Hi Mike, I haven't seen any update on you for a couple of months and then saw your reply to John saying no chemo is working for you. Are you okay, my friend? Diane
Adrian and John??
I haven't seen Adrian and John since just after Christmas. Are they away on a trip or does anyone know where they are? Hope John is okay! Diane
Home From Surgery!!!!!!!
Hello to all you wonderful beings that understand and experience this journey with me. Thanks for your SUPPORT AND WISDOM AND POSITIVE APPROACH at a time when it feels tiring to keep moving forward! My hospital experience was better than I expected--quicker recoup than I expected and CHALLENGING to be poked, pricked, and…
Camptosar CPT11
Hey just got my first dose of this and had HORRIBLE side effects...I had terrible vomiting..It was mostly dry heaves but still it lasted for 5 days.....This was not supposed to be one of the side effects...YEAH RIGHT...I am also now on Avastin..They are going to give EMID next time and cut the dose of the CPT 11 to see if…
open surgery... what to expect???
just got back from cleveland clinic.. i am having open surgery...not lapro...they said 7 days in hospital and chemo depends on the pathology reports..... tumor is in rectum and lymphnodes are in the pelvic area.... we are vey impressed with the cleveland clinic, but Im very nervous about surgery!!!! what can I expect???
I have to say these things on my mind.......and to Phoebe
I know this CSN family here, this is my 2nd family but of equal importance to me. I have come to be very close to all of you during my year and so stay. I know everyone of you are saddened by another loss, another Semi Colon, Michael. I am sick of this disease, I am sick of what it does to families. I am heart broke of…
xeloda anyone?
Hi, Are any of you that are stage IV and not anticipating surgery in the near future taking xeloda (orally) as your only chemo drug? My sister is stage 4 CC with mets to liver and possibly lungs. No surgeries have been done at this point. She was recently told by her oncologist that she is not a candidate for surgery at…
I wanted to compare supplements ect. Contact me here or at the colon club or PM me.
Phone call on Friday
Hey everyone, I got a Phone call on Friday Evening Telling me to report at the hospital on Thursday 14th to have a Chemoembolization done. This will be the fourth one that I had since July 2009. It has worked in the pasted I just pray that it's soon over. Every time they clean some mets up more just keep popping up at…
a little meds question.
I started taking 1mg of ativan to help with sleep. I have been fighting on and off for 5 years now. My doc wants me off the ativan becuase it is addictive...well if it is...then I must be addicted because I have taken it for so long. She wants me try an anti-depressant called Trazodone...I have 50 mg. so slowly come off…
finished chemo and needed surgery same day
So, I get disconnected from chemo on wed. Then get admitted to the hospital the same day for emergency surgery for a small bowel obstruction. Sucks heh..
HNPCC survivors & NED
Hi, Valerie. Dx. 4/08, stage 3 1 positive node out of 18, surgery then 7 mos. chemo. I'm looking for other HNPCC survivors to find out what your maintenance plan is and your schedule for screening. My gastro doc. is telling me that I should not receive another colonoscopy until 2012. My last one was 01/09. I told them that…
On the other hand as far as eyesight degradation goes,,Avastin users
have any of you noticed a change to the better in your eyesight while using Avastin. It actually starves the tumor by stopping the blood flow to them and I was wondering if the decrease in blood flow to maybe clots in the eyes some of you may have and not be aware of relieves the pressure behind the eyes aiding in relief…
Have you read Suzanne Sommers book "KNOCKOUT"???
I started her book when I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in November and now I've returned to it. Beginning a whole new research project on the chemo/radiation follow-up. One thing I'm going to start doing immediately--now that cancer has been removed--is get on a supplemntal diet for Recovering Cancer folks. That means…
Radiation, Surgery, and Chemo is all done.. But still have days that I just don't feel good
I went through radiation, surgery, and my last chemo treatment was 3 weeks ago. SO WHEN WILL ME LEGS STOP HURTING? Has anyone went through everything and still have leg pain? My friend suggested maybe I try acupuncture. I've never tried it before has it helped anyone else on here with pain after chemo?
MIA: Jenalynet (Audrey) and another person
Gosh, I hate it when I forget a name. Those who have been here more than a year might remember him, tho. This guy posted a couple of months ago that all tx had failed and he was on hospice BUT was running errands and had just cooked a big pot of soup or stew for his family that day. I think Audrey had posted that things…
Confusing results after PET
My husband, 58, stage IV, mets to liver, colon resection, liver resection, no traces left. After 3-mo chemo, PET scan showed new mets to liver, mets to abdominal wall and 2 abdominal lymph nodes, and adrenal gland. I've searched and just can't find anything discussing those last three results. We meet with the doctor this…
Walk it Out (Wii) and Walk the Walk (Leslie Sansone)
Oh I'm going to be hurting tomorrow! I love them both. First, my Walk the Walk DVD is actually 3 DVD's to a set. I began 'Miracle Mile' and find the music fun and like how it slowly increases the beat then decreases for a slow down. Loads of fun. There's also a 2 mile walk and a weight loss walk. The 2 mile walk will come…
things just keep getting worse
Well Thusday I posted that my colon cancer has now spread to my bladder. Then I took my family out to dinner to tell them the bad news. Then I about 1:00 in the morning I told my wife to take me to the emergency room. I had stomach pains so bad that I couldn't even stand. Ends up I had a blockage in my small intestine from…
just accidentally clicked on the childhood cancer board
There are no words to describe the sadness there. I feel so lucky and blessed to have made it to 41.
Anybody had an Eye sight degradation while on Oxalyplatin?
Five years ago during my adjuvant Folfox4 chemo with Oxalyplatin I had a retina detachment followed by Laser Eye surgery. Two years ago I had a recurrence and now I am taking Oxalyplatin with Xeloda and Avastin and noticed some vision problems again. I am not sure is this because of the Oxaly or not so I'd like to hear…
Oxiplatin side effects
My step son (age 32) surgery was diagnosed with rectal cancer Jan. 2, started Oxiplatin and radiation, had surgery April 15th, now has iliostomy. Has had 6 chemo treatments of Oxiplatin post surgery. After the 5th he started experiencing a gag reflex. Dr. advised if it continued after the 6th, he would stop treatment, and…
blood in urine
Just wanted to give an update, 2weeks ago I went in for round 8 of chemo, when I got there I told my onc. that I was having a problem going to the bathroom. She told me that because I had a pressing issue that she did not want to give me chemo this week. She sent me to see my uroligist and he said I had a urinary tract…
Right now I am dealing with the dreaded "Blue Screen of Death" on my PC so my posting is limited to doing this during "work". I have to figure out and fix what is wrong. I'm pretty sure I can fix it. Being a geek has it's advantages. My PC probably just needs more chemo or maybe some MJ ;-) I know in the scope of things…
How worried should I be???
Hello, Valerie here, stage 3 colon cancer, 1 out of 18 nodes positive. Had a ct scan this week, the reults show a .7 cm spot on liver. I'm upset right now. Scheduled to go out of town with husband for anniversary, then I get this news. They want me to go for bloodwork and ultrasound for further study. How worried should I…
WELL,if you read my last discussion from about 3 weeks ago, "2010 NOT STARTING GOOD" You know about the tumour in the main bile duct that was removed during the ERCP biopsy. My surgeon wanted to do a major surgery called a 'whipple' which is bad news. worse news-- according to a new pet /ct done 2 weeks ago ,the tumour is…
Sir Spheres procedure is a go!! UPDATE
They moved the procedure to the 27th because of scheduling problems so, not next week the week after!
Does anyone know where 2010 will be located?
Getting tired of being the outlier - and questions on anyone else with chest pain or cardiac toxicit
I've mostly been away from the boards for a bit, due to time management issues. Apologies in advance; this is a long post. I had a WONDERFUL extra week off over New Year's and was allowed to go to my place in Mexico where I could walk in the fresh air along the ocean! It was a wonderful time of resting and recharging. I…
Friday Riddle
Remember, NO googling or searching the Internet ALLOWED!!! GOOD LUCK :) RIDDLE: You are in a room that is an 8x8x8 perfect cube. There are no windows, or doors (don't ask me how you got in there). In the center of the floor there is a 12 inch pipe that is sticking 6 inches out of the floor. In the bottom of the pipe is a…