finally some good news
Today I received the results of my ct scan. My onc. called and said everything other than my bladder wich i found out about last week was good. no sign of cancer anywhere else as of yet. Hopefully I can beat this bladder cancer and see the light at the end of this tunnel. Maybe I shouldn't be so happy right now because of…
T III Stage 2 rectal cancer Should I postpone treatment?
I was diagnosed just before Thanksgiving and I'm still getting tests done. I have 3 more tests coming but what I know is my tumor is 1cm from the dentate line which means a permanent colostomy is almost a certainty. I met with a "specialist" surgeon who says they will make every effort to save my natural parts but from…
So Proud:)
A friend of ours passed away friday of colon cancer. I was so sad and was talking to another friend and said the words" Cole lost his battle with cancer today" my 16yr old heard me say this and came over and said" no mom Cole DID NOT lose to cancer" He fought as hard as he could to the last very last day so in a sense he…
Donna, I want to let you know that I am thinking of you; I know you have your onc. appointment tomorrow. I am hoping you hear nothing but good news!
Donna saw onc today
I've been watching for a report on her CT scan and praying all is well. Let us know, sweetie!
Phoebe,Jenny , Michael and Mike............
May the greatest of blessings be with all of you through these times of hurt and healing. You are all in my prayers. Goodnight Semi Colons and their families.........Tomorrow is a new day.......Love and Hope, Buzz
Visit with the Onc
At first I hesitated to post with all the bad news on the board the last few weeks but thought about it a little more and realized we need to hear the good news also. After the PA was done with us in walks the onc with 2 residents with him. Now there are 6 people in a very small room. He starts out by saying he is amazed.…
Jennie (Idlehunters) do I have wrong number?
Hey Jennie, I've been trying to call you for a few days. A friend off another board needs your help. You can answer a question she needs answered before she makes a decision the beginning of the week. Your phone rings fast busy. Diane
Stoma Info
My 84 year old dad is home from surgery from rectum cancer and did a month of physical therepy because of his age. He is doing well. I just need some advice on his stoma care and the bags he is using. First how long did it take for the stoma to be at its permanent size. Also do u perfer the disposable bags or the ones with…
car repair holy crap
got the car to the shop fuel pump out $925.00 to repair I almost had a stroke pick it up tomorrow...
Visalia, Ca - Board PLs bump me up for a week...thanks!
I met your daughter today at the airport, she's a lovely young lady, and very worried about you. Hope you both are on this site and reading this post. You can personal message me by going to the home page! Hang in there, get more answers and hope you get to an ONC soon. My ONC is Dr Haseeb at the Cancer Center in Fresno. I…
colostomy or illeostomy question
Chris has both and has really never had pain with them but the last 3 weeks he is having severe abdominal pain. Could it be from the ostomies? and if so what could it be? Thanks, Mel
Friday Riddle Answer:
This week's winners are zenmonk & phillieg. They gave answers between the lines :) RIDDLE: RIDDLE: You are in a room that is an 8x8x8 perfect cube. There are no windows, or doors (don't ask me how you got in there). In the center of the floor there is a 12 inch pipe that is sticking 6 inches out of the floor. In the bottom…
Back Again
Hello all, After surgery for Type 1 back in 2006 (and 8 cycles of Xeloda), I'm back with at least one mets spot on my lung. :( Been watching a spot for the past two years on my right lung that finally got big enough to biopsy in October. Lung biopsy confirmed that it's the colon cancer - guess a scout did get out :( - with…
Stage 4 survivors 5 years and more
Please share your cancer survival story with us.
Has anyone heard from Krista. she has not posted in a while.
What's the letters after the staging mean?
I have been told that I'm a stage 3 Colorectal person. I see many post here that put a letter behind their staging, Like a,b,c, and ect. What's the letters mean? Brooks
Kidney Stones and Cancer...Any connection?
I'm interested in exploring the possibility of a connection between kidney stones and cancer. After reading the posts today--it donned on me that many cancer folks have also had kidney stones. I'm one of those--have had 3 episodes of kidney stones in the past. When I found blood in my urine on Nov 23 and had a bad pain on…
has anyone had the VATS surgery? My sister is sheduled to have it Wednsday. The purpose of the surgery wil be to do a biopsy of mets to her lungs. What should she expect as far as the surgery itself, pain afterward, hospital stay and recovery time? Thanks Amy